I wake up and go to grab my phone but it's not there I furrow my brows and sit up rubbing my eyes then I remember I threw it last night so I got up and grabbed it off the floor and it has a few cracks I sigh and I see that I have messages
Devyn✨: are you guys still up for hanging out!?
Tara 😍: yesss
Devyn✨: does 12:30 sound good
Tara 😍: ok Sam's house??
Devyn✨: ofc!
I sigh and check the time 11:40 I groan and I go to the closet and get changed and I put on classic vans and walk out of the closet and as I do I hear the front do open along with a voice "Sammyyy!!!!" They both yell and run upstairs I sigh and sit on my bed "hi Sammy!" Tara yells "hi" I smile and look back at my phone "are you ok Sammy?" Devyn asks "yeah" "you sure?" "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" "Ok then.." I nod and they sit down and we talk and scroll through our phones while netflix plays.
"I'm hungryyy" I whine "Sammy we pretty much just got here" Devyn says "so I didn't eat anything yet" "ok ok let's go get food I'm hungry too" Tara says standing up and we all go downstairs. We get in the car and Devyn drives to chick-fil-a. We get there and we go in and order our food and sit down and wait "oh look Jake and Corey are here!" Tara says pointing over to them "guys!" Tara yells and they look over and smile a bit and walk over and sit with us and we greet each other "wait why isn't Colby here he usually with you guys during the weekends?" Devyn asks and they all snap there head towards her and give her a look telling her to shut up "ohhh yeahhh" I furrow my brows "uh what's happening?" "N-nothing Sammy!" Tara says fast "seriously what's happening you've all been secretive since what happened yesterday" "there's nothing wrong Sam" I roll my eyes "yeah sure" I say annoyed and pull out my phone and ignore them. Our food comes and I eat in silence "Sam what's wrong?" Corey asks "apparently nothing" he sighs "Sammy there isn't anything happening" Tara says "I know your lying I've been friends for you forever I can tell" "well I'm not" I shake my head and I get up and leave. I get an Uber as I stop at a gas station and I wait leaning against the wall. Soon the Uber gets here and I get in it and tell him my address
He gets there and I get out and thank him and he drives away and I walk for he door. I get inside and head up to my room and I kick off my shoes and sit on my bed turning on the tv. After a bit I think of Colby and wonder what's happening so I go to my window and open the curtains and look towards his window and he looks sad and is vaping I furrow my brows and I sit on my bed and pull out my phone
Sam: what's wrong you look sad
Colby🧀❤️: now your stalking me
Sam: oh shut up and tell me what's wrong
Colby🧀❤️: no one told you
Sam: no they keep saying nothings wrong and won't tell me what happened
Colby🧀❤️: oh well I broke up with Vanessa cause she's been cheating on me
Sam: oh I'm sorry 🥺
Colby🧀❤️: it's ok
Sam: are you sure
Colby🧀❤️: yeah I'll live
Sam: ok cheese boy