I wake up and I sit up and rub my eyes and I grab my phone and turn it on and check the time 7:15 my eyes go wide and I get out of bed and rush to my closet and quickly get dressed. I grab my phone and backpack and go downstairs and my mom walks through the door "oh Sam I got you Starbucks!" "Thank you" I take it from her "I have to go I'll be late for the bus" "ok have a good day" I nod and I walk out the door and start walking to the bus stop and drink my Starbucks. My phone soon goes off so I take it out of my pocket and check it
Colby🧀❤️: where are you the bus is almost here
Sam❤️: ok
I put my phone back in my pocket and I sigh since I'm less than halfway there so I start running. I turn the last corner and I slow down and start walking and I hear the bus I look to where it turns and sure enough it's right there I groan and I run up to the bus stop. I get there as it pulls up "woah Sam you ok?" Jake asks and I glare at him "sh-shut up" I say catching my breath still and they laugh and we get on the bus. I sit down and Colby sits next to me "why are you breathing hard?" I glare at him "I just ran the whole way here" "why were you even late?" "I woke up late" "wh-" "I swear if it's another question I will punch you" he laughs "someone woke up on the wrong side if the bed" Jake says I turn around and slap his head "oww" he whines and we laugh.
We get off the bus and I throw away my cup as I pass the garbage can. We get in the building and go up to the others "hi guys!" Jake says as we get there "hi!" They say back "watch out for Sam he might bite" Jake jokes and I punch his arm "ow!" He rubs it "see I told you!" Everyone laughs and we start talking. "Hi guys!" We all look over and it's Vanessa "go away!" Tara yells she rolls her eyes and goes up to Colby and slips her hand in his and he pulls it away "what the fuck go!" "Why?" "We're not together anymore!" "Yeah we are you were just joking" "no I wasn't" "co-" "dude go away no one wants you here!" Brennen yells sounding angry she scoffs and stomps away "why are you so mad?" Griffin asks Brennen "nothing" he grumbles "you sure?" Xepher asks and he sighs "she just tried kissing me at the party but I yelled at her and pushed her away so she went with some other dude but she's still trying to get with me" he says everyone stayed silent in shock "she what?" Kat said "yeah see look" he pulled out his phone and showed us the texts and it's just her begging him to be with him and him rejecting her "it's really annoying" "then block her" I say "oh I forgot you can do that" I shake my head and he blocks her and we change the subject. The bell rings and we say bye and I head to my first class which is with Colby so I walk with him.
We get in class and sit in the back and the lesson start. "Colby" the teacher calls but he doesn't answer so I nudge him "hm what?" He jumps and I nod my head towards the teacher "what's the answer?" She asks "oh umm" "27" I whisper "27?" He says she nods with a small smile and continues talking "what's wrong?" I ask "Nothing" "you sure you keep zoning out" "oh" he sighs "just what Brennen said earlier about Vanessa" "oh, well you shouldn't let it get to you she isn't worth it I know getting cheated on sucks but try to get over it there's a better person out there for you" he nods and I give a small smile and listen to the lesson again.
We all get on the bus and sit in our normal seats and everyone starts talking as the bus starts I sigh and look out the window. I feel something warm touch my thigh I furrow my brows and look down and it's Colby's hand and he squeezes it a bit and I blush and look back out the window and try to ignore it since my thighs are my weak spot and the fact that it's Colby makes it worse. I start to bounce my leg the one with out his hand as he starts to move his thumb rubbing my thigh gently "your cute when your flustered" he whispers in my ear and I blush deeply as I feel his breath hit my skin he moves his hand to my inner thigh and grip it gently and since I'm more sensitive there i quickly grab his hand and put it in his lap and he chuckles a bit "why'd you do that?" He asks and I look at him and he smirks and puts his hand back on my thigh "s-stop" I stutter and move his hand "why can't I put my hand there?" He frowns slightly putting his hand back on my inner thigh and I whine quietly and move his hand again "s-stop" "what's happening?" Tara asks turning around and she looks at me and laughs a bit "why do you look so, flustered?" She ask unsure "I-im not" she gives an unconvinced look "Dev" she says and she turns around "yeah?" "does Sammy look flustered?" Devyn looks at me "yeah why are you?" I whine a bit and then Colby's hand goes back on my inner thigh and he squeezes it and I move his hand "s-stop it" "oohhhhh I see" Tara says with a small giggle "sh-shut up" they laugh and turn around and I look at Colby "d-dont do it again" "fine" he frowns and I shake my head and look back out the window.
