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"Wake up" I hear Colby say and I feel him playing with my hair I whine and snuggle into him "answer your phone please" I whine and grab my phone and answer it "hello?" I mumble and Colby pulls me closer and I close my eyes snuggling into him "get home now" my mom says sounding mad "what why, are you ok?" I hear her sigh "just come home" "ok I'll be there soon" I say and hang up putting my phone back on the table and Colby pulls me close again "who was it" he mumbles "my mom" he hums and I close my eyes wanting to go back to sleep "what'd she want?" "Wants me to go home" I mumble he hums again and we stay silent and I fall back asleep.
I wake up again and I'm on top of Colby and his arms are wrapped around my waist I sigh and sit up still on him and I stretch and rub my eyes and I get off the bed and go to the bathroom. I get out of the bathroom and I sit on the bed and grab my phone and as I did it started ringing and it was my mom so I pick it up "Sam get home now" she says sounding mad again "um o-ok, is everything ok?" "Samuel get here now!" she yells and hangs up I sigh and put my phone down I feel arms wrap around me "is everything ok?" Colby asks worried "I don't know..." "I heard her yell do you know what it could be about?" I shake my head "she barely gets mad like this" I sigh "it'll be ok, I'll come with if you want" I nod "ok just let me get dressed first" he says unwrapping his arms getting up and going in his closet. I get up and go in my bag and take out my pants from yesterday and put them on along with my shoes and I fix my hair and I sit on the bed and go on my phone.

"Sam" Colby calls I hum still looking at my phone "does this look good?" "yeah" I say not looking up or really knowing what he's asking "or should I wear these ones?" "yeah" he sighs "am I hot?" "yeah" my phone gets taken out of my hands "why'd you take it?" I ask looking up at him "because you weren't paying attention" I nod "yes I was" "fine then what was I talking about?" I stay silent he chuckles "I was asking what shoes looked better with my outfit" I make an 'o' shape with my mouth "oh also you called me hot" he says walking to his closet "w-what?" he chuckles "anyways which ones?" he grabs two pairs of shoes "those ones" I point to a pair he nods and puts them on "ok you ready?" I nod and grab my backpack and we walk downstairs me hopping of the last step and he laughs a bit I giggle and we leave.
We get to my house and we get out of the car and I open the door "mom I'm here!" I call "get in here!" She yells from the living room clearly mad I sigh and put my bag down and Colby goes in the kitchen and go to the living room. "W-whats wrong?" I ask scared she sighs noticing "your grounded" she says calmly "what why?" "Well one your grades are getting low" I nod "I can easily fix that" she nods "am I still grounded?" "Very much so" I was about to ask why but she cut me off once again mad "you got suspended! For breaking someone's nose!" I jump not expecting her to yell I go to say something again but she cuts me off "why!? Why would you do that!?" I open my mouth but she cuts me off again "it's not like you, why w-" "if you would let me talk I'd tell you!" I yell getting mad myself and she looks at me shocked "don't yell at me!" I rub my face groaning and she starts yelling at me not letting me talk and I jump up and down impatiently "I did it because she sends me death threats! She deserves what I did because shes a fucking bitch she brings back the memories of dad making almost want to fucking kill myself she hit me more times then my friends know about! Wanna know why because I hang out with her ex boyfriend! she's mad at me cause she says it's my fault but she cheated and is putting everything on me! A-and I'm sorry that this upsets you but I couldn't take it anymore!" I yell at her cutting off what she was saying on the verge of tears "don't cut me off and don't yell at me" she says sternly and I let a few tears slip "that's what your worried about not that I wanted to fuc-" "don't cuss" I shake my head and wipe my tears "what do you know your always at work" I say quietly "I'm at work to help put a roof over your head and this has nothing to do with what were discussing!" I shake my head and she sighs "now.. why did you" she says calmly "did you not listen to what I just said!" "You can tell me without yelling" I shake my head and walk out of the room

"Don't walk away from me!" She yells I ignore her and walk to the kitchen and Colby's there and I sigh "nice wall huh?" He chuckles awkwardly I shake my head and grab a water out of the fridge "Samuel!" I sigh and walk over "what?" I say completely over this now and she starts giving me a lecture about yelling at her I cross my arms putting my hand up to my mouth trying to keep in my tears "it was wrong of you to do that" she says I shake my head "you don't know anything and if you listened to me you'd see why I did it" "then why, why did you break her nose" "because she sent me death threats mom, she reminded me of d-dad she found out I don't know how but she did, y-you know what I went through I-i almost did it ag-again" I say calmer letting the tears fall her face softens "I'm so sor-" "no d-dont I already told you that b-but you gave me a lecture for y-yelling just- just go to work and leave m-me alone like y-you always do" I say quietly and walk away going up to my room.

I sit on my bed crying silently watching as charger plays with his toy. The door opens and I look up "hey.." "go to school Colby" he sighs "I'd rather stay with you" I shake my head "don't" I say but he ignores me and walks over and and sits on the edge of the bed "please... I-i want to be alone" he pulls me in his lap hugging me and I hug him back nuzzling my head in his neck "can I please stay?" I shake my head he sighs and rubs my back "but 1st period already started" I pull away from him "i-it doesn't matter you s-skip one class a day anyway" he sighs "fine" I crawl out of his lap "bye" he says standing up "bye" he leaves and I turn on netflix and I soon fall asleep.


The bell rings and I pack my things and head to lunch. I get my food and sit down "dude why were you late?" Jake asks "I was with Sam and he got in a fight with his mom and I tried staying with but he wouldn't let me" they nod "why isn't he here?" Tara asks "suspended" "what why?" "Broke Vanessa's nose" their jaws drop and I chuckle "yeah his mom wasn't too happy about it.." "ooo I bet" Tara says I nod "you just don't know what to do when they fight" Devyn says "yeah we were at his house one time and they were fighting and it was awkward" Tara agrees "I know he came back and I was just like 'nice wall huh' and then they started yelling again" "wait wait wait did you actually say that" Jake asks with a chuckle "yeah" they laugh and then we start talking about
other things.


It's now the end of the day and I get in my car and drive to Sam's house. I get there and get out of my car and I notice his mom isn't here I sigh and go up to the door and open it and go inside. I go up to his room and close the door and I go to his bed and he's sleeping and he has tears stained cheeks I sigh and take off my shoes and get in the other side getting under the covers laying on my back and I pick a show on netflix and as I am Sam moves putting his head on my chest and his arm and leg over me I smile and put the remote down after picking something and I wrap my arms around him playing with his hair and he snuggles into me I smile and place a gentle kiss on his head and watch netflix. I soon get tired so I adjust getting more comfortable and I hold Sam close and drift off to sleep.

The Boy Next Door {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now