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I wake up to my alarm going off I whine and reach for my phone and turn it off and put it back down and I go to sit up but I get held back I furrow my brows "stop moving" I look behind me to see Colby and I blush and go to sit up again but he pulls me closer I giggle and turn around facing him and I smile a little and snuggle into him and he tightens his grip and I giggle and nuzzle my head in his neck and he chuckles slightly I blush "your so cute" he says making me blush more I whine quietly and nuzzle my head further in his neck and he rubs my back gently and we just stay like that saying nothing. "let's get ready" Colby says I sigh nodding and pull away from him and sit up stretching and Colby sits up leaning against the headboard grabbing his phone I crawl over him getting off the bed and I go to the bathroom. I dry my hands and leave the bathroom and Colby goes in and I go in my closet and change.
I get out of my closet and sit on the bed grabbing my phone "I have to go home and change if you wanna come over too and I'll drive to school" Colby says I nod and we get up and I grab my backpack and we go downstairs. I hop off the lap step and Colby laughs at me "what?" "Do you always have to jump off the last step?" "Yes, yes I do" I giggle he smiles and we walk to the front door and leave and we walk to Colby's house.

We get to his house and go inside and Jake, Tara, Corey, and Devyn are here "oh hey guys" Colby says "dude where did y-" "Sammy!!" Tara cuts Jake off I smile "hi" I say "ohhh you went to Sams" Jake says as Devyn and Tara hug me. "Well we're gonna go now" Corey says and we nod and they all leave but me and Colby and we go up to his room and I wait on his bed as he changes. He comes out of the closet and he grabs his backpack "c'mon" I nod and get off his bed and grab my backpack and we go back downstairs and leave going in his car.
We get to school and we get out of the car and we walk inside and go to the others "hey guys!" Colby greets and they all greet us back and we all start talking. The bell rings and I walk off to my first class and walk in going to the back. As I'm waiting for the teacher to come in someone sits by me and I look up seeing Vanessa I sigh "what do you want?" "For you to back off of my boyfriend" he sasses "he's not your boyfriend" "yes h-" "Vanessa I'm not your boyfriend" I look up and Colby's here "hi Colbs" Vanessa says sweetly he rolls his eyes "go" "but why?" He sighs and then another girl comes over "Nessa come sit with us we need to talk about something" Vanessa squeals slightly and gets up "thanks Andrea" Colby says sitting down next to me she nods and goes to a different seat "did she say anything" he asked worried I smile a little and shake my head "good" I giggle and the teacher walks in.

I grab my backpack and open it hoping I brought a hoodie since I'm cold I sigh as I didn't bring one and I put my bag down and I hug myself trying to warm up. "You ok?" Colby asks I nod "just cold" he nods and grabs his backpack and I pay attention to what the teacher is saying "here" I look over and he's has his football jacket "no it's ok" "no take it if your cold" I nod and take it and put it on getting warm and I giggled at how big it is on me and he chuckles a little and I blush "th-thank you" he smiles "no problem cutie" I blush more and look away from him and he chuckles and we listen to the teacher again.
The bell rang and we got up and left "do you want your jacket back?" I ask hoping he'll say no "no you can wear it" "yay!" I blurt and cover my mouth embarrassed "your so cute" I giggle still blushing deeply "I'll see you at lunch cutie" he smiles going to his class and I go to mine.


It's now lunch and I get my food and I go to the table and I'm the last person to be there "hey Sam!" Kat says "hi" I smile and sit down "Sammyy!!" Devyn squeals I giggle "yeah?" "That's Colby's jacket!!" She squeals again I nod "dude.. how long were you wearing it for?" Jake asks "1st period" I say and drink my water "soo you guys dating?" Tara asks and I choke on my water making everyone laugh I huff and roll my eyes "don't be mad Sammy" Devyn says "whatever" I mumble "anyways why are you wearing it?" Griffin asks "I got cold and didn't have a hoodie" they all nod and we start talking again.
I get pulled off my seat hitting the ground hard knocking the wind out of me and I gasp for air "breathe Sam" I hear Colby say and I take deep breaths and I soon catch my breath and I sit up wincing a bit "are you ok?" I nod "wasn't the first time" I mumble and stand up he sighs and stands up after and we go to the table and he sits down and I grab my tray to throw the food away. I turn to go back to the table but I'd course Vanessa stops me "what?" "why are you wearing his jacket?" "Got cold" I say annoyed and walk away but she pulls me back "take it off" I yank my arm back and I walk back to the table her following me. "I said take it off!" She yells as I get to the table and I close my eyes taking a deep breath calming down which goes noticed by Tara "Vanessa.. if you don't want to get hurt I'd leave" she scoffs and I go to sit but she grabs my arm and I turn around fast and punch her and she yells in pain holding her nose and she runs out I sit down and put my hands in my hair pulling it staring at the table muttering things. "Sam!" I jump and look up "are you ok?" Corey asks I nod "you sure your crying" Shea says I sigh and wipe the tears off my face "I'm fine" I say and stand up "Sammy wait!" I sigh "what" I look at Devyn "um nevermind" I shake my head and walk out of the cafeteria going to class early


