•week later
"guys my feet hurt can you take me home now?" I ask the girls as we're at the mall and they groan "we just had a break from walking" Kat says "I don't care, my feet really hurt" I whine "I'll take you home, Jake wants to hang out anyway" Tara says "ok, bye guys" Devyn says hugging me then Tara "bye" we say and walk away and out to her car.
Tara parks the car in the driveway and I unbuckle "thank you" I say as she leans over hugging me "yeah of course" she says with a small smile and I open the door "I'll text you later" I say getting out "you better" I laugh lightly "bye Sammy!" She calls sticking her hand out the window and waving as she pulls out "bye!" I call then going inside. "Baby!" Colby yells and I look over to see him climbing over the couch I giggle taking off my shoes "baby, I wanna show you something!" he says excitedly when he gets to me "it can wait, I need to sit down" I say kissing his cheek then walking to the living room "no baby" he grabs my hand "Colbs" I sigh "no I'm showing you!" he says exciedly and picks me up I giggle and wrap my legs around him "why are you so excited?" I ask "you'll see" he says going upstairs I giggle and lick my thumb and wiping his cheek "you have paint on your cheek" he smiles at me and pecks my lips. He puts me down and turns me around and puts his hands over my eyes "Colbs what are you doing?" I ask "are you ready?" he asks "yeah..?" I say questionably and he takes one of his hands off my face "hey! no looking!" he says putting his hand back I giggle and he moves his hand again "babyy stop" he whines and turns me around I giggle and look up at him "we're just at the baby's room Colbs" he huffs "fine I won't show you" "what? that you finish painting?" "ye-" he groans I smile and lean up kissing his cheek "I'm gonna lay down now, my feet are killing me" I say and walk towards our room but he grabs my hand and pulls me back "Colbs I'm serious" "close your eyes" he says "no I wanna lay down" he pulls me into a hug as I try leaving "Colby my feet hurt" I say getting annoyed with him and he frowns as I call him that and he kisses my forehead "close them please" I sigh and close my eyes "hurry up" I say and he pulls away from the hug and I hear a door open and he grabs my hands and pulls me somewhere "ok... open!" he says after we stop and I open my eyes and I gasp looking around the room as it's all done "so over here is the dresser and her clothes are in it obviously, and the the crib I know you wanted it over there by the window but then the sun would get in her eyes, and look! the walls! I had painters come and paint the roses I thought you'd like it and I hope we can get a sign of her name and put it in the middle, and then I put the koala in here and her blankets, and then over here is the chair where we can read her bedtime stories hence the books that are in here, and I know the picture frame is empty but we could put a family picture in it, then the shelf, the bottom one is her bigger toys we got and then this one here is more toys and then the top one is her pacifiers and extra diapers, oh! and these baskets have access diapers for easy access and the baby wipes, and then the ottoman I got it for our room but-" he explains excitedly with a big smile but stops when he finally looks at me and frowns as he sees I'm crying softly "oh no, do you not like it? is it because I did it without you and not how you wanted it? I'm so sorry baby I was excited and couldn't wait any longer" he says feeling bad and he hugs me "I'm sorry we can re-" "no Colbs, I-i love it" I say cutting him off "then why are you crying?" he asks cupping my cheeks and I let out a sob as he wipes my tears "I-i dunno" "well stop your gonna make me cry" he says and I giggle a small sob coming out he smiles and kisses me and I smile in it kissing him back. He pulls away and I hug him again and he hugs me back "I love you" I whisper looking up at him with my chin in his chest "I love you too baby" he pecks my lips again "oh! also, in the dining room I set up the high chair, and in the living room I know she's not gonna need it in a awhile but I put a walker the one where her feet would go through it along with a bouncer where she lays in it and we bounce it for her, and then I put the car seat in the car already with a baby bag that has things in it already, and in the kitchen I arranged the cupboards a little so one of them has all of the baby things like the bottles, plates, food and the milk formula" he says and I smile tears rolling down my cheeks again "also there's another bag in the car for when your in labor so we can just get in the car and go" he adds wiping my tears and pecking my lips "baby stop" he says wiping the tears and I smile "th-they're happy tears" I say and he smiles and picks me up and I kiss his cheek and put my head in his neck.He lays me in bed and kisses my forehead I smile "how about we take a nap?" he asks getting in next to me I nod and put my head on his chest and he pulls the blanket over us "what did you do today?" he asks rubbing my back gently "had breakfast then went to the mall" he hums "did you get anything?" he asks I hum "yeah I left the bags at the door, but I just got a couple outfits and a new hoodie for you" I say softly looking up at him and he smiles "you mean a hoodie for yourself" I giggle "well you gotta wear it to get your scent on it first" I say and he chuckles and pecks my lips I giggle and put my head back on his chest "how about you, what did you do?" I ask "did the baby's room, but what had to be done today was the roses and the crib and put everything where it needed to be, but y'know what's stupid? I had to go all the way to the post office to pick up the crib and then all way back here and then BACK to the post office to pick up another package!" he complains "like why didn't they drop it off at the door? the reason why we ordered it was to not go anywhere, at LEAST pay for my gas!" he complains more and I giggle "let it out Colbs" I say "I'm serious baby, I had to pay $15 for gas! wanna know how much money I have left? $20!" "your doing so good Colbs let it all out" I giggle and he groans "I get paid tommorow but I need to save my money! I need it for many things and not gas that I wouldn't have needed to pay for it they dropped them off at the door!" I giggle "you would have to pay for it later" I say and he groans "not the point baby, what if while you were out at the mall you went into labor what then? I would have lower gas then I did before and I sure as hell won't stop at a gas station!" I giggle "I'm suing!" he says and I giggle again "your not suing Colbs, you already sued a hospital and used the money to buy a house" "and I'll do it again!" I laugh shaking my head Colby chuckles and kissing my head "I'm kidding, but I'm still mad about them not putting it at the door" I hum and peck his lips "I love you" he smiles "I love you too" he says back and kisses me softly. I cuddle into him once we pull away and he plays with my hair and I soon fall asleep.