I wake up in the middle of the night and go to cuddle into Colby since I'm cold but then remember he's not here and I sigh and snuggle into the covers trying to go back to sleep. Tears prick my eyes just wanting Colby here and I turn over closing my eyes again. I whine and sit up and wipe my face from the tears and I grab my phone 2:47 am I then get the urdge to throw up so I put my phone down and run to the bathroom hunching over the toilet throwing up. I flush the toilet and lean against the wall crying. I soon get up and go to the sink and wash my face off and rinsing out my mouth. I leave the bathroom and I go to my closet throwing on a pair of sweats and a pair of shoes. I grab my phone putting it in my pocket and I go back to the bathroom grabbing the pregnancy test also putting it in my pocket and I head downstairs leaving the house.
I get to Colby's house and I grab the key from under the mat and unlock the door putting the key back. I go inside closing the door and quietly going up to his room. I close the door softly and I look up at Colby to see him sleeping I smile slightly and I take off my shoes and sweats leaving me in his hoodie and I crawl into bed getting under the covers and snuggling into him and he wraps his arms around me in his sleep I smile and close my eyes falling asleep.-
I wake up to Colby moving and he soon pushes me away from him "Colbs?" I sit up rubbing my eyes "no get out" he says harsh with sadness in his eyes "why?" I ask sadly "get out!" he yells making me flinch and guilt flash in Colby's eyes "p-please can we talk?" I ask "no Sam just get out" I frown and look down tears rolling down my cheeks "I'm scared Colbs please I-I need you" he sighs and rubs his face "Sam-" "please!" I yell cutting him off breaking down. He sits down and pulls me in his lap and I hold onto him tight crying in his neck "shh it's ok" he says rubbing my back.
I calm down and he tries pulling away but I hold onto him tighter and he sighs softly wrapping his arms around my waist laying his head on mine "I don't wanna loose you" I whisper and he tightens his grip. "I'm sorry" I say after a bit of silence "for what?" he asks pulling me away "I wouldn't tell you" I say looking down and he sighs "what really happened?" he asks "I promise what I told you was true, he came over to hang out since his girlfriend was mad at him and he didn't have anything to do" he nods "and we were hugging because he was comforting me because I started crying, I told him why and then told me to tell you about it then left since he had to do something" I finish and he nods "what is it?" "I-" I stop and look down at my lap he sighs and hugs me "I-Im sorry" I say "no, it's ok tell me when your ready baby" I smile and nuzzle my head in his neck yawning and he lays down on his side bringing me with him and I snuggle into him as he pulled the covers over us and he kisses my head "go back to sleep baby" I nod closing my eyes and he pulls me closer and I soon fall asleep.-
I wake up sitting up fast "woah baby are you ok?" Colby asks worried but I get up quickly not answering him running to the bathroom throwing up "let it out baby" Colby says rubbing my back. He flushes the toilet and picks me up putting me on the counter filling up a cup with water giving it to me "we should take you to the hospital to see why you keep throwing up" Colby says as I spit out the water "no" I huff and he chuckles shaking his head "we have to baby" I whine "but," he says picking me up "not today, I want to cuddle" he finishes and I smile and peck his lips making him smile. He turns on netflix and lays down after pulling me close I smile and lean into him.
