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I wake up to my alarm going off in my ear I groan and sit up and grab my phone turning it off I rub my eyes and look at the time 11:30 I furrow my brows confused on why I have an alarm at this time but then I get a text

Colby🧀❤️: omw now

I gasp remembering and then a smile spreads across my face and I text back 'yay!' and I put down my phone and go to the bathroom. I wash my hands and dry them and I fix my hair since I have bed head I then walk out and sit on my bed and watch netflix untill then. I soon get a text so I grab it

Colby🧀❤️: I'm almost there

Sam❤️: how far!?

Colby🧀❤️: about 5 minutes

Sam❤️: yayyy!!!

Colby🧀❤️: see you soon cutie

I smile and I get up and put my phone in my pocket and get on my shoes and I grab my overnight bag and the snacks and head downstairs. I hop off the last step and I go in the living room and sit on the couch and charger comes up to me and lays down next to me with his head in my lap I smile and pet his head and scroll through my phone. It's been 5 minutes so I get up and grab the bags and go to the kitchen and I see my mom in there drinking coffee "why are you up?" I ask "I have to go to work" she says taking a drink of her coffee "oh ok" my phone goes off so I look at it

Colby🧀❤️: I'm here

Sam❤️: ok be out soon

I put my phone in my pocket and I go to the fridge and grab the drinks and put them in the snack bag "oh I have to go bye Sam" my mom says grabbing her keys and purse I giggle "I'm leaving too" she nods "ok" she rushes to the door I giggle and follow behind I get to the door and close it locking it and walk to the Colby's car and my mom drives off quickly and I giggle a bit closing the door "where's she going?" Colby asks with a small chuckle "work" he nodded and pulls out of my driveway "you need a shower" I said giggling a bit wafting my hand in front of me "and if I don't take one?" "You better you smell like moldy cheese" he chuckles at the joke "I'm serious! You better take one or I'm walking back home!" "Ok ok I'll take one" he chuckles parking the car "good" I giggle and we get out of the car grabbing our things.

We get to his room and I kick off my shoes "I'm going in the shower" he says walking to the bathroom I nod and sit at the bed. I soon hear the water running I grab the remote and turn on the show I was watching earlier putting it on the episode I was on. After a bit I get up and go to my bag and looking through it to grab my pajamas and I furrow my brows as I can't find them I sigh as I put everything back in the bag not finding it in there so I get up and go to Colby's closet and grab one of his hoodies. I change into it and giggle a bit, it smells like him and it goes just past my knees and gives me sweater paws I walk out of the closet and put my other clothes in my bag and grab my charger and plug my phone in and as I put my phone down the bathroom door opens I look over and steam flows out of the bathroom and Colby walks out in joggers just under his v-line water droplets on him he runs the towel in his hair drying it "I'm gonna put my clothes in the washer" he says not looking at me and walking to his football bag "o-ok" I stutter tearing my eyes away from him.

I get up and grab the snack bag and put it on the side table and look through it and as I do Colby walks back in I look at him and back at the snacks grabbing my drink and sitting in the bed "is that my hoodie?" I blush a bit "uh y-yeah I forgot mine" he smiles "it's ok cutie" he says and grabs his monster and sits on the other side of the bed opening it. He grabs the remote and chooses a movie then plays it and I grab the snacks and put them on the bed and excitedly grab the gummy bears opening them "your such a child" Colby says laughing a bit  I giggle and pop a gummy bear in my mouth. We watch the movie and talk at times going on our phones sometimes as well.
The movie soon ends and Colby grabs the remote again "scary movie?" "Um sure" I say even though I really don't like them. He chooses one and plays it "I'm gonna go to he bathroom" I say getting up seeing him nod and I go to the bathroom. I dry my hands and walk out and Colby looks up at me and smiles then back at the tv and I blush a bit I turn off the light and get back in the bed "are you going to eat anything?" "no" I nod and put the snacks back in the back and put it on the side table and get under the covers and watch the movie.

Its the middle of the movie and I jumped at every jump scare so far and Colby only jumped at one. "Ah!" I yelp and pull the covers over my face and I hear Colby laugh "aw cutie it's ok" I nod and I pull the covers away from my face and curl in a ball and watch it again. As it gets to another scary part I cover my face with the blanket and then there's movement from Colby and then arms wrap around me "cutie it's ok it's not real" I turn and stuff my face in his neck and he rubs my back "it's ok I can change it if you'd like" I nod against him "ok" he grabs the remote and rubs my back still while changing the movie. He pulls me close and rubs my back and I blush a little "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, ok" I whine quietly but nod and he lets me go and leaves and I cuddle into the blanket and look at the tv and it's the show I had on earlier. Colby lays back in bed and goes on his phone I go closer to him and put my head on his chest still kinda scared from the movie "oh cutie" he says softly and puts his phone down and wraps his arms around me playing with my hair and I put my arm and leg over him and nuzzle my head in his chest and he pulls me close "why didn't you tell me you dont like scary movies?" I shrug "I'm sorry cutie" "it's ok" I mumble and yawn "let's go to sleep it's getting late" I nod and he moves his arms to around my waist and holds me tightly "goodnight cutie" "g'night Colby" I mumble tiredly and he moves on his side and my legs are around his waist and I move my arms around his neck and he keeps his arms wrapped around my waist securely and puts his head in my neck and I put my in his and I let sleep consume me.

The Boy Next Door {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now