As long as you're here: Buttontale sans x reader

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(Buttontale makes me cry!)

"Where's (y/n)?" I heard blue ask my brother, (b/n). "Go look for her in her room." I heard (b/n) say. I heard footsteps and the door opened. I hide in the sea of plushies I either bought or made. "(Y/n), where are you?" Blue asked. I rolled out of the plushies wearing a smile on my face. "I'm right here." I stated. "Come here I wanna show you something." Blue said picking me up and running to his house. He put me down and got out key that looked like a button and put it in this small door. He whispered a few pleases before opening it. There was a tunnel. "What's that?" I asked pointing "it's a tunnel that leads to my other brother." Blue said with a wide smile. I didn't like this. "Blue, that other brother could be an evil dude wanting to eat children." I said a little unsure about this. "Oh come on, this'll be fun and with you there, it'll be amazing!" Blue exclaimed before crawling in the tunnel. I contemplated for a bit and just gave up. I followed after blue.


I stared directly at the button eyed Papyrus. I have to say... This guy makes good cake. "So are you enjoying today?" He asked me. I slowly nodded. "Good, I knew you would. I heard from blue you like plushies, so here." Other Papyrus said handing me a doll that looked exactly like me. I took it from him mumbling a thank you before walking over to blue. "Look what he gave me." I told blue "Cool, I have one just like that at the house." Blue explained.

A while after we were put to bed. "I guess we can trust the guy." I whispered to blue "I knew you would agree with me. Goodnight." Blue said hugging me. I blushed a little as I hugged back going to sleep.

No one's POV

(Y/n) hasn't seen blue in months since the secret  door thing and it was starting to worry her. She went over to his house to see that Paps wasn't there. She waited till 10:00 for either him or blue, but there was no one. She soon just went to sleep.

(Y/n) was then woke up by a little flowey who was tooting a little horn. She looked at em as it disappeared into the ground and downstairs to the little door. (Y/n) followed opening the door. She crawled through it opening the other side of the door to see blue at the table with his back turned. "Blue..." (Y/n) said making him flinch. She walked towards him as he tried hiding his face. "You need to leave... Now." Blue said nervously. "No, I haven't seen you in months and I was starting to get worried. Come back home-" "I can't." Blue stated "why not?" (Y/n) asked with anger.

Blue took a deep breathe before turning around. (Y/n) gasped seeing his eyesocket sewed in with a button and it was bleeding. (Y/n) caressed blue's face. "What did he do?" She asked "I fixed him up and you're next." Other Papyrus said from behind her. He snatched her up as she struggled. "LET GO OF ME!" (Y/n) shouted in fear as blue tried getting her out of other Papyrus's grasp. "NO, PLEASE DON'T HURT HER! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST PLEASE STOP!" Blue pleaded. Other Papyrus thought for a moment before letting (y/n) go. "Fine, but if you two don't behave, you both will be punished." And with that other Papyrus took his leave blocking the secret door, so they wouldn't escape.

(Y/n) shakingly took a breathe clenching on to blue who was panicking. "Now, we can't leave." Blue mumbled "Yes we can, we can make a deal-" " I already tried that. It's how I got this button eye." Blue said "But... I think I'll be okay... As long as I'm with you." He said.

A week later, the two went by the day like it was normal, but they were to never go outside and they never smiled around other Papyrus. Only around each other. They felt comfortable with each other... Cause they loved each other.

"Hey, (y/n) can I tell you something?" Blu asked "sure what?" (Y/n) said. Blue held her hands. "I... I love you and I know this is a difficult time for us, but as long as you're here with me, I know when can make it." Blue said. (Y/n) was on the verge of crying as she smiled. "I love you too." She said. Blue kissed her as she kissed back.

The next day, everything just felt like nothing ever happened. No buttons for eyes and no blood. "Hey (y/n), blue's-" before (b/n) could even finished, (y/n) jumped up and ran downstairs. She jumped up in blue's arms. "I'm so glad that nightmares over." (Y/n) said. Blue then got out the key. "Yeah. Wanna go dump this in the lake?" Blue asked "I'd love that." (Y/n) said. They were never gonna speak of that horiable moment ever again.

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