I let out a small breath before walking into the room and closing the door behind me and everyone is talking and I go over to Sam he looks over and smiles "baby, can I ask you something?" I ask a little nervous he hums "of course, are you ok?" I nod "can I hold her?" Devyn asks before I could talk "yeah" Sam says and she gets up and carefully gives her Ava I sigh and sit next to Sam and he looks at me and pecks my lips "I love you" I smile "I love you too" he lays his head on my shoulder and yawns I sigh and wrap my arms around him "what did you wanna ask?" he asks softly looking up at me I kiss his forehead "nothing, go to sleep" he hums and cuddles into me. Soon he starts snoring softly I sigh and kiss his head "you ok Colby?" Shea asks I look at her "yeah" I give her a reassuring smile she nods with a soft smile and then Ava starts crying I look over at Devyn and she tries calming her down then huffs when she can't I chuckle lightly "here, she probably wants out of the swaddle" I say as she hands me her and I take the swaddle off and she's wearing a white footsie thing and when it's off she calms down I smile and cradle her in my arms she smiles making cooing noises and she grabs onto my finger I chuckle lightly and she picks my at ring intrigued by it. Sam moves so I look at him and he smiles and wipes my tears I smile and look back at Ava to see her falling asleep her grip on my finger loosening I chuckle lightly and I get up and put her in the bed the doctor brought in here earlier. I look at Jake and he nods slightly "Sam, baby?" I say and he looks at me confused "Colbs? are you ok?" he asks worriedly "the first time I saw you, at the mall when you first moved here, I knew there was something about you I didn't know what it was at first but when I seen you at school up close, heard your voice, your laugh I knew you were the one it scared me, since you were the first boy I actually liked no, loved you weren't some stupid crush you were my soulmate I knew that when I first laid my eyes on you, so I texted you without you knowing who I was because I was scared you didn't like me back.. and when you found out it was me I thought you'd think I was some creep but I was so happy you didn't and ended up liking me back," I say "w-what are you saying?" he says on the verge of tears "I regret nothing at all, even if we didn't plan on having Ava I don't regret it one bit especially if I get to experience it with you... I know we'll have tough times and I know at some point one or both of us will want to give up, but I also know that if I don't ask you to be mine forever I'll regret it for the rest of my life cause I know your the one for me," I pause again and he's crying I pull out the ring box from my back pocket and the girls gasp I get on one knee "so, Sam will you marry me?" I ask opening the box revealing the diamond ring he gasps "y-yes, yes I'll marry you!" he says and everyone cheers I stand up and he jumps into my arms wrapping around me "oh baby" I chuckle and wrap my arms around him and he digs his head in my neck "I love you so much baby" I say softly and he looks up at me and smashes his lips against mine I smile in it kissing him back "I love you too Colbs" he says when we pull away I smile and peck his lips once more before putting him down and grabbing his hand and slipping the ring on his finger and he hugs me again and everyone cheers again making Ava wake up and start crying we laugh and pull away from the hug and I turn around to Ava "today's all about you isn't it" I say picking her up and she giggles not crying anymore I chuckle and sit down next to Sam and he lays his head on my shoulder "I love you"
- time skip -
• a couple days after they get homeI groan turning around and pulling the blanket over my head as Ava starts crying, waking me up "Colbs" Sam whines I sigh and sit up knowing he hasn't gotten a lot of sleep since we got back from the hospital "go to sleep baby I'll do it" he nods and "thank you" I hum and kiss his head and get up going to Ava's room. I pick her up from her crib "ok that's a wet diaper" I say putting her back down and she giggles "haha very funny" I say grabbing a diaper, wipes and a change of clothes. I grab her and sit on the floor and lay her on her back putting a pacifier in her mouth I then take off her onesie she has on and toss it in the dirty basket and then I take off her diaper, holding up her legs I put the new diaper under her then putting her legs down and strapping on the diaper. I change her in the sunflower outfit and I get up and pick her up grabbing koala stuffed animal out of her crib and giving it to her and then heading downstairs.
I put her in her highchair and I go into the kitchen and grab a plastic bag and put the diaper in it and tying it before throwing it the garbage then washing my hands. After I grab her bottle and make formula putting it in the microwave for a couple seconds as it's in the microwave Ava starts crying so I go into he dining room to see her pacifier fell out of her mouth and on the floor I shake my head and grab it off the floor and go to the sink rinsing it off. I grab the bottle out of the microwave and I go back to Ava and I put the things on the table and take her out of her highchair I grab the bottle and put it in her mouth and she stops crying and sucks on it I smile and go to the living room and sit on the couch and turn on the tv and she looks at it as she drinks the milk exhaling out of her nose once in a while. She soon finishes and I take it out of her mouth sticking her pacifier in her mouth before she starts crying I get up and put her in the bouncer and turning in a cartoon and she reaches up and plays with the toys that are hanging above her I smile and go into the kitchen and rinse out her bottle then grabbing the things for breakfast. I hear the front door open "where's Ava!?" I hear Devyn squeal I chuckle "living room!" I call back and I hear running footsteps into the living room "are you making food?" Jake asks walking in "yeah" I say flipping a pancake "can you make us some the girls didn't let us stop anywhere for food" I chuckle "yeah, sure" "thanks" he says as he grabs a piece of bacon I hum and slap his hand as he tries taking another piece "there's not gonna be any if you keep eating it" I say and he chuckles "alright fine, I'll go in the living room" I nod and he walks away.