looks can fool:Yandy prison sans & paps x reader

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Y/n's POV

As I was sitting at home enjoying my noodles,(Like I wish I would be doing) the news came on talking about escape fugitives. Most of them were monsters. To be honest, sometimes I really don't like the news and ignore it. The most dangerous fugitives was the skeleton Bros. They didn't look all that dangerous due to how they took their pictures.

I finished my noodles and went to bed. Before going to sleep, I looked at a few YouTube videos as always. I don't have work tomorrow or the day after that, so I can sleep all I want.

Knock knock

"What the fugde!" I exclaimed hearing knocks at my door. I don't have friends, my family shuns me, my roommate is out with her family...maybe... I got out of bed grabbing my thick dictionary because I didn't really have weapons in my room.

I walked down the hall stopping in my living room. The knocks still continued. I inched towards the door. Since I had no peep hole and the window doesn't show who's at the door, I had to open it. I peeped my eye out seeing... Nothing. I fully opened the door seeing absolutely nothing. "I've... Been ding dong ditched? Again?!" I said remembering the last time I got ding dong ditched. It was on Holloween, so I laughed it off.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "I can't believe this." I groaned. Suddenly, the skeletons I saw from TV popped out of nowhere. "Well we do." "OH MY STA-" ping. I was lifted from the ground as the two skeleboys quickly came into the house and shut the door. "LET ME DOWN!" I yelled. They only looked at me before smiling. "She looks kinda cute." The smaller one said. (Even if he was slightly taller than you!😂) "I agree brother." The taller one said. I grunted and kicked trying to get back down to the floor, feeling nauseous already. "Let's keep her." They both said in unsion. WAIT A MINUTE Ò^Ó! "NO I WILL NOT BE OWNED! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I yelled. My arms and legs were starting to get tired and blood was rushing to my head.

Sans's POV

As my bro and I looked up at the girl, I didn't feel like killing her or tying her up... I actually think my bro and I love this girl. "Please let me down." The girl said looking quite sick. Oh yeah right. I let the girl's soul go as Paps caught her. She jumped out of his arms and looked at us.

Y/n's POV

"...you... Both have five minutes to get out or-" I couldn't finish my stuttering statement because the smaller skeleton blockaded me into a wall. "Or what, gonna call the cops on us? Oh please you wouldn't even be able to get to your phone on time." The skeleton scoffed towering over me. Curse my small body, LET ME GROW AUTHOR-CHAN! (Cool it Reader-chan that was my fourth you broke!)

I glared at the two skeletons not really knowing what to do. "I'm Papyrus and that's my older brother Sans. What's yours?" The taller one asked...wait they want my name? Like the heck I am-"I'm Y/n." Darn it brain did you even listen?! "What a cute name." Sand said holding my chin so I guess he could get a better look at me. "You are a keeper." He finished. What does that mean?! He does not own me...yet. I gulped silently in fear.

The next day Û∆Û ~zzz

I opened my eyes seeing... Papyrus's face, Darn I thought it was a dream! I tried getting only to be hugged closer and the other pair of arms squeezed me like a teddy bear. I blushed, wanting to be let go. They haven't actually slept in real beds in a while, so I'll let them rest a bit. They don't really seem that bad.

Time skip π-π

I sat on the couch watching TV after making breakfast and eating mine. I heard a yawn as Papyrus came out if the room. "Morning." I said. "Morning." He replied back, walking into my kitchen. It was quite silent till Papyrus poke his skull out of the kitchen a gave me a surprised look. "Wait yo didn't call the cops on us or run out the house?!" He asked. I shook my head. "No, it looked like you guys had a hard time, so I didn't do anything." I replied. Papyrus smiled at me and I smiled back. Suddenly Sans popped into existence beside me on the couch. "Sup." He said "Morning, breakfasts in the kitchen." I said pointing towards the kitchen. Sans kissed my cheek, surprising me. "Thanks sweety." He then popped out of existence again. That's very sweet of him. I sighed, turning the channel.

No one's POV

To the two skelebros, today was perfect. They had the girl they love and on top of that, she didn't call the cops on them. They thought she was an angel. Sans then realized something. "Do you have a roommate?" He asked. Y/n gasped in shock. "I do, she's gonna faint seeing you guys." Y/n said in distress. The two skeletons now saw the roomie as a threat.

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