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"Sam wake up" I hear my mom say while shaking me and I groan "get up your going to be late" I turn around "Sam get up you start only have 20 minutes till the bus gets to the stop" "what!?" I sit up she nods and I groan "I won't make it in time" "skate" she shrugs "I don't wanna" I say standing up going to my closet "well it's your only way unless you want to run" she says and leaves my room I sigh and quickly change. I grab my backpack and put it on and put my phone in my back pocket and I grab my skateboard and go downstairs my mom already off to work and I grab a water out of the fridge and leave. I get on the sidewalk and I start skating going slow at first untill I get the hang of it and I go faster. I slow my pace as I get closer and I soon come to a stop now there "you can skate!?" Jake asks both surprised and excited "yep" I say and pick up my skateboard as the bus gets here and we get on."Can you do any tricks?" Griffin asks as we sit down "yeah" they nod and we start talking about other things.
The bus comes to a stop and we all get up and get off and walk inside. "You won't do a trick right now" Jake challenges as we get inside "I don't know" I say "fine don't" I shake my head with a small giggle. "Do one pleasee" Jake begs as we get to the others I sigh "fineee" "yesss" I shake my head with a small smile and I put my skateboard down and get on it and do a simple kick flip landing it "what!? You can skate!???" Colby yells getting here "yeah" I say and open my locker putting it in there. I close it and I see Jake, Griffin and Colby share a look and they all nod "what just happened?" I ask "we're going to the skate park and your coming with us no matter what" Jake says "ok" "yess!!" They cheer and I shake my head with a small smile and I turn to Devyn's and Tara and talk with them.


It's now the end of the day and I go to my locker and open it and grab my skateboard and go outside and look for Colby since he sent a text to meet him outside. I find him and I skate over to him "hi" I say as I stop and Griffin and Jake are here "ready?" Colby asks "yep" he nods and we walk to his car and I sit in the passenger and Jake and Griffin get in the back and we talk as Colby goes to Jakes and Griffin's house so they can get their skateboard.
Griffin gets back in the car and Colby starts driving again "wait don't you need yours?" Griffin asks Colby "no I have one in my trunk" he nods and Colby drives to the skate park.
"Ok so don't talk to any of them" Jake says as we walk to the ramps pointing to a group of people "why not?" "Just don't" Colby says I nod "ok" I look around the place confused on why it looks so familiar "ok.. Sam go first I wanna see what things you can do" Jake says "no you go first I'm a bit rusty" I say he nods "ok I guess" he goes and does some tricks.
"Your turn" Colby says as he gets back from doing his tricks "I'm not that good though" "I'm sure your great just go" he says sitting down "we won't judge you just go" Griffin says "ok" I smile with a slight giggle and I get up "wait what do you mean, ok" Jake mimics me with a fake giggle and a smile "oh nothing" I say and go to the ramps ignoring them asking what I mean. I get to the edge of the ramp and lean forward and I do tricks that are more complex then what they did. I go back to where I started, finishing out of breath and everyone cheers and I smile a bit and get to the others and they all have shocked faces and I giggle a little and sit down drinking water "how-" they say at the same time "I taught myself how to skate and would always come to a park and made couple friends and helped me more and I did tournaments so" I explain "dude that's cool" Griffin says I nod "oh no here comes Mike" Jake mumble "don't talk to him" Griffin tells me "wait who?" "hey" I hear a familiar voice say and I look over seeing my old skating friend, Mike "go awa-" Colby starts "oh my god!" I yell cutting Colby off and Mike smiles "it's been forever!" I yell again getting up and hugging him "I know how are you?" He asks as we pull away "I'm good I actually live here now" "so your finally living without your dad?" "ye-" I get pulled away and I look over to see Colby is the one who pulled me "why'd you do that?" "We told you not to talk to him" he says "yeah.. but he's my friend" "what do you mean?" Jake asks "He's the person I met and did the tournaments with" "but they're really rude" Griffin says "I can hear you" Mike says and walks up to us "he's not that mean unless you guys did something" I say and they go silent and I shake my head with a small giggle "what did you do?" I ask "they stole my skateboard" Mike says "it's actually that one" he says pointing at the one Jake is holding "bitch! I knew that looked familiar" I say seeing the design on the back it being a skull design and Jake chuckles nervously "whatever, but since it was a dumb gift isn't a good reason to try and beat us up for it" Jake grumbles "bitch! I bought him that 'dumb' gift" "heh.. want it back?" He says holding it out to Mike he chuckles and takes it "shiiiit that fit tho" I hear another familiar voice and then they slap my butt making me squeak "Aryia stop doing that!" I say since he always slaps my butt when I'm with him he laughs a bit and I turn around and I laugh "what are you trying to be? A skunk?" I say as his hair is half bleached and everyone laughs "fuck off" I giggle "I'm kidding" I say as hug him and he hugs me back "but like I'm not" I say pulling away "fuck you" "you wish" I say as I turn towards the others "yeah you right" he says as he slaps my butt again making me squeak "ok man don't need to look at me like that" Aryia says and I see Colby glaring at him and he rolls his eyes and grabs his skateboard and skates away "how about you guys catch up?" Griffin says and him and Jake walk away "oh Sam can I use your board?" Jake asks "yeah" "thanks" he says and grabs it and I catch up with them.


