I wake up to the alarm going off I groan and turn it off and I look down at Sam to see him curled in my side I smile and kiss his head and get up careful to not wake him. I go to Sams closet seeing if he has any big clothes since I didn't bring any and I end up finding a pair of boxers and black pants. I put them on and find a top and I chuckle seeing one of my hoodies that I've been looking for that's half grey half black I grab it and put it on. I head downstairs and go in the kitchen and go in the fridge grabbing the eggs.
I put the eggs on the plates and the toast pops up so I take them putting jam on them. I put the plates on the table with a glass of orange juice next to them and I head back up to the room. "baby" I say softly moving his hair out of his face "baby wake up" I say cupping his cheek caressing it and his eyes flutter open and he smiles as our eyes meet "get up baby" he hums and sits up wincing I chuckle lightly and he pouts "aw baby" I coo making him blush so he hides his face with his hands I smile softly and move his hands and lift his head up and kissing him softly. We pull away and smile at each other and I peck his lips once more "get dressed baby" I say gently "can you help me?" I nod "what do you want to wear?" he shrugs "something comfy" I hum and go to his closet and look through his clothes grabbing panties, sweats, and a cropped hoodie and I leave going back to Sam and help him change. "wait I don't want to wear this" Sam says as he puts on the hoodie "what do you wanna wear then?" "I want to wear- oh nevermind" he pouts and I furrow my brows "what's wrong baby?" "nothing" I hum and peck his lips and pick him up "where we going?" ha asks wrapping his legs around me "downstairs" I say going down the stairs "oh really?" He says sarcasticly and I chuckle shaking my head and I put him in the chair sitting in the one next to him "Colbs you didn't have to" he says seeing the food "I know but I wanted to" he smiles "thank you" "of course" I say and kiss his temple and we start eating.
"Ready?" I ask holding out my hand and he smiles and grabs it "yep" I smile and kiss the back of his hand and we leave. "baby?" I say breaking the silence we were in "yeah?" he says glancing at me "what were you sad about earlier?" "nothing" he mumbles "baby?" I ask worried "nothing it's stupid" "ok" I sigh and we continue walking in silence. "Colbs?" he whines "what? are you okay?" I ask concerned and stopping "carry me?" he pouts I chuckle and pick him up he giggles I smile and peck his lips and he smiles "tell me why you were sad" I say "cause I wanted to wear your hoodie" he mumbles against my neck "aw baby" I coo and he whines quietly digging his head in my neck I chuckle and rub his back and contine walking to the bus stop.-
We get off the bus and walk into school and go to the others "hey guys!" I greet "hey!" They say back and we start talking. "Sam it looks like you gained a little weight" Jake says with a small chuckle "Jake!" Everyone yells and I see a tear roll down Sam's cheek "baby.. don't cry" I say pulling him in for a hug "I-i told you I was f-at" he sobs "baby" I sigh "you aren't fat at all" "y-es I a-am" "look at me," he pulls away looking at the floor and I lift his head up cupping his cheeks wiping the tears "your not fat, your body is perfect the way it is you don't have to change for anyone because your perfect the way you are, ok? don't listen to what anyone else says about you because it isn't true and never think badly about yourself you truly are perfect" I say seriously but calm he lets out a sob "I-im not perf-ect" he sobs as I pull him into a hug "your perfect in my eyes baby" I whisper softly and he hugs me tight "I-I love you Colbs" he sobs "I love you too baby" I say back pulling away from the hug and I wipe his tears and kiss his forehead.
The bell rings shortly after and I grab Sam's hand "C'mon baby" "wait I need to go to my locker" I nod and we go to his locker "uh Sam?" We hear Jake say as he closes his locker "I'm sorry" he mumbles "what?" Sam says with a slight smile "sorry" he mumbles again "I can't hear you" Sam says with a small giggle knowing Jake doesn't like apologizing "I'm- fuck you" Jake laughs Sam laughs shaking his head and I grab his hand again and we all walk to class.-
Short chapter I know
my wifi wasn't working so
it's short and that's why it was
late anyway longer chapter tommorow I promise.