We get home and my mom opens the door groggily I giggle "oh by the way Tara and Devyn are coming over" "ok just be quiet I'm taking a nap" I giggle and nod then she goes to her room. I head up to my room and sit on the hanging chair and my phone goes off
Devyn✨: Sam can Jake and Corey come over as well
Sammyy: no sorry
Tara 😍: what why not
Sammyy: I would be ok with it but my room it's a little.. feminine
Devyn✨: oh ok, I can't wait to see it!
I giggle and put my phone away and I move to my bed and turn on the tv. I hear a knock on the door so I get up and make my way down there and open it and I get greeted with squeals and hugs I giggle "guys be quiet my mom is taking a nap" they giggle and then I let them in "where's you room?" Tara asks "follow me" I smile and walk upstairs with them behind me and I get to my door and its closed "ready?" I look back at them "yes! Open it" Devyn squeals I giggle and then open the door and I hear them gasp they walk in fully "bitch! It's amazing!" Devyn squeals I giggle I turn to see where Tara went and she's in the hanging chair I giggle and I sit on my bed and Devyn does too "let's watch netflix" Tara says I nod and I pass her the remote.
"guys I don't want to be here anymore" I say to Jake and Corey as we walk to lunch "dude I don't either" Corey says "how about we leave get lunch somewhere else?" Jake says "Jakey!" Tara hugs him "hi Tara" he kisses her head then Devyn comes over and Corey wraps his arm around her "let's all leave now" I say "ooo can we go to the mall" Devyn asks we agree on that and we all leave and get in my car Corey in the passenger and Jake behind me in the back Tara in the middle and Devyn behind Corey and I pull away. We were all having our own conversations and then Devyn squeals and I jump a bit and laugh "Tara look!" She shows her, her phone and she gasps I chuckle "what are you guys on about?" I ask and they giggle "I just found a picture of our friend" Devyn says "it's Sam again isn't it" Jake asks with a small chuckle "yeah" Tara says "you can never hear the end of him can you?" "don't worry Jakey he's not into girls" he chuckles "I know you told me" "why do you guys talk about him a lot" Corey asks "well he's our best friend and we barely see him and we are just excited that he's moving here now" Devyn explains "ah we finally get to meet this Sam" "we're here" I say as I park the car and we get out and head in the mall.
We walk around looking in stores getting some things "ok now where?" Jake asks "hot topic?" I say as we pass the store they nod and we walk in and I go look at the rings seeing if there's any cool looking ones I don't find one I like and I go to the hoodies and I find one I like. I look around not finding anything else so I just pay for it and the others walk up to me "did you find anything?" "yeah a hoodie" they nod "are you guys done?" "oh no I'm gonna look around for a bit more" Tara says "ok we'll wait outside" she nods and then we go across the hall and wait. "What's taking her so long?" Jake groans Devyn giggles "I'll go check" she says and goes in. Devyn and Tara come back and they didn't get anything but they have big smiles on their faces "what's got you two so happy?" I ask "Sam was in there!" Devyn squeals "ah is he going to school?" "yeah he is but I don't know when" Tara looks back "Sammy!" She yells and runs and Devyn goes with too I furrow my brows but then I see a blonde turn around and then they hug him I chuckle "let's go over and meet this Sam" Jake says looking at Corey he nods and they walk over and I walk steps behind them and then my phone rings so I lean against a near by wall and I answer it seeing its my girlfriend, Vanessa "hi babe" she says "hi Ness what's up" "I miss you, you weren't at lunch" "oh I'm sorry I left early" she sighs a bit "ok" I can hear the sadness laces in her voice "hey why are you sad" "it's just we don't really hang out anymore" "I'm sorry I'm just busy with football practice you know that, how about you came by my house in like an hour or two" "ok I'll see you then" "yeah bye" "bye love you" "love you too" I hang up and I look up and watch the others and listen to what they're saying. Sam's phone rings and he answers it "I'll be there soon" "I know I know" he rolls his eyes and giggles cute wait no I'm str- I have a girlfriend. I shake my head "iknowillseeyousoonbyeloveyou" he says fast and hangs up giggling and I shake my head smiling a bit "sorry it's my mom she's 'too tired' I'll see you guys at school" "aww ok I'll see you later" Tara says he goes to say something but his phone rings again and he rolls his eyes answering it "I kn-" "I know I'll be there soon bye" he hangs up and giggles again, that giggle it's cute I smile and then walk up to the others as he walks away.
I drive back to the school and park "see you guys tomorrow" I say and they nod and say their goodbyes and get in their cars and I drive back home. I get there and I go up to my room and I flop on my back on my bed my phone goes off and I check it
ness 💕: is it ok if I come over now
colbs ❤️: yeah ofc
ness 💕: thank you see you soon ❤️
I sigh and put my phone down I forgot I let her come over I didn't really feel like having her over anymore. I open my window since it's getting hot in here and I take off my shoes and sit down and go on my phone. I hear a squeal from outside I furrow my brows and I look out my window seeing Devyn and Tara "guys quiet my mom's sleeping" I hear someone say I furrow my brows but ignore it and let it be and go back on my phone. There's a knock on the door and I go downstairs "who is it Colby?" my mom asks "it's Nessa" I say and open the door "hi Ness" I smile and she hugs me and I hug back "c'mon let's go up to my room" she nods and we go up
I shut the door behind us "what do you want to do?" I ask "can we cuddle?" I smile "course we can" I lay on the bed and she lays next to me and puts her head on my chest "here choose something" I hand her the remote and she takes it and she chooses some movie on netflix. She cuddles closer "I missed you" she says I pull her closer "can I stay over?" "do you have clothes?" "yeah I have a bag in my car" "ok why don't you get that and change" she nods and she peck my lips and she goes down to her car. I get up and go to my closet and change into joggers once I finish I see a light from the corner of my eye I furrow my brows and I go to my window and notice it's coming from the house Devyn and Tara went in I look through the window and notice Tara, Devyn and the blondie and they hug then soon Tara and Devyn leave and I look back to the window and notice him changing I look away of course and when I look back up he's in feminine pajamas cute I smile and then I look away and Vanessa walks in and goes to the bathroom that's connected to my room. She comes out and we cuddle again and we both fall asleep.
Sorry the chapters are kind of boring right now :/