I glare at Aryia as he slaps Sam's butt again and he notices and I roll my eyes and skate away. I get off the skateboard and I pick it up and go to my car. I get in and open the center console and grab my vape and I get out and lean against the car. "Dude" I look over to see Jake and Griffin "what?" I say and take another puff "why'd you leave?" Griffin asks I shrug "ok lover boy don't need be jealous it's just their friendship" Jake says "I know" I mumble and open the door and toss the vape on my seat and close it and walk past them going back and they follow.
We get back to where we were before and Mike and Aryia are just here and I look over to the ramps and Sam is there skating and he goes in the air and does a flip and lands it and he lands it and he looks over and he sees me and comes back over and gives Mike his skateboard "we have to go now" Aryia says "ok bye" Sam says and they walk away "we're gonna skate" Jake says as Griffin is already skating away "ok" Sam says he nods and skates away "are you ok?" Sam asks I nod with a slight sigh "hey.. what's wrong?" he says with a small frown I shrug "wait-" he giggles and I furrow my brows "what?" I ask "your jealous" he giggles "no" he giggles and wraps his arms around my neck and I place my hands on his hips "yes you are" "no I'm not" "yea-" "kiss!" We hear Jake yell and I shake my head and we let go of each other and look over to them and they stop getting to us "just kiss already" Jake says and I shake my head "well I have to get back home" Griffin says "ok cmon" I say and we leave.


Sam gets back in my car after getting some clothes for tomorrow and I drive to my house. We get out and go inside and we go in the kitchen seeing my mom in there "oh just in time dinners done" she says as she takes the plates out of the cupboard "yay food!" Sam cheers and I chuckle shaking my head and my mom gives us a plate and we go to the table and eat. We put our plates in the sink and we go upstairs and I go in my closet and change into joggers and I leave and go on my bed turning on netflix. Sam comes out of the bathroom but I don't move my eyes from the tv soon he sits in my lap and I smile slightly and look at him "I know you were jealous" I shake my head softly "you were" I sigh "fine maybe a little" he giggles "well don't be he only does that cause it's his way of making fun of me for being gay" I nod and he wraps his arms around my neck hugging me and I hug him back "plus I already like someone" he says and gets off my lap laying down "and who's that?" I ask laying down pulling him close "I'm not telling" I hum and put my leg over him pulling him closer and he giggles and grabs my hand interlocking our fingers I smile and squeeze his hand and rub the back of his hand with my thumb and we watch netflix.
I soon hear soft snores coming from Sam and I smile and pull him close holding him tighter and he turns facing me and snuggles into me and I smile at him and play with his hair. I kiss his lips gently pulling him close "I love you" I say softly before falling asleep myself.

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