I wake up and I turn to cuddle into Colby but he isn't there so I sit up "Colbs?" I call getting no answer I furrow my brows and get up and open the bathroom door seeing he's not there "Colbs?" I call again getting scared and I go downstairs. I go in the kitchen "Colbs!" I run up to him hugging him stuffing my face in his side "hey baby" he says softly wrapping his arm around my waist and I move infront of him putting my face in his chest and he sighs and picks me up putting me on the counter "what's wrong baby?" he asks cupping my cheeks wiping my tears "I-i thought you w-were gone" he pulls me to the edge of the counter wrapping my legs around his waist "baby," he sighs softly putting his hands on my hips "I promise you I'll never leave you" "bu-" "stop, I'm never leaving you that's the last thing I'd do" he says serious I nod and put my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me resting his chin on my head rubbing my back "I'm sorry" I say quietly "you have nothing to be sorry for" I nod slightly and he lifts my head so I'm looking at him and he pecks my lips softly making me smile "go get dressed" he says taking me off the counter "why?" he smiles "just go get dressed in something nice" he says kissing my forehead after "where are we going?" he chuckles "go, you'll see" I huff and he slaps my butt gently as I walk away I giggle and head upstairs.
"Baby?" Colby calls as he knocks on the closet door "what?" I say and he opens the door "you alright, your taking forever" he asks as he wraps his arms around my waist I sigh "there's nothing to wear" he rolls his eyes and unwraps his arms from me and looks through the clothes "wear this, and some jeans" he says pulling out a white cropped top that ties "no, the jeans that match that are too tight now" he hums putting it back and he looks for something else "hm, what's this?" he asks picking up a hot topic bag and I gasp and take it from him making him chuckle "look, I got you something!" I say grabbing it out of the bag dropping the bag on the floor "look!" I smile grabbing his hand sliding the ring on his finger he smiles and looks at it "like it?" he smiles "I love it baby" he says softly and he hugs me I smile and hug him back he looks at me and kisses me "what else is in it?" he asks looking at the bag "go, I'll show you!" I say pushing him out of the closet he chuckles "alright baby I'm out" he chuckles I giggle and go back to the closet and shut the door. I change into the outfit and brush off the skirt smiling "ok close your eyes!" I call twisting the door knob "are they closed!?" "yes baby" I smile and open the door and walk out closing it behind me "open!" I smile he opens his eyes and looks me up and down "cute" he says quietly "like it?" I ask doing a little spin he smiles and puts his hands on my hips massaging them looking me up and down again I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck "do you?" I ask and he pecks my lips "I love it" he says softly I smile and peck his lips and he smiles and pulls away grabbing my hand "c'mon lets go" "where are we going?" I ask as we walk out of the room he chuckles "you'll see" "fine" I huff "don't worry baby you'll like it" he says kissing my temple as he opens the front door for me "ok" I say walking out and we get into the car. He starts the car and pulls out of the driveway "I'm hungry" I whine he chuckles and puts his hand on my thigh squeezing it gently "Colbs" I whine "I know baby" he says softly and I whine "hey, calm down we'll get you some food soon" I huff and sit back in the seat crossing my arms looking out the window "baby" "what" he sighs and rubs my thigh softly and continues driving."c'mon baby" Colby says parking the car and I look out the window to see were at a cute little breakfast diner I smile and get out of the car and I go around to Colby's side and open his door grabbing his hand "c'monnn" he laughs and unbuckles "Colbsss" I whine pulling him out of the car "baby calm down" he says as he locks the car and I pull him to the doors but he pulls me back I huff and walk. He opens the door for me I smile and walk in and he walks in after me slapping my butt "Colbs!" I squeak putting my hands on my butt he chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist from behind "for 2?" the hostel asks with a soft smile "yep" I say "this way" she says turning around and Colby grabs my hand and we follow her to the table. We sit down and she hands us the menus and leaves and we look through the menus. Soon the waiter comes "hi I'm Stacy, what would you like?" she says pulling out a notepad and a pen "the french toast and a water" Colby says closing his menu "the pancakes and water please" I say and she writes it down "it'll be right out" she says taking our menus I smile and look at Colby to see him looking at me with a soft smile "what are you looking at?" I ask tilting my head a little and he smiles "you" he says softly making me blush he puts his elbow on the table resting his chin on his hand "your cute" "stoopp" I whine covering my face he laughs lightly and moves my hands from my face "don't hide" he says caressing my cheek and I blush deeply as I see the waiter come back and Colby smiles and moves away "heres your food and drinks" she says putting them down infront of us "thank you" Colby says "of course, you guys are a cute couple by the way" she says with a soft smile "thanks" Colby says she nods and walks away and we eat and talk.
