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It's now been two weeks and I'm still throwing up in the mornings and I still don't know why.
"Baby?" Colby calls from my room as I'm in my bathroom sitting on the floor tears running down my face "ba- baby what's wrong??" He asks panicked sitting next to me pulling me in his lap and I dig my head in his neck "h-urts" I sob "what hurts baby?" he asks cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears "m-my throat a-and stomach" I let out a sob "baby.. you said you stopped throwing up" he frowns "I-i didn't want you to worry" he sighs and wipes my tears "tell me next time ok?" "o-ok" he pulls me in a hug rubbing my back calming me down.
I calm down and pull away from the hug and he cups my cheeks and wipes my tears kissing my forehead "why don't you get dressed so we can get Starbucks" I smile wide and he chuckles lightly and we get up. I go to my closet and I change into sweats a cropped tank top and a big fuzzy brown jacket. I leave the closet after putting on my shoes "you look cute baby" Colby says putting his hands on my hips "you think?" I ask looking down at my outfit "yeah, do you not like it?" I shrug and I zip up the jacket to where it's covering my stomach "ok c'mon" I say looking up at him and he's frowning "whats wrong?" I peck his lips and he unzips my jacket "that's better" he smiles and pecks my lips "let's go" I smile a bit and he grabs my hand and we go out to his car.

Colby parks the car in the Starbucks and hands me my food "thank you" I smile taking a drink of my drink "of course" he smiles kissing my temple. "Ready?" he asks as we finish eating "yep" he smiles softly and starts the car and pulls out putting his hands on my thigh.
We get out of the car after he parks and we he'd inside up to my room. Colby lays on his back on the bed and grabs the remote turning on netflix I take off my shoes and go to him "Colbs" I whine as I lay in between his legs "what's wrong baby?" he asks rubbing my back gently "my stomach hurts again" he sighs softly "how does it feel?" "a cramp" he hums "why don't you take a nap, maybe it'll go away when you wake up" "ok" I mumble and I move so I'm next to him cuddling into him. He wraps his arms around me securely pulling me close and I sigh contently closing my eyes.
"stay" I mumble as I wrap my leg around him since he moved he chuckles lightly "of course baby" he says softly I smile snuggling closer and he kisses my head and I soon drift off to sleep.


I wake up and I frown not seeing Colby and I grab my phone checking the time 12:30 I sigh and text Colby

Baby 🥺❤️: where are you

Colbs 🥰: I'll be back soon

Baby 🥺❤️: ok where'd you go

Colbs 🥰: to get some food

Baby 🥺❤️: ok ily ❤️

Colbs 🥰: ilyt baby ❤️

I smile and put my phone down on the table and get up going downstairs. I go to the kitchen and grab a water phone the fridge going back to my room. I sit back down criss cross on the bed and I grab the remote looking for something to watch.
My door opens and I look over seeing Tara and Devyn "hi guys" I say with a smile "hey" they say back but looking serious making me furrow my brows "is everything ok?" I ask pausing my show "we need to talk" Devyn says as her and Tara sit on the bed across from me "about what?" I ask confused "the party, what did you do?" Tara asks "uh drink, the truth or dare game, and danced" Tara and Devyn glance at each other and back at me and I look at them confused "you know how we told you not to drink much?" Devyn asks I nod "you should've listened" I sigh "why, why do you guys always tell me to not drink but you both go and drink after, your not my mom and I'm not a kid I can take care of myself!" I yell not really knowing where the small outburst came from "calm down" Tara says calm "no! I'm tired of you guys contr-" "your pregnant Sam!" Devyn yells cutting me off and I look at her "t-thats not possible" I stutter having a small gut feeling that I was. Devyn and Tara sigh "we tell you not to drink because of your past drinking experiences you can go either way really sad, mad, even sexual" Tara says "you mostly are sexual though, like at my party there was this guy-" Devyn starts "and you stopped me, I remember that" I mumble "not that one" Tara says making me furrow my brows "there was another time where you got really drunk and didn't remember anything the next day but you ended up having sex with the guy.." Devyn says "what party?" I ask "uh sixteenth birthday I think" Devyn says I nod slowly staying quiet.
"Sammy?" Tara says seeing me furrow my brows "I-i remember.. but, but you pulled him away before, right? Why did you do that?" I ask looking at them with an uncertain look "yeah.. we did, only because we know something about you that you don't know, but your mom didn't want us telling you" Tara says "what?" "We pulled him away to tell him to use protection since you wouldn't not have sex with him.." Devyn trails off "ok.. b-but what's the thing I don't know?" I ask looking in between the two worriedly "you are a carrier" Tara says making me furrow my brows "there's not much of them but you happen to be one of them" Devyn says "a carrier is when a male can get pregnant" Tara says seeing my confusion "n-no I can't b-be my m-mom will kill me" I say scared tears brimming my eyes "so did you have sex with Colby at the party?" Devyn asks and I nod letting out a sob "it's ok Sammy" Tara says pulling me in for a hug "I-i can't-" I choke out letting out another sob "maybe your not, but if you are you will get through it but, you have to take the test to be sure" Devyn says pulling out a pregnancy test I nod slowly pulling away from the hug wiping my tears "ok" I mumble taking the test going to the bathroom.

I take out the test out the test after reading the box on what I need to do and I unwrap it. I pee on it and take a shaky breath and put it on the counter and leave the bathroom "what does it say?" Devyn asks "baby I'm back!" Colby calls from downstairs and my eyes go wide and quickly go back to the bathroom and open a drawer and slide the box, wrapper and test inside it closing the drawer after and splash my face with water "oh hi guys" I hear Colby say "hi" Devyn and Tara say back and I leave the bathroom "well we gotta go" Tara says standing up along with Devyn "ok bye" Colby says and they give me a knowing look and I nod slightly and they leave.
"baby are you ok? your shaking" Colby asks concerned pulling me into a hug and I hug back bursting into tears "oh, baby" he sighs picking me up sitting on the bed with me in his lap. He calms me down and pulls away wiping my tears "are you ok baby?" I nod "c-cramps" I say it actually being true he nods with a small sigh and kisses my forehead "let's eat" I nod and get off his lap playing the show and he hands me my food and we eat.
I lay down and snuggle into Colby and he wraps his arms around my waist "I love you baby" "I love you too" I look up at him with a smile he smiles back and kisses me softly we pull away and he pulls the covers over us "take a nap with me" he says looking at me with pleading eyes I giggle softly "I already took one" he sighs and I smile and peck his lips "I'll stay with you" he smiles and holds me tighter pulling me close closing his eyes. I soon hear snores coming from him and I move his arm from around me getting up carefully. I go in the bathroom closing the door and I open the drawer and grab the box and wrapper throwing them away I close my eyes taking a slow breath letting it out opening my eyes and I grab the test and flip it over seeing 'positive' I gasp and tears prick my eyes, I'm pregnant- wait I'm pregnant I'm having a kid! tears run down my face mixed with emotions happy that I'm having a kid but worried and scared for what everyone else would think. I put the test back in the drawer and wipe my tears and leave the bathroom taking a deep breath and get back in bed and Colby pulls me close to him putting his leg over me "where'd you go?" he mumbles tiredly putting his head in my neck "to loo- the bathroom" I stop myself and he hums and pulls me close to him "I love you" he mumbles before I hear his snores again I smile "I love you too Colbs" I whisper and he tightens his grip on me I close my eyes deciding to take another nap.
What am I going to do?

The Boy Next Door {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now