Not too soon: Geno x reader x reaper

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(um yeah this is the first one.)

(Y/n)'s POV

Geno, Reaper, and I have been friends for a year now and they fight sometimes. Even when they think I'm not listening. It gets annoying sometimes.

I sat on the couch as I watched them argue about who goes to the park with me while the other stays home and cook dinner. "I'll go cause if you get in a fight, you'll kill somebody." Geno said "You would too." Reaper protested. "Well I'm not the one with the death touch!" Geno yelled back. I soon just gave up and walked out the door.

I was walking around the park till this man came up to me. "Hey, hot stuff. Wanna go on a date with me." The guy asked "heh, no thanks." I said before I could say anything else, he grabbed my hand and tried dragging me to a bench. "M-mr. Please. I have to go home-" "(Y/n) what are you doing? You're suppose be at home waiting for dinner." Someone interrupted grabbing my hand and pulling me towards them. It was Geno. "Hey, back off." The guy said as we stopped. The guy then flinched as Geno sent him a death glare. The man ran away saying "Sorry man!" Geno sighed before picking me up. I yelped in surprise. "G-Geno what are you d-doing?!" I asked loudly. "People need to learn not to touch what's not there's." He said before teleporting to the house making my stomach feel queasy. "Got her Reaper!" Geno announced before setting me down on a chair. "You didn't have to teleport you know." I mumbled puffing my cheeks out and crossing my arms.

No one's POV

'So adorable.' Geno and Reaper thought as they ate their food.(how though?!) (Y/n), being adorable as usual was munching on her on fries thinking about her favorite show, (f/s).

After they had finished, Geno and Reaper talked out their little plan. "So how are we gonna do this?" Geno asked "Well, We start with a movie, but we don't make a move too soon." Reaper explained as Geno nodded.

(Y/n) was about to go to her room when Reaper hugged her waist. "Come on back downstairs and watch a movie with us." He said putting his chin on (y/n)'s shoulder. She sighed giving in. "Alright what are we watching?" She asked following Reaper downstairs. "(Least favorite scary movie)." Reaper replied. (Y/n) immediately regretted agree to watching a movie. She sat between the two as Geno started the movie.

In the middle of a scary part, (y/n) jumped in surprise and bury face in Geno's scarf making him blush. He then took all the courage he had and kissed (y/n). She was surprised making her eyes widen. Reaper got ticked and snatched (y/n) away from Geno and kissed her. (Y/n) blushed even move and cover her face. "I told you not to act too soon." Reaper huffed. "Woops sorry." Geno said. Reaper and Geno hugged (y/n). "We love you~." They coed. "I... Love jerry- (T.b- Stop that!] (Y/n)- their face we're priceless!] T.b- let's do that scene again.) "I... Love you guys too." (Y/n) said shyly as they kiss her cheeks.

(Fell- *slaps the back of my head* Are you trying to make us look bad?] T.b- My ideas come and go as please. I didn't mean for it to be so short!)

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