"Colbs I can pay" I say as he puts the money in the check "no baby" he says standing up "bu-" "no, c'mon" he says pulling me out of the booth "noo" I whine grabbing the check he sighs and takes it from me putting back on the table grabbing my hands I pout he smiles and pecks my lips "c'mon" he says softly letting go of one of my hands I sigh and walk with him "bye, have a nice day!" Stacy says "bye, you too!" we call back and we get into the car "I'm paying next time" I say as he starts the car "ok baby" he says grabbing my hand as he gets onto the road. We get back to my house and we get out of the car and go inside he turns towards me and picks me up I giggle and wrap around him and he goes to the living room. He sits on the couch and I pull away looking at him and he smiles looking down at my lips and he kisses me softly I smile in it kissing back. We pull away and I hug him putting my head in his neck "I love you" I mumble "I love you too baby" he whispers laying his head on mine. "get off" he says patting my butt softly I hum and get off his lap and he grabs the remote and lays down "c'mere" he opens his arms I smile and crawl next to him and we watch netflix.
"baby?" Colby says walking back into the living room "hm?" I hum as I stretch "can we go on a walk?" he asks pulling me off the couch "I'm tired" he sighs "please, the sun's still up" he begs "but I'm tired" he sighs "fine" he kisses my head and walks away I frown and grab his hand and he turns around "what?" he asks "we can go" he smiles "really?" I nod he smiles and drags me to the door "Colbs wait I don't have shoes on" he groans and let's go of my hand I giggle and grab my shoes and put the on "ready?" he asks "yep" I say and he opens the door and we walk out. He grabs my hand once we get onto the sidewalk and I smile and swing our hands and he chuckles "why'd you wanna walk so bad?" I ask "just wanted to watch the sunset" I nod with a soft smile and we continue walking. We get to the park as the sun starts setting and I sit against a tree and Colby sits next to me. I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around me pulling me closer and he kisses the top of my head "I love you baby" he says softly as he lays his head on top of mine I smile "I love you too Colbs" I say and we watch the sunset.
The sun almost sets fully and Colby stands up "c'mon baby" he holds his hands out and I take them and he pulls me up and I brush my skirt off. He puts his hands around my waist pulling me close I smile and wrap my arms around his neck looking up at him he smiles and leans in kissing me softly I smile in it kissing back. We pull away and he smiles and pulls me closer I smile and peck his lips putting my head on his chest closing my eyes and he rests his chin on my head.
"Alright, let's go" he says patting my butt I giggle and pull away pecking his lips he smiles and grabs my hand I interlocking our fingers and we start walking back.
We get back to my house and we go inside "can we go to sleep now?" I ask looking up at him "of course baby" he says pecking my lips I smile and we head upstairs. I go to my closet and I take off my shoes "babyyy" Colby whines coming in and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind I giggle "what?" I ask as I take the garter off my leg "hurry I wanna cuddle" I giggle "ok I'll be out in a second" he groans and leaves the closet I giggle shaking my head and I get undressed and change into a large hoodie. "Baby!" He cheers opening his arms "change Colbs" he groans making me giggle and I get in bed pulling the covers over me and he undresses so he's just in his boxers. He lays in between my legs and he pulls the blanket off of me keeping it at my waist and he lifts up my hoodie and he places a gentle kiss on my belly "hey baby," he speaks softly putting his hands on each side of my belly I smile and run my fingers through his hair "I can't wait 'till your born, so I can hold you in my arms, to experience your life with you" I smile "I-" he gasps "did you feel that?" I ask with a smile he smiles wide "they kicked" he says with a smile and he leans up and kisses me I smile in it kissing back. We pull away and he gets in bed next to me and I cuddle into him and he wraps his arms around me "I love you baby" he says softly "I love you too Colbs" I say back and he kisses my head and we fall fast asleep.