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I wake up to something touching my face I furrow my brows and open my eyes to be met with Kayla poking my face her fingers cold "Kayla" I mumble tiredly "make it stop" she whines and I furrow my brows "what?" I ask confused and she whines I sigh and sit up now hearing the alarm blaring I sigh and shut it off "better?" I ask she nods and crawls onto the bed laying at the foot of it with the blanket she dragged in here with her "Colbs" I say shaking him and he groans turning around "Colbs get up" he huffs and sits up "what time is it?" he asks his voice deep and raspy I grab my phone "4:30am" I say and he groans and stumbles out of bed "why can't you just drop out of school like me?" I ask leaning against the headboard my hands resting my my baby bump "because I'm not the one pregnant" he says as he pulls on a pair of black jeans "and, my mom doesn't want me to drop out" I hum "but you also work" I say and he puts on a shirt "yeah, I know" he says and I watch him and he walks across the room I sigh "nevermind" I mumble he finishes getting ready and he kisses my forehead "get some sleep baby" I nod and I pucker my lips he smiles and kisses me "bye baby, love you" he says softly "bye, love you too" he pecks my lips once more before leaving. I sigh and I lay down "Kayla come up here" I say and she giggles and crawls over "go to sleep you shouldn't be up right now" I say she nods and curls into my side and I close my eyes and we both soon fall asleep.

I soon wake up and I sit up rubbing my eyes tiredly I grab my phone checking the time 11:30am I sigh and I get up and go to the closet and put on a pair of Colby's joggers. I go downstairs and into the kitchen going in the cupboard grabbing the pancake mix and make some pancakes. Soon I finish making the food and plating it and I put them on the dining table and I head back up to my room.
"Kayla" I whisper shaking her gently and she whines "Kayla wake up" her eyes flutter open and she smiles rubbing her eyes "m-mornin Sam" she says as she yawns giggling after I smile and pick her up putting her on my hip "you hungry?" I ask walking out of the room "mhm" she hums laying her head in my shoulder. I get to the dining room and I sit her in a chair that has a plate infront of it and I sit in the other "fanks!" she squeaks taking a bite "of course" I smile softly eating as well "where cwolby?" she asks looking around "at school" I mumble sadly knowing I won't see him for a while "why you no dere?" she tilts her head "I dropped out since I'm pregnant" she tilts her head confused "I don't go anymore" "why?" "cause I'm pregnant" "oh.. otay" I nod and start eating again "what baby name?" she asks "stop asking questions and eat" I say with a light laugh "sowwy" she giggles and we finish eating.
"Go watch some cartoons I'll be in there in a second" I say taking our dishes "otay!" she squeals running into the living room and I go to the kitchen and wash the dishes. I soon finish washing the dishes and I dry my hands and go to the living room and Kayla is watching some cartoon and giggling I sit on the couch and pull out my phone as it buzzes

Colbs 🥰: hey bby

Baby 🥺❤️: hi, are you ok?

Colbs 🥰: yeah, what did u do today

Baby 🥺❤️: I just finished eating breakfast now watching tv with Kayla

Colbs 🥰: breakfast? It's lunch

Baby 🥺❤️: yeah, I woke up like an hour ago..

Baby 🥺❤️: you there?

Baby 🥺❤️: hello?

Baby 🥺❤️: Colbs???

Colbs 🥰: hey it's Jake, he uh fell asleep..

Baby 🥺❤️: what?

Colbs 🥰: he fell asleep.. with face his in mashed potatoes *picture attached*

Baby 🥺❤️: oh 😂

I turn off my phone with a sigh "is you otay?" Kayla asks crawling over to me "yeah" I say wrapping my arm around her she smiles and cuddles into me and I rub her back gently. A couple minutes later my phone goes off again so I grab it

The Boy Next Door {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now