"Sam wake up" I sigh and open my eyes "get ready" my mom says and I sit up and she leaves my room. I get up and change into boy clothes. I grab my phone and backpack and head downstairs. I eat breakfast "Sam I have to go bye!" "By-" the door closes I sigh and grab my backpack and phone and I leave the house locking it. I get to the stop and Jake, Corey, and the brunette are here "oh Sam!" Jake says as the bus is coming "wanna sit with us?" "n-" "cool!" He grabs my wrist and drags me to the back of the bus as he is Brennen trips me but since Jake is holding my arm I don't fall "Brennen what the heck!" Corey yells I shake my head and sit in the inside by the window and look out of it ignoring everything.
"Sammy!" I look over and see Xepher sitting by a brown headed boy also on the football team "hi" I say and look out the window and then my phone goes offMom
Mom: hey Sam..
Sam: what??
Instead of her texting back she called me I sighed and answered it "S-sam" I furrowed my brows "uh are you ok?" "y-your aunt has uh died" "w-what?" I tear up "i-it was aunt p-penny, my s-sister" "o-h ok" "I-im sorry" "mhm" I hung up and lowered my phone in my lap and stared at it she was one of my favorite people basically my friend sister even "aw is little Sammy crying" Brennen teased I shook my head and closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm down I'm not one to lose my temper but if I do well let's just say it's not good "guys the fags crying" he teases again I chuckle dryly and shake my head snapping my head towards him "you know why I'm crying? my fucking aunt died so you can shut your mouth and get your life fixed before you play with me because your the one having problems with your family that's why you yell at people to feel like you succeeded at something because your parents don't love you" I spat he scoffs "yeah they do" "believe that if you want to because if they love you they wouldn't abuse you and you wouldn't cut and I'm sure everyone on the team knows it's true" "um i-i don't and they don't ab-abuse me" "sure" I scoff and get up to leave but he trips me "what did I say?" "fucking fag" "thanks bitch" "what" I shake my head and turn around and punch him square in the face and walk away and sit alone.
I get off the bus and go to my locker and grab my things and then slam it shut "Sammy, Sammy are you ok?" Devyn asks coming up to me with the others behind her I don't answer her and I see Brennen walk past holding his nose "woah what happened to him?" Shea asked "Sammy.." Tara trailed off "you didnt-" Devyn said "he did" Xepher said "of course Brennen is on your bad side" Devyn mumbled "he's just going to keep bothering you until he wins" Tara said "he's just mad cause he knows I'm right" "about what?" Kat asks "his home life" "wait you know?" Kat questions "course it's obvious" "really how?" "well he always wears long sleeves but of course he's on the football team so he would be wearing short sleeves so the whole team would have to know and football is his cover up like when he walked by he was limping I didn't do that his parents had to have done that he didn't have practice but people wouldn't know that if they aren't in it so he'd use that as an excuse and plus he's obviously wearing make up covering the bruises on his face" "Sam.." I looked over and seen Jake and Corey "what" "it's all right, how did you know?" "I just do now I'm going to class" I say and walk
away going to class.-
I get my food and walk to my table and we all eat and talk. Soon there's hands that slam in the table I look up and see Brennen "hey fag" "leave me alone or I'll tell the whole school" "it's not true" I raise my eye brows "it's not" he spat I scoff "k whatever" "it's not" I grab his arm and lift up his sleeve and it reveals cuts and bruises "suit your self Brennen" he yanks his arm away pulling his sleeve down "don't tell anyone" "stop bothering me" "alright fine" he sighs and walks away I sigh and eat a grape and we continue talking.