No: Tsundere Xcellence x Dandere reader

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No one's POV


"But I heard they have good cross donuts."


(Y/n) puffed her cheeks out, indicating she was upset. Xcellence had a small blush across his face. Like any tsundere he wants to deny he has feeling for his crush. "Come on, they have good lattes." (Y/n) continued "...Fine if that will get you to stop." Xcellence groaned as (y/n) cheered dragging to the Cafe. It was totally animal free.

Sitting at the cafe, Xcellence ordered cold fire milk as (y/n) ordered cocoa pup. "See isn't this nice?" (Y/n) asked with a small blush. Xcellence nodded his head looking the other way. Not sooner after that a waiter came by and started talking and flirting with (y/n). Finding her cute. (Y/n) blushed like crazy only making Xcellence growled quietly glaring at them both. They both shivered trying to ignore the glare Xcellence was giving them. 'They're both b***es.' Xcellence cursed. The waiter walked away giving (y/n) his phone number.

Xcellence and (y/n) soon left the cafe. "Can I see that paper?" Xcellence asked. "Um... Sure." (Y/n) said hesitantly before getting out the waiter's phone number. Xcellence ripped the paper into pieces. "H-HEY! Why did you do that?" (Y/n) questioned. Even though she had a huge crush on him, she had to remain calm when he does something she doesn't like. "I don't like that waiter. He looks like a playboy." Xcellence simply said "Aww is someone jelly?" (Y/n) asked. A tick mark formed onto Xcellence's skull. "Keep that up and I'll show you jelly." He growled (I had no clue what that meant and I was the one writing it.) (Y/n) slipped out the actual paper that had the number on it. "I still have his number and we're going on a simple friend date to start off a good friendship." She said as Xcellence unholy screamed in his head(?)

Time skip to after friend date cause I can in every one shot 0_0

(Y/n)'s POV

I threw my cup into the trash. We had just left this place called warm feeling. They had anything that's warms to eat or drink. "This was fun, Brent." I cheered with a smile. Brent nodded. 'He would make a good friend. Maybe he can help me with Xcellence or at least give me advice on how to win Xcellence heart.' I thought. "Hey , I wanna show you something." Brent said leading my into some trees. "I found this spot yesterday and I thought it would be great to show you." He continued. (wow.... Rape} Error- Ooooh} Ink- delete that right now!) Brent showed a small place with a clearing. I guess this was impressive. "This is kinda great." I said mentally cringing. Suddenly Brent pushed me on to the ground and pinned. "H-HEY Bren-" "You're too trusting (y/n). Keep that in mind In the future." He said unbuttoning my (f/c) cardigan. I struggled as he covered my mouth. I then kicked him in the peepee- (that's what I call it, don't blame me.) Brent let me go and held his part as I ran away. I panicked, I felt scared, cold, and my mind was blank.

I reach my apartment where me and Xcellence live. I slammed the door and ran up my room. I put on my headphones and put on some soothing music. Something I would do when I had a super bad day.  I shut my eyes as tears rolled down my face. My breathing lowered as a lump in my throat formed, I cried. My door creaked open and a boney hand grasp my face. It was Xcellence. "What happened?" He asked "H-he was g-gonna rape me!" I cried. "Oh, (y/n). You should of known that it was going to happen." Xcellence said soothing me. "Why.... Why do you care?" I mumbled not making eye contact. Suddenly he kissed me. I flinched but soon melted into the kiss. I felt like an eternity before we broke it. "Because, I love you." Xcellence confessed "I love you too." I said hugging him. "Okay let's stop the mushy crap." Xcellence said.

Bonus of course  ;-;

No one's POV

Xcellence went to the cafe Brent worked at while (y/n) was in her comfy stop at home. "Oh look, it's you." Brent said sarcastically before he was punched the ground and strangled. "STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND YOU B***!" Xcellence yelled "OKAY OKAY! LET ME GO!" Brent choked out in fear. Xcellence then grabbed a knife and tried stabbing him, but two people stopped him. "THAT'S A LIE, PLAYBOY! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER COME TO THIS CAFE AGAIN!" He shouted.

Soon after Brent was fired due to the numerous complaints of boys telling the cafe about Brent flirting with their girls.

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