I wake up to my alarm going off I whine and reach over and turn it off and sit up "babyy" Colby groans pulling me back I gasp "Colbs!" I squeak and wrap my arms around his neck hugging him he smiles and opens his eyes "hey baby" he says his voice deep and raspy I smile and I smash my lips against his and he smiles in it kissing back. I pull away and he sits up and pulls me in his lap "wher-" I get cut off by him kissing me again I giggle and pull away wrapping my arms around his neck he smiles and puts his head against mine looking at my lips "where were you yesterday?" I ask "grocery store" he whispers still looking at my lips I sigh and pull away "why'd it take you so long?" he grabs my chin bringing me in for a kiss again but I pull away "Colbs tell me" he moves his hand to cup my cheek and he caresses my cheek bone and I lean into his hand putting my hand on top of his "Colbs" I whisper as he leans in our lips just barely touching and he hums his eyes still on my lips I sigh softly forgetting about what I was gonna say and my eyes close leaning into his hand and he connects our lips again into a passionate kiss. We pulls away slowly and I open my eyes and he's looking at my lips and he slowly looks up to my eyes and he smiles "I love you baby" I smile and hug him nuzzling my head in his neck "I love you too Colbs" he lays his head on mine wrapping his arms around my waist and we just sit there for a little. "let's get ready baby" he says softly I nod and pull away from him and he pecks my lips before I get off his lap.
We get changed into our usual clothes and doing our normal routine. "wanna ride the bus or drive?" Colby asks as we grab our bags "drive please" he nods and grabs his keys and we head downstairs. We get into his car and he starts it and pulls out of the driveway and I reach over and grab his hand interlocking our fingers he smiles at me before looking back at the road and gives my hand a squeeze I smile and look out the window squeezing his hand once in a while him doing it back. We soon get to school and we unbuckle and get out of the car and I catch up to him and grab his hand he smiles and kisses any head and we keep walking going inside. "Hey guys!" Tara says as we get up to them "hey" we say back and Colby starts talking with Jake everyone else talking about their own thing and I sigh contently and hug Colby's arm still holding his hand. "you ok baby?" he asks softly "mhm" I hum he sighs making me look up at him and he has an unconvinced look I look down "I just missed you" I mumble embarrassed he tilts my head up and kisses me "woo!!!" they cheer loudly clapping and whistling I giggle and pull away blushing I hug Colby stuffing my face in his side "lame" Jake mumbles thinking no one heard him but I did Colby chuckles and moves me infront of him "you still owe me that goodbye kiss" he whispers in my ear and I look up at him "I already did in the morning" he shakes his head "it was a good morning kiss and I missed you kisses" I giggle and he raises his eyebrows "now!?" he nods "noo" I whine hiding my face in his chest again. He pushes me away slightly and then lifts my head with his finger "Colbs n-" he kisses me passionately slipping his tongue in already since my lips were parted due to being in the middle of talking. He pulls me closer and I give in and melt into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck ignoring as everyone cheers. He puts his hands under my shirt putting them on my hips massaging them I go to pull away for air but he pushes his lips onto mine before I could and he pulls me closer. He pulls away slowly a string of spit connecting our lips his lips now red and plump and he kisses me once more "that was hot as fuck!" Jake yells and I feel my face burn up and I whine hiding my face in Colby chest again "fuck yeah Colby!" I hear Brad yell across the hall and I whine holding him tighter he chuckled and kisses my head "ahem." I look up and see the principal and she's crossing her arms with an angered and disgusted expression "It was me!" Corey yells holding his arms up "me too!" Jake yells doing the same thing as Corey which only earned them a nasty glare from her "office now." she says stern walking away her heels clicking as she goes down and everyone bursts into laughter both of because of what Jake and Corey did and cause we got in trouble "y'all better go before the bitch rips your head off" Brennen says I sigh and nod and Colby grabs my hand "see you later!" Colby calls walking away "Colbs" I whine "what baby?" "I told you I didn't wanna do it now" I complain "why not, you enjoyed it" I huff "but my mom's gonna yell at me now" he shakes his head "no she won't" "yes she is she doesn't like when I get in trouble, you know that already" he nods "well I doubt she'd care this time because one the principal is a homophobic bitch that no one likes and your mom is a very hard core solby shipper" I giggle "but she's still going to be mad" "yeah ok" he says sarcasticly as we walk into the office "hi what are you guys here for?" the girl behind the desk with blonde hair and looks to be around our age asks "to see the b- principal" Colby catches himself and she laughs "she's not here just yet just sit on the chair for now" she says nodding her head towards the chairs "alright" Colby says and we sit the chairs and I bounce my leg nervously "hey" Colby says softly putting his hand on my leg "it's ok baby nothing's going to happen" he says rubbing my leg trying to calm my nerves "she's gonna get mad" I say fiddling with my fingers now "baby look at me" he says taking my hands in his and I look at him "your mom won't be mad I promise, she's not going to care if anything she's gonna be mad at the principal than anything" "but-but-" "deep breaths baby" I take a couple "if anything she's going to be disappointed but she'll get over it, and if not that it's that we did in the middle of the hall and not the bathroom or something" he says with a light chuckle I nod "I-i don't wanna talk to her sh-she reminds me of m-my dad" I stutter he frowns "get up" I furrow my brows but get up anyway and he pulls me over to sit in his lap I smile and wrap around him and I lay my head on his chest and he rubs my back "you guys are a cute couple" the girl says as she rest her head on her hand watching us with a soft smile "thanks" Colby chuckles lightly "no problem" she says still watching us "oh my god wait-" she says and I furrow my brows "were you the ones kissing in the hall?" she asks "yeah, how'd you know?" Colby asks "I was watching the security cameras since I had nothing better to do since I got dragged her" she says making me giggle softly and Colby kisses my head. I soon hear the faint clicking of the principals heels and I whine "baby it's fine" "bu-" "if I'm wrong name the baby after Jake" I giggle "you wouldn't" I say looking up at him "watch me" I giggle "fine" I say "deal?" he asks "deal" he kisses me as a way of sealing it "I don't wanna name the baby after him" I whine "let's hope it's a girl" he chuckles "Emma! Feet off the desk!" The principal yells walking in and Emma mocks her not taking her feet off "Emma!" "Make me" she spat back making her give her a glare "what are you gonna do, kick me out, beat the lesbian out of me do it I fucking dare you!" Emma yells only to have her huff walking into her office "old hag" she mumbles "she's all yours" she says holding her hand out to the direction of her office and we just look at her in shock and she laughs "long story short, she's my step mother who adopted me only to get mad once she found out I was lesbian which led to her beating me for a period of time before I fought back and she also threatens to kick me out, I'm 17 by the way, who is a high school drop out" we nod understanding and Colby takes me off his lap and gets up after "careful she's a bitch" she says as we walk past her and we laugh going to the door and Colby knocks on it and I grab his hand tight "your ok" he whispers kissing my head "come in!"-
Sorry to leave it like that but it was going to be super long if I didn't so cliffhanger it is
I'm also gonna do update this book daily again