We get to the house -mansion- and we get out of the car "finally!!" Devyn yells as her and the others run out helping us take out the bags. We get inside and there's a couple decorations but not much and we go to the kitchen and start putting stuff in the right places I get pulled away into a different room "bitch what was that for!?" I say as I see it was Devyn who pulled me away and she laughs a little "here change" she says shoving an outfit in my hands "why?" I ask confused "just change!" "There you are!" Colby says coming in the room "come back over" he says and we nod "first, Sammy change" Devyn says "but why?" I ask and she comes over "so there's a chance something might happen with you and Colby" she whispers and then winking after making me blush and she laughs "now go change there's a bathroom over there!" She says pushing me to it "o-ok" I stutter going to it as they go back to the kitchen.
I change and I smile softly and I leave the bathroom and there's more people here with music playing and I make my way to the kitchen and Devyn smiles seeing me and takes my old clothes putting them somewhere and Colby smiles seeing me "Jake and Tara are around the corner!" Corey yells so everyone can hear and the music stops and it goes quiet and the lights go out some 'shhh's' is going around and soon the door opens "Tara why are we-" Jake starts but getting cut off "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone yells and some confetti cannons going off "oh shit thanks guys" Jake says and then the music starts and Jake and Tara make their way here Colby handing him a white claw and grabbing himself one "ok where's the cake!?" Jake asks "right here brother!" Corey says putting it on the island in front of him "dude this looks fucking delicious!" "See I told you!" Colby says nudging me and I giggle softly shaking my head "wait brother, make a wish!" Colby yells as he tries taking a fork to the cake "oh yeah where's the candle!?" "Here!" Kat yells coming over and putting a candle in it and lighting it and we go silent and Jake waits then blows out the candle the sticking his fork in it right away and we laugh and split ways. "baby throw it away please" Colby says to me handing me an empty white claw while grabbing another one "how did you finish it already?" I ask as I throw it away and he just shrugs with a light chuckle taking a drink of it "want something?" He asks nodding his head towards the drinks "no I'm ok I don't really drink" he huffs rolling his eyes and grabs a shot glass pouring vodka in it "here" I shake my head with a small smile and take it but not drinking it and he raises his eyebrows waiting for me to drink it "fine" I mumble and take it, it burning as it goes down "fuck that was hot" he says as he takes the glass pouring himself one and I giggle a bit and he takes the shot and grabs his white claw and another handing it to me "Colbs.." I trail off sighing "I know baby just one that's all I promise" I nod and take it "Sam, Colby c'mere!" Some guy calls "coming!" Colby calls back chugging his white claw then grabbing another "c'mon" he says putting his hand on my lower back as we walk to the guy.-
"Sam and Colby come playyy!" Brennen calls clearly drunk "ok! C'mon baby" "Colbs I don't wan-" "cool!" He yells pulling me over and I sigh and we sit down in the circle and everyone is either just tipsy or drunk me being the only sober one "okayyyy we're gonnna play truth or dare buuut you have to take a shot if youuu skip" Brennen explains slurring his words and everyone nods or says 'ok' and then Jake spins the empty beer bottle in the middle it landing on Brennen who is the drunkest out of all of us "truth or dare?" Jake asks "dare brotherrr" he nods and looks around the circle and his eyes land on a brunette haired girl "I dare you to kiss her" Brennen smirks "c'mereee" the girl giggles and crawls over and they kiss but it quickly turns into a make out since their both very drunk and everyone cheers and we get up and move to a different room since they wouldn't stop and started moaning.
It's now just our friend group since the other people decided to leave or passed out from being too drunk and everyone is just tipsy some more then others and we sat down and Jake spun it again and it lands on Devyn "truth or dare?" He asks "um dare" she says and Corey leans over and whispers something in his ear and Jake chuckles "ok I dare you to.. give Corey a lap dance" everyone laughs lightly and Corey smirks "ok-" she starts but gets cut off by Corey cheering "I'll take a shot" she finishes with a giggle as Corey boos and we all laugh. Devyn spins the bottle after she takes the shot and it lands on Shea and she does a dare and we keep going.
I'm now in between Colby's legs as his arms are wrapped around my waist since Corey dared us to do it and right now Xepher spins the bottle it landing on me and Colby "who is it?" Kat asks "doesn't matter" Xepher says with an evil grin "ok I dare you to..." She thinks for a bit and we also took out the truths because Jake made it like that saying if you chose it your a pussy so we just took it out "I dare you to kiss each other" everyone looks at us to see what we're gonna do and I blush with a small giggle and I turn around in his lap and he places his hands on my hips and everyone cheers and me and Colby look in each other's eyes probably thinking of the same thing and we then lean in then stop as we get close "uh we'll take the shot" I say pulling back and with a giggle "fuck you!" Everyone yells annoyed and they start yelling at us jokingly and Colby looks at me biting his lips and then leans in kissing me slowly and they start cheering and yelling 'Solby' Colby pulls away slowly dragging out my lip then connecting our lips again pulling me closer it turning into a make out "yess my wish came true!! Solby is fucking real!!" Jake yells and we pull away and he pecks my lips once more and I smile and turn around and he wraps his arms around me tightly "spin baby" I nod and spin the bottle "wait, wait! WAIT! did you just call him baby!?" Jake asks stopping the bottle from spinning "yep" I say and spin it again but Devyn grabs it "no! we need answers! why did you guys do that like it was nothing!?" She asks everyone nodding and Colby chuckles "we've been dating for a while tomorrow marks 1 month" he says and they go wide eyed "what!?" They all yell and we nod "so your telling me Solby has been real this whole time!?" Jake yells "yeah" we say at the same time and he cheers "and you didn't tell us!?" Tara and Devyn yell "who cares!? It's Solby! let's go party!!" Jake yells getting up and we laugh and get up and go to the kitchen.