I wake up to movement from Colby I whine slightly and cuddle closer to him and he wraps his arms around me I smile a little and nuzzle my head in his chest my eyes still closed. "don't fall asleep we need to get up" Colby says I whine and put my leg over him holding him tight he sighs slightly and pulls me on top on him and sits up and I nuzzle my head in his neck and he rubs my back laying his head on mine. "C'mon we need to get up" he says after awhile "nooo" I whine holding him tighter and he wraps his arms around my waist tightly putting his head on my shoulder. "get up" he says after a minute I huff and get off him and get under the covers curling in a ball he sighs.
"C'mon you need to get up" he says again running his fingers through my hair I sigh and sit up with a small yawn and I rub my eyes "I don't wanna go" I mumble tiredly "I don't either but we have to" he says standing up I sigh and stand up and go to my bag and he goes downstairs. I finish changing and I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket and I grab my backpack and head downstairs.I hop off the last step and go to the kitchen and grab a granola bar and sit on the counter and eat it. Colby comes over and places his hands on my thighs and I smile at him and he smiles back "you ready?" "Yep" he nods and I go to get off the counter but he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder "Colby!" I squeak he chuckles "put me downnn" "nope" I huff and go limp he chuckles and goes to the car. We get in the car and he drives to school.
He parks the car and he gets out and I get out after and close the door and put my phone in my pocket and we start walking. "Sam?" "Yeah?" I turn around looking at him and he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder "Colbyyy" I whine he laughs and continues walking and I give up on trying to get him to put me down.
He gets to the others and stops and still doesn't put me down "Colby why are you carrying Sam?" Jake asks with a chuckle "I dunno" Colby says and they start talking and he still doesn't put me down "Colby put me down!" He laughs "nope" "please my legs are numb" I whine he chuckles and puts me down "finally, now stop picking me up" "no thanks" I glare at him "I'm not stopping" "yes you are" "nope" I huff "yes yo- Colby!" He picked me up again and everyone laughs "you guys are still fighting like a couple?" Chloe says coming up to us "we weren't fighting like a couple" I say "what were they fighting about?" Devyn asks "cuddling" Chloe says "aw you guys cuddle" Corey says "yeah, but your ok with them cuddling?" Devyn asks Chloe "yeah I don't mind I don't like Colby's cuddles so it doesn't bother me" Chloe says "so if you liked them you wouldn't like it?" Tara asks "no I still wouldn't care" Chloe says and they start talking about other things. I sigh as Colby still hasn't put me down I lift my hand and slap his butt "Sam!" I giggle "Colby!!" I squeak as he slaps mine harder and everyone starts laughing and Colby puts me down and I rub my butt pouting "that hurt" I mumble and Colby laughs and I elbow him "shut up" I mumble he laughs again and I roll my eyes and the bell rings and we separate going to our classes.-
"Bye Sam" Colby says "bye guys" I say getting out of the car "bye" Chloe says before I shut the door and I wave to them and go to my door. I open the door and get engulfed in a hug by my mom "I'm so sorry" she says and I hug her back "I'm so sorry I'll stop drinking I'm sorry" "promise?" She nods "I promise" I nod and she pulls away from the hug and I walk inside fully and shut the door "am I still grounded?" "No, as long as you keep your grades up" "ok" I nod with a small smile "why don't you head to your room I'll call your when dinner is done" "ok thank you" she nods and I head up to my room. I flop on my bed and grab my phone as it goes off
Colby🧀❤️: are you ok??
Sam ❤️: yeah I'm ok
Colby🧀❤️: are you sure
Sam ❤️: yes I'm fine
My phone starts ringing and it's Colby I roll my eyes and answer it "what happened? are you ok?" He asks worried "I'm fine" "you sure??" I giggle "I'm ok Colby I promise" he lets out a sigh of relief and I giggle again "why were you so worried?" "I didn't want you to get hurt again" he says sounding sad I smile a bit "awww" "shut up" I giggle "anyways I'll be ok we made up she said she's going to stop drinking" he lets out another sigh of relief "good" I smile and then theres a knock at the door and it opens and I look up "you better be doing your homework" my mom's says I groan "fiinee" she laughs and I hear Colby laugh too and my mom leaves closing the door "bye cutie" "bye Colby" he then hangs up I sigh softly and get up and grab my bag and go to my desk and do my homework.
"Sam dinner!" My mom calls just as I finish my homework I get up and head downstairs and eat my food. I put the plate in the sink "goodnight mom!" I call going up the stairs "goodnight Sam!" She calls back and I get to my room and close the door. I go to my closet and change into pajamas and I turn on netflix. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I finish and leave the bathroom turning off the light and closing the door and I go to my hanging lights and reach up and turn them off and get in bed and watch netflix. I soon get tired and I turn getting more comfortable and close my eyes. As I'm almost asleep my phone goes off I huff and grab it
Colby🧀❤️: goodnight cutie
Sam ❤️: goodnight :)