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"So your telling me you and Colby almost kissed again!?" Devyn asked and I nod annoyed since she asked multiple times "ok ok what happened?" Tara asks I sigh not wanting to explain again but I do anyway "he thought something was wrong but there wasn't and we somehow ended up just staring in each other's eyes and he started leaning in.. I did too.. but I pulled away just as our lips brushed together since I remembered Chloe" they nod "well you gotta come to school you haven't went in like 3 days" Devyn says I sigh "I guess" I mumble not wanting to go "get dressed" I nod and get up and go to the closet and change. I grab my backpack and my phone and go downstairs "finally c'mon!" Tara says dragging me out the door to the car.
I sigh getting out of the car and we walk towards the school "why didn't you come anyway?" Tara asks "Colby" I mumble they nod then Devyn gasps making me and Tara look at her questionably "that's why Colby's been sad!" She exclaims and Tara makes a face of realization "your right!" Tara agrees and I look at them confused "what?" I ask and they laugh a bit "so Colby he's been sad the past couple days- when you stopped coming- and whenever he'd walk up to the group he looks like he looks for someone and then he gets sad not seeing them that person being you" Devyn explains and I nod and we talk about other things as we walk.

We get to the group and we're laughing about a joke we said "what's so funny?" Kat asks "just an inside joke" Tara says and they nod and we start talking. Colby walks over looking sad and he scans the group and his eyes land on me and he freezes "hey Colby" everyone says noticing him and he snaps out of it tearing his eyes away from me "hey" he says a smile now plastered on his face instead of a frown that he had earlier "I told you!" Devyn yells to me and Tara "I know!" Tara yells back and I slap the back of there heads since everyone was looking at us confused since they don't know what they mean "Sammy!!" They both yell and Tara hits me back "bitch!" I yell hitting her back and we go back and forth hitting each other yelling at each other jokingly. Then Devyn hits us both "bitch!" Me and Tara yell at her in sync and everyone laughs. "What were you guys talking about when Devyn yelled 'i told you'?" Colby asks "nothing" all three of us say in unison and they look at us suspiciously "ok fine it's bec-" I cover Devyns mouth "bitch shut up!" Tara yells hitting slapping the back of her head "bitch!" Devyn yells and hits her back and I rolls my eyes shaking my head "guys tell us!!" Kat says impatiently "it-" "Devyn!!" Me and Tara yell making her stop and everyone groans frustratedly. "We should head to class now" Devyn says and we need and they go to their class's and I stay back and go in my locker since it's by me and grab my text books. I close my locker and turn around getting engulfed in a tight hug and I giggle "I missed you" Colby says "I know" I giggle hugging him back "what do you mean?" "Y'know the think we wouldn't tell you?" I ask looking up at him still hugging him and he nods "it was the reason you were sad.. when you'd come over you'd look for me but you'd be sad if I wasn't there but I was and you weren't sad" "oh.. I didn't know they noticed.." I giggle "oh and you texted me non stop more than half of them saying you missed me" I giggle and he chuckles "right.." he pulls me closer holding me tight I smile and melt in his touch. "c'mon cutie let's get to class" I nod and pull away and we walk to class walking in right as the bell rings.


I sit down at the lunch table and we start talking. Colby comes and puts his tray down and I look at what he got "no fair!" I yell as he got grapes and I didn't "Sam.." he says warningly and I look at him squinting and he squints back and while he's distracted I grab some off his plate still looking at him "ok" I smile and he gives me a wierd look at looks at his plate "Sammm" he whined I giggle and eat a grape he glares at me "give them back" "make me" before he did anything I shoved then all in my mouth and he huffs and I giggled causing me to choke on one and I spit them on my tray "Sammy!" Devyn yells in disgust and I giggle "now you just waisted them!" Colby complains "no I didn't" I grab one and eat it and everyone makes a noise of disgust and I giggle "you only left me one!" He keeps complaining "if your so mad eat one" I sat referring to the ones that were in my mouth "do it!" Jake yells "eww don't!" Devyn yells "do it!" Jake and Corey yell "dont!" Tara yells and everyone is either saying to do it or don't do it and I stare at him waiting for him to do it and he looks at me then at the grapes "you know what just do it!" Tara yells changing her mind "yeah!!" Everyone agrees now changing their minds and Colby shakes his head slowly and grabs one "dude.. I can't" he says looking at it "why not!?" Jake yells somewhat upset "then you do it!" Colby yells "dude no! It's full of saliva!" "Exactly!" I giggle and eat one mindlessly making everyone gag "Colby don't!" Devyn yells as he brings it to his mouth making him stop rethinking it "nononono" he puts it down and Jake groans "Devyn why'd you do that!?" While they argue I go to Colby and whisper in his ear "y'know if your grossed out by my saliva then you wouldn't have wanted to kiss me" he smirks "true" I giggle shaking my head with a small blush "so.. you gonna eat it?" I ask "fuck it" he says and grabs one and throws it up in the air catching it in his mouth and eats it "yeah!!" Corey yells "noo" Devyn gags "what you ate it I didn't see!" Jake yells Colby shrugs and eats another one making Jake cheer and some of them gag "tastes better with your saliva" he whispers in my ear "Colby!" I yell a blush creeping on my face "what, what he say!?" Tara says "n-nothing!" I stutter quickly and Colby laughs and grabs another grape "no stop!" I yell taking it back he laughs "at this point you guys should just kiss" Jake says "I uh- bye" I stutter and get up "holy shit did you guys kiss!??" He yells I grab my tray and leave and dump it.
I come back and sit down "Sam.." "what Jake?" I look up and he smirks and I roll my eyes and look at Colby "what did you tell him?" "You kissed!!" Kat squealed "seriously?" He chuckled shrugging I sigh shaking my head "you wish" I mumble and he laughs a bit "so did y'all kiss or not?" Corey asks "you didn't tell them?" "I avoided the question" "sooo??" Kat asks "guys leave them alone" Devyn says "fine but I'm taking it as that you guys did" Kat huffs "we didn't" I say and they all groan in annoyance "kiss right now!" Jake yells "kiss kiss kiss" they chant I shake my head rolling my eyes and I get up and leave Colby following.


