soulmate?: Asylum sans x reader

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(I was reading this book and wanted to use it. Soul bonding, just know this was someone else's Idea before mine and I wanted to use cause It was super awesome!)

I've been pleading for my goat mom to let me go to her work place and she finally agreed. I packed a few things just in case like a small lunch, some Band-Aids, and drawing equipment. Just in case U get bored cause in the asylum, they say my phone doesn't work there.

Finally getting to the asylum I looked around. It was so different compared to the things you saw in a horror movie or game. The place was nice. Soon a cat lady came up to goat mom as they looked at each other. "Come on my child, I have to do some check ups with a patient here. Do you mind just waiting while I do so?" Goat mom asked. I nodded my head. I sat in a chair and waited. I wanted to one of the patients. Maybe they need some company or maybe reassurance. I got and looked at the counter to see the bunny guy engrossed in a book or something. I walked over to the door that goat mom went through to see a lot of patients. They didn't seem to notice me as I looked at each and everyone of them. As I looked at an empty one, a *bang* caught my attention causing me to look to my left. It was a skeleton. I felt something weird, It was like nobody, but us was there. My soul came out of my body and floated over to the glass. The skeleton's did as well. As if the two souls wanted to be together.... Is... Is this my soulmate?! I was a bit confused, but also happy. I pressed my hands against the glass staring at the skeleton as he got free from his restraints and did the same. His unmatched pupils turning into heart. I got out two markers and gave one to him.

My name is (y/n) (l/n)

I'm sans the skeleton

He wrote back. Soon we started writing about great thing and drew on the glass. I spotted a skeleton he drew and asked who he was. Sans told me that it was his brother, Papyrus He told me that he was right beside him. I looked over to sans side to see a floating skull with a scarf and gloves.... Okay? We then moved on to another topic, he asked what stars looked like.

They're beautiful, Maybe I could take a picture of it and show you. Maybe one day you could get out of here and see them with me.

I wrote, he seemed so happy that I said that. It made my soul flutter in joy. speaking of souls, sans and mines  are still trying to get through the glass. I did know the code or had those cards to open the door. It made me sad in a way. I can't be with my soulmate. I want to feel his, his warmth that he probably had. "My child what are you doing?" I heard goat moms voice ask. I looked over to see her looking at me with curiosity. "I'm talking to sans-" "Why is your soul out of your body?" She asked. "I... I think we're soulmates." I said. She looked a bit scared. Why she scared? Sans doesn't look like a person to hurt someone, so it would be impossible for him to hurt soulmate. I have a book about soulmates and all the information need for this occasion. And the one of the things I remember is to never separate soulmates! Goat mom grab my soul and tried placing it back into my chest, but it refused. She tried multiple times before just leaving it alone.

San's POV

"I can't believe I found my soulmate paps!" I said with excitement while (y/n) was talking to mrs. Toriel. "Yeah this is awesome bro and she can see me which is even more awesome." Paps said with a smile. I can't wait to hug (y/n). I knew somewhat of being a soulmate before I came here. If I bond with her, we'll be unseparatetable. (If that's a word.) My soul longed to be with (y/n)'s. It kept bumping into the glass lightly. Mrs. Toriel then grabbed (y/n)'s hand and walked away from me. Wait where is she taking her? Why is she taking my soulmate? Does she hate that we'll be together forever? Does she not want us to bond? I panicked, (y/n) was getting farther and farther from me. I banged on the glass. "(Y/n)? (Y/N)?! DON'T GO STAY WITH ME! PLEASE?!" I pleaded as my soul ached. As if it wasn't damaged enough. I wanted to scream so bad! "Woah bro calm down she'll be back, trust me okay?" Paps reassured  making calm down a bit as I stopped banging on the glass. "Yeah, okay, I trust you bro." I said with small smile.

(Y/n)'s POV

I couldn't hear sans banging on the glass and pleading for me not to leave. As much as I wanted to I couldn't. "Why can't I be Sans?" I asked "It's not right, he's in an asylum. He might hurt you." Goat mom said "But he wou-" "Ah, no buts. Now you stay here while I explain to sans." Goat mom said before leaving. I didn't want her to tell him in fear he might do something bad. Soulmates deny it when other people tell them they can't be together and lash out..... Sans is in a FUDGING ASYLUM, HE COULD DO WORSE THEN JUST LASH OUT! I was about to stand up till I heard Sans screaming at the top of his non-existent lungs. I grabbed one of the cards from a lady who didn't notice as I bolted to the door and opened it to see Sans banging rapidly on the glass, Toriel that she was a liar.The glass began to crack which is suppose be impossible. Oh no. I thought running over. "Sans calm down it's okay, I'm here." I said in a panic manner. Sans instantly stopped screaming and banging on the glass. I sighed in relief as my soul floated over to the glass again. Toriel ran out of the room to other doctors. I took this opportunity to open the glass with the card. I walked in as Sans tackled me into a hug as the glass door closed. The two souls came together as is they we're embarrassing each other too. "Oh love, I wanted to do this since I met you!" He cheered with a goofy smile. "Of course we're soulmates." I giggled hugging him back. I saw ghost paps smile as he laughed. Soon Mrs. Toriel came back with a fish lady. They both gasped in shock seeing me in here.

Timeskip to explaining things

After I explained how this soulmate thing works, they excepted the fact. Sans grabbed his and my soul starting the bonding process, W-whoa isn't this a bit soon?! I didn't stop him because I didn't know how. After he finished there was small heart that looked sans soul in mines and it was the same with his. "Now we'll be together, forever." Sans said with joy hugging me and there was nothing anyone could do about it. This felt great, being him. Cause that's how soulmates feel. "I love you." Sans said "I love you too." I said with a smile.

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