I wake up hearing a knock at the door followed by my mom's voice "Sam get up!" "I'm up!" I called back and then I heard her go downstairs. I go to sit up but I get pulled back down I furrow my brows and look down and see Colby, he has his arms wrapped around me tightly and I blush and try to sit up again "stop moving" he mumbled pulling me closer I giggled "get up" I said and turned in his arms "colby get up" I poked his face but he didn't do anything "colbyyy" I shook him "stop" he groaned and held me tighter pulling me close I giggled blushing "no Colby get up" I shook him again "stop" "no get up" he groaned and let go of me turning around I giggled and got up and go to the closet and change.
I get out of the closet and Colby is still sleeping and I giggle a bit and walk to the bed "Colby!" I shake him and all he does is groan I huff and I stand on the bed and jump on it "wake up!" He opens his eyes but I keep jumping "Sam stop" He grumbles "get up!" I giggle he leans forward and grabs me and I squeal and fall landing in his lap giggling. I look at Colby and he's looking at me smiling scanning my face "Sam!" I squeak jumping and Colby laughs "we'll be down in a minute!" I call back and crawl off of Colby's lap "Sam, I don't have clothes" "oh uh I might have some your size" I say and get off the bed and go to my closet and I go to the back of it and find black jeans that I ordered online before and they were too big and then I grab a purple Balenciaga hoodie and I walk out of the closet "here you go" I hand him the outfit "thanks" he takes it I nod and I sit on the bed and grab my phone and he changes in front of me since I already seen him in only boxers. I look through my phone and notice I got a text?: morning :)
Sam: good morning! :)
"Sam breakfast!" My mom yells sounding annoyed "geez she woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I said getting off the bed and Colby laughed and I put on my shoes and grab my bag and we go downstairs. "Morning mom" "about time I'm going to work" she said and walked past us I sigh and I grab a plate of food and hand it to Colby and grab the other one and we go to the table and eat. We put our plates in the sink and I grab my bag and I get a text
Xepher: you missed the bus
Sam: I did!?
Xepher: yeah
Sam: ok thanks
I put my phone in my pocket "we missed the bus" I tell Colby "oh uh I'll drive us there" I nod and he grabs his keys and we get in the car and he starts it and leaves. We get to school and grab our bags and leave the car and go inside.
We get to the others which is by my locker "guys they're here!" Jake says spotting us "Sammy!" Devyn and Tara yell at the same time and I giggle "hi guys" I smile as we get there "why were you guys late?" Corey asks "Yeah the two who didn't go to the party were late" Jake said "I dunno" Colby shrugged I roll my eyes "he wouldn't wake up" "and you know that because..." Tara said "he slept over" "ooooo" everyone teased I shook my head slowly and sighed and then the bell rang and we went to class-
I got my food and I went to the lunch table in my normal spot next to Colby and Tara and I eat a grape and join the conversation. I looked over at Colby's food to see if he had any grapes since I ate all of mine and he did so I took one "Sam!" He grabbed my wrist "drop it" I giggled and I grabbed it with my other hand and ate it "you promised!" "Did not!" I grabbed another one and ate it "saaamm" I giggled and went to grab another but he grabbed my wrist "steal someone else's" I huff "fine" I look at the others trays and Jake's is the first one I seen with grapes so I took one "oh no you didn't just take my food!" I giggle and put it in my mouth "he told me to" I pointed at Colby "Colby!" Jake huffed "I didn't tell him to!" "Yes you did!" "Not Jake's!" "Fine" I took another one from him and ate it and he groaned "finally your not stealing my food!" Tara said and I looked at her and took a grape and ate it "I should've seen that coming" I giggled and I grabbed my tray and got up and threw away the food.