I close my locker with a heavy sigh "ready to go home cutie?" I nod and we walk out of the school and go to his car. "Wanna come to my house?" He asks as we get closer "yeah sure" I say still looking out the window he sighs "are you ok?" I nod "I'm ok" he sighs and grabs my hand interlocking or fingers rubbing the back of it with his thumb and I smile a bit and we don't say anything the rest of the way.
He parks his car and we get out and go inside and go up to his room and put our bags down and I take off my shoes and sit on the bed going on my phone. Colby sits on the other side and pulls me in his lap I sigh and put my phone down and look up at him "tell me what's wrong please" my eyes fill up with tears and I shake my head not wanting to tell him he cups my cheeks and wipes the tears that fell "please don't cry" I take a shakey breath "t-the memories.." he furrows his brows "memories?" I nod "of m-my d-dad.." more tears spill out and he wipes them only to be replaced with more and he pulls me in a hug "I'm sorry... You don't deserve what happened" I let out a sob and he rubs my back whispering calming things.
I calm down and he pulls me away from the hug and he cups my cheeks again wiping the tears "are you ok?" "I-i don't want to talk about it" he nods "we don't have to.. what do you want to do?" I smile and crawl off his lap and grab the remote and turn on netflix and get under the covers cuddling into them he chuckles and I look up at him "cuddle" he smiles and gets under the covers as well and pulls me close I smile and we watch netflix.


"Boys dinner!" His mom calls but I don't move and he laughs a little "you coming cutie?" I shake my head "ok well I am" "no!" I squeak clinging onto him and he laughs and sits up "let go" I shake my head and he looks at me "cutie let go" I huff and crawl off his lap and sit criss cross crossing my arms he chuckles and stands up "c'mon you need to eat" I shake my head he sighs "fine" he walks around the bed me thinking he's leaving but instead he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder making me squeal "put me down!" He chuckled and starts walking out of the room "put me down!" I squeal giggling.
He gets downstairs and he still hasn't put me down yet "Colby! Put me down" I whine kicking my feet and he laughs "stop kicking your gonna kick my face!" I giggle "then put me down!" "Colby put him down already" his mom says laughing a little "fiinnee" Colby groans and puts me down and I giggle and we grab our plates and sit at the table.

"So anything new at school?" His dad asks "hm, Sam.. why don't you tell them" Colby says looking at me I furrow my brows then I realized what it was "ohh.." he laughed a bit "what are you talking about?" His mom asks "I... Uh punched Vanessa" they stayed silent with shocked faces "finally!" They say "did you break her nose?" His dad asks "no he didn't" Colby says with a small chuckle "actually I did.." I said quietly taking a bite of my food "what?" He looked at me "I did.." he laughed "yes!" His dad cheered "ok she deserved it.. but why did you do it?" His mom said I shrugged "she was just being annoying and she touched him and it was a reflex" Colby lied they nodded. We finished eating and put our dishes in the sink and we went back upstairs and I sat on the bed "I'm changing" I nodded and he grabbed his clothes and went in the bathroom I got up and went to his closet and changed I to one of his hoodies.
Colby came out of the bathroom and got in bed and laid down and he pulled me down "really" I giggled and sat back up and he let out a quiet whine I giggled and put my phone on the charger and I got under the covers watching the show "cutie come back" "nope" I giggled a bit he huffed and pulled me closer I giggled and tried moving away but he held me tighter "let go" I giggled he sighed and let me go and I moved and he went on his back grabbing his phone I smiled and cuddled into him putting my head on his chest with an arm and leg over him he chuckled and put his phone down and turned and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck digging my head in his neck him doing the same tightening his grip and I yawn and close my eyes nuzzling my head further in his neck "goodnight cutie" he whispers "night Colby" I mumble tiredly and I drift off to sleep.

The Boy Next Door {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now