He soon tightens his grip around my stomach "Colbs not too tight" he groans "why?" he asks putting his leg over me I giggle lightly "Colbs I'm serious" he sighs and moves his leg back loosening his grip "thank you" "yeah yeah" he grumbles "hey," I turn facing him "don't be mad" "but why can't I hold you tight?" He asks sadly since he always holds me like that I smile "because" I peck his lips "because why?" I sigh "do you really want to know?" he nods and sits up with me "stay here" he nods slowly and watches me as I get up "what are you doing?" he asks as I grab my sweats I ignore him and grab the pregnancy test out of the pocket. I hide it behind my back and go back to him sitting in his lap and he puts his hands on my hips and he smiles looking at me pecking my lips making me smile "you love me right?" "baby you keep asking me that" I nod with a small sigh "I know, but do-" "I do baby I promise, I love you so much" he cuts me off and I smile "well-" I start but he cuts me off again "baby I know this might be serious but can we eat first I'm hungry" I giggle "sure Colbs" he smiles and pecks my lips "I'm sorry" "no, it's ok" he nods and gets up carrying me putting me down "what's in your hand?" he asks as he sees my hands still behind my back "nothing" he raises his eyebrows and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close and I giggle he smiles "what is it baby?" he whispers "you said you were hungry so your waiting" I say he hums "I can wait" I nod and he pecks my lips and pulls away from me "so what is it?" I grab his hand and put it on my stomach and he looks at me confused and I smile at him and peck his lips "I'm pregnant" I say showing him the test his face drops and he grabs the test looking at it and my eyes brim with tears "your.. pregnant?" I nod "your preg- holy shit your pregnant! I'm going to be a dad!" He yells a smile spreading across his face and he wraps his arms around my waist picking me up and spinning around I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck. He stops spinning and looks at me "your pregnant baby" he whispers tears rolling down his cheeks I smile and cup his cheeks wiping his tears "I love you so fucking much baby" I smile "I love you more Colbs" he pulls me close and kisses me and I kiss him back.
We pull away from the kiss and smile at each other and he puts his forehead against mine "how long?" "2 weeks" he smiles and pecks my lips once more and he wipes my tears picking me up after "I thought I was gonna loose you" I mumble nuzzling my head in his neck "why would I do that baby?" he asks and starts walking "I dunno I just-" I stop "you what baby?" he asks putting me on the counter I shake my head looking in my lap he sighs and lifts my head "I know what your thinking, I love you so much and will never be like your dad I won't leave you or our kid I promise" I nod and he pecks my lips "I love you so much don't ever forget that" I kiss him and he kisses me back. "ok what do you want to eat?" he asks after we pull away from the kiss "can we just order pizza?" "of course" he says taking his phone out of his pocket. He puts his phone away and picks me up I giggle and wrap around him and he goes to the living room. He sits on the couch with me on his lap I smile and put my head on his chest closing my eyes "you ok baby?" he asks rubbing my back I hum and he kisses my head.The doorbell goes off so I get off of Colby's lap and he gets up and answers it. He comes back in with a box of pizza and he sets it down on the table sitting back down and I cuddle into to his side and we eat and watch netflix.
We finish eating and go back up to his room "Colbs do I have a pair of pajamas here?" I ask "should be one in the bag you leave here" I nod and I go to the closet grabbing the bag finding a light pink silky shorts and a matching top. I change and I leave the closet "baby it's your mom" he says holding my phone out to me I nod and go to him and grab it answering it and Colby brings me in between his legs his hands on my hips "Sam?" my mom says "yeah?" "have you went to the hospital yet?" she asks "for what?" I ask confused "for an ultrasound" "oh no I haven't" "hey" Colby says softly and I look down to see him talking to my stomach I smile and run my fingers through his hair "well you should" "ok I'll do it tomorrow I guess" "ok also did you tell Colby?" "yeah" "well is he happy about it?" "yeah" "ok well I have to go to work now, bye love you" "love you too" I say back and hang up and listen to what Colby is saying "you probably can't hear me yet but I want you to know that I love you so much even if I don't show it I do, I may not be the best dad in the world but I'll try, I love you bubba" he says softly and placing a gentle kiss to my stomach I smile "I love you Colbs" he smiles and looks up at me "I love you too baby" he leans up and kisses me I smile in it kissing back. We pull away and we smile at each other and he kisses me once more and we lay down cuddling my head on his chest and he places his hand on my stomach rubbing it gently I smile and snuggle into him and we just cuddle and watch netflix for the rest of the day.
-I'm back!
Also I'll be posting every other day from now on, but I'll come back to everyday soon.