Photo: Moku x reader

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(Moku is such an adorable cinnamon roll! Plus I had to trace this due to my stupid phone messing up on me.)

Moku's POV

"Hey (y/n), can you help me with this?" I asked holding up my camera. I wanted to take a picture of me, her, and her dog, mochi, at the park, but don't know how to set up the stupid camera! "Sure, this button gives up three seconds to get into place before it takes a picture of us." Sure explained pointing to a small button. (I have clue what's on a camera.) I nodded as she got into place. I press the button and ran to my spot. The camera clicked. "Yay!" I cheered as the picture came out. I got into some shade and lightly blow the photo. It was perfect! One day when I marry (y/n), I'll give her this memory album for our anniversary! (Wow high hopes. -_-)

(Y/n)'s POV

Aww, Moku is so adorable! I pet Mochi (who is a big white dog with beautiful black eyes.) As I looked at Moku as he put the photo in his album. Oh how I wish I could confess to him. Everytime I try though, I become a stuttering mess. Why would Moku want a girl like me? I'm not even confident to say three simple words and I'm probably not even his type. I looked away hiding the sadness I had. Mochi curiously growled at me giving a look. "Let's face the facts that he is never gonna love." I told her sitting on the grass. Mochi rubbed her head against my cheek. I smiled sadly. "Hey what's wrong?" I heard Moku ask. I sighed putting a smile on my face. "Oh it's nothing. I'm fine." I said getting up "come on, let's get something to eat." I said pointing to this fast food restaurant called 'Wacdonald's'. Moku shook his head and pointed to a cafe. "I'm going to take you there. It's pet free and they can give Mochi food and water." Moku exclaimed.

Temmie skip 0w0

I looked at Mochi's food and it kinda looks like a delicately. I'm surprise this place hasn't whacked up there prices to a hundred or something. I sipped on my cocoa as warmth ran down my body. "So do you like it?" Moku asked as Mochi barked in a yes response. "Yeah, it makes me feel good." I replied. Moku had got water milk boba. The vinnila milk is dyed blue with boba at the bottom of the decorated cup. (All the cups are decorated. Makes it cool for the story.) Suddenly Moku spilled his drink. "Aww, I'll go get some napkins." He said before leaving.

"I would love to come here every Valentine's." I mumbled. "Hey cutie leave that guy and hang with me. I'm sure me and my guys will give you good time." A guy said walking over to me. Mochi growled at the guy. "No thank you." I said politely. The guy then suddenly cupped my cheeks getting closer to my face. I blushed in embarrassment as I tensed up. "Aww come on, what does that guy have that I don't?" He asked "Well I give a lady their space." I heard Moku say crossing his arms. "How about you back off?" The guy asked "How about you do that before you get hurt." Moku stated "Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" The guy asked once more. "Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" Moku asked in a creepy voice as he gave the guy a scary look and black stuff dripped from his mouth. The then ran away yelling a few curse words. "Thanks Moku." I said with a sigh. "Oh it's okay besides, I wanted to tell you something." Moku said getting close to me as he sat down beside me. I blushed like crazy as Moku kissed me. I kissed back as everyone in the cafe cheered and clapped. A person then then took photo and gave it to us. Best photo every! "I love you." Moku said "I love you too." I said with a loving sigh.

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