I get on the bus and sit in the back where I normally sit and then the others sit down around me "sooo why didn't you kiss?" Jake asks as the bus starts moving I roll my eyes "shut up" I mumble "c'monnn" he whines I huff and turn so I'm facing Colby "ohhh it's happening" he whispers "I'm not going to kiss him" I say and look at Jake who now is disappointed and I shake my head and look at Colby who's pouting "kiiissss" "fine" I put my hand on Colby's cheek and lean in and he closes his eyes leaning in and I back away "ha! you thought!" Everyone groans "fucking tease" Colby grumbles making me giggle "Colby's going to beat your ass for that" Brennen says and I roll my eyes and turn the right way "already done it three times" Colby mumbles "what!?" Jake yells "Colby!" I yell "wait wait wait WAIT! what do you mean three times!?" Jake asks I huff and glare at Colby and he laughs nervously and I sigh "well you see..." I start "almost kissed once.. a while ago my dog scratched at the door before we got to.." I says "then another time... couple days ago.. but he stopped and moved as our lips brushed together.. since I'm dating Chloe.." he says "and then now" Colby finishes and they all stare at us in shock and I'm blushing looking in my lap "are we not going to talk about how they finished each other's sentences as they explained!?" Jake yells and they start agreeing saying something about it and I put my head in my hands hiding my blush and Colby laughs and pulls me in his side making me blush more as they coo "I thought you didn't notice the first one" Colby whispers in my ear and I shake my head "Solby!" Jake yells as he figures out a ship name and the bus stops and I look out the window and see it's mine and I get up and crawl over Colby not caring that he's getting off too and I run off the bus not wanting to be there anymore and I hear them all laugh "SOLBY!" Jake yells out the window "fuck off!" I yell looking at him and he glares at me "Solbyyy" he teases again as Colby comes up to me and he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder as the bus pulls away "Colby!" "AWW SOLBY!" Jake yells I huff and flip Jake off and Colby slaps my butt "Colby!" I squeak and he laughs and starts walking.

"Please put me down now!" I yell as he walks in his house closing the door and I hear his mom laugh "Colby put the poor boy down!" His mom yells laughing "nope" "Colbyyyy" I whine he laughs and goes upstairs I huff "put me down!" "n-Sam!" He yells as I slap his butt and he slaps mine harder "COLBY!" I yell and he laughs and walks in his room closing the door with his foot and he throws me on the bed gently and I giggle a little and he gets on top of me and starts tickling me "no!" I squeak and squirm around "stop!" I laugh.
He stops after a bit and I lay limp catching his breath and he gets off me and turns on netflix. I sit up and kick off my shoes and lay under the covers and he turns on netflix and also gets under the covers and pulls me close and we cuddle watching netflix.
There's a knock on the door and then it opens and Colby groans looking up "what mom?" He says and holds me tighter "you have practice" she says "no I don't" "they called saying you do know" he huffs "ok" the door closes and he pulls me close and I snuggle into him "do you have to?" I ask "yeah" he sighs "skiiiipp" I whine "I can't I have a game soon" "you said that weeks ago" "I know but it got moved" I huff "get up" I hold him tighter and he pulls me on top of him and sits up and there's another knock "yeah?" He calls "it's in an hour" his mom says "ok" "yay! more cuddles!" I giggle he smiles and we lay back down and I put an arm and leg over him our legs getting tangled and he has his arms wrap tightly around my waist holding me close and I snuggle into him and we watch netflix.


I soon hear soft snores coming from Sam and I smile and run my hand through his hair "Colby your going to be late!" My dad calls and I sigh and kiss Sams head gently and I slowly and carefully get out of Sam's hold. I grab the things need and I go back to Sam and run my fingers through his hair a couple of times and I bend down and kiss his head again and I go downstairs. "Where's Sam?" My mom asks "he fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him" she nods "ok thats fine" I nod and grab my keys off the hook "bye!" I call opening the door "bye!" she says back and I leave.
I get there and change and go up to the others "dude why are you late?" Jake asks "cause I didn't want to come" he looks at me shocked "dude.. since when?" "since I have to stop cuddling Sam" I mumble "awww solbyyyy" I roll my eyes and nudge him "back to work!" Coach yells at us and we nod and do the warm ups.


I get back home and I go inside and I go in my room and close the door and I grab pajamas and go to the bathroom and get in the shower. I get out of the shower and dry myself and put on my boxers and joggers and leave the bathroom. I crawl in bed carefully and get under the covers and I pull Sam close to me and hold him tight and he snuggles into me I smile and kiss his head and close my eyes and fall asleep.


Last one for today

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