We get off the bus and we start walking "why did you guys ride the bus?" I ask Tara and Devyn "oh we're going to Colby's house with Jake and Corey" Tara says "oh ok" then they go up to them and start talking and I just walk behind walking quietly. I jump out of my thoughts when I feel someone grab my hand intertwining our fingers and I look to see Colby and I blush "why are you walking by yourself?" I shrug he nods and squeezes my hand and rubs the back with his thumb and I look down at them and smile with a small blush creeping on my face and I look somewhere else and think again.
We get to my house and Colby stops with me as the others keep walking to his house "bye cutie" he smiles and let's my hand go and puts his hands on my hips and I blush slightly he smiles and wraps his arms around my waist bringing me in for a hug and I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck hugging back "bye Colby" I say and we pull away from the hug "see you tomorrow cutie" he says and ruffles my hair and I giggle "bye" I say and we walk separate ways to our own houses.
I get in my house and I go to the kitchen and grab a water and sit in the counter "oh Sam your home!" My mom says and rushes around I giggle "what are you doing?" I giggle "I have to go to work and I can't find my- oh here they are!" She grabs her keys "bye mom" "bye!" She leaves I sigh softly and I go in the fridge and make myself a sandwich. I finish eating and I go upstairs and I take a shower.I get out of the shower and change into a hoodie and I walk out and I pick up charger and set him on the bed and he lays at the foot of the bed. I grab my phone and turn on my speaker and connect my phone to it and play music and I lay so my head at the foot of the bed and I stare up at the ceiling and listen to the music getting lost in thought. I get out of my thoughts hearing my phone go off it going through the speakers making it loud I sit up and grab my phone and lay back down and go on my phone.
Colby🧀❤️: you ok cutie
I furrow my brows and I turn my head to my window and seeing Colby's window him looking out of it and he smiles at me a little and I smile back and I look back at my phone getting another text but I answer Colby first
Sam❤️: yeah I'm ok
I go to the other message and frown seeing it's Vanessa, you see she's been sending me death threats ever since I found out Colby was the one texting me and I've been ignoring them but they're now begining to be too much
Vanessa: your just a worthless piece of sh*t no wonder your dad left you
My heart dropped to my stomach and my eyes filled with tears and I threw my phone at the wall and it hit it so hard it ricocheted off it. Tears falling fast I brought my hands to my hair pulling it and I let out a loud broken sob and i curled in a ball crying.
I smiled seeing Sam look at me and he smiled back and then I got a text saying he was ok I smiled and put my phone down looking back at the window "why are you smiling?" Tara asked and I looked at her and shrugged she furrowed her brows but nodded anyways and I looked back out the window to see Sam pull at his hair crying my face drops and I run out of the room "Colby where we you going!?" Jake yells as I run down the stairs "I'll be back!" I call and leave and I run to Sam's house. I get to the door and open the door and let out a sigh of relief as it isn't locked. I go to his room hearing his sobs and my heart breaks hearing them I open his door and I walk in and I go to his bed and pull him in a hug "shhh it's ok" I rub his back he looks at me his eyes full of tears and he hugs me tightly I frown and pull him in my lap and he digs his head in my neck letting out sobs I rub his back and whisper sweet nothings to him.
He calms down and pulls away from the hug and wipes his tears and I still rub his back "what happened?" He sighs "Vanessa" he says quietly I furrow my brows "she.. she's been sending me d-death threats.." my heart drops "I'm so sorry" he nods looking down couple tears falling down I sigh and pull him back in the hug which he returns putting his head in my neck and I lay my head on his "don't listen to what she says" "b-but it's tr-true" he sobs "no, no its not you are perfect the way you are" he lets out a sob and hugs me tighter I sigh a little and wrap my arms around him and hold him tight and he nuzzles his head further in my neck. His breathing soon evens and gets quieter and I sigh as I realize he fell asleep I stand up still holding him and I bend down to lay him on the bed but his grip tightens I chuckle and lay down pulling the covers back and lay down and pull the covers over us and hold him tight and I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.