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My eyes flutter open and I feel Colby playing with my hair I smile and look up at him and lean up and kiss his jaw he smiles and looks down "hey sleepy head" he says kissing my head I giggle and sit up "what time is it?" I ask before yawning "almost lunch" he says sitting up himself pulling me back I smile and lean into him "can we do the baby names now?" he asks putting his head on my shoulder "sure" "yes!" he cheers and kisses my cheek before standing up I giggle at his excitement and I get up and go to the bathroom. I leave the bathroom and I see Colby sitting at my desk on my laptop I smile and shake my head but I go to the door instead "baby what are you doing?" he asks looking up at me "I want food I'm hungry" he chuckles "alright let's eat first" he says standing up "yay!" I giggle running out of my room and I hear him laugh as he follows me. I get to the kitchen and I open the cupboard looking for something. "baby there's nothing to eat, wanna order something instead?" I huff and close the fridge "yeah, but can we have chick-fil-a?" "of course" I smile and we head back upstairs and I grab my phone and sit on the bed ordering the food. I put my phone down after ordering and I look over at Colby to see him on my laptop again I get up and go over to him he looks at me and smiles "c'mere" he pulls me into his lap I giggle and I look at the laptop and he's on some website that has different names "how about we think of names that we like first" I say not wanting to just pick one off the internet "of course baby" I nod and I go on docs and make a new page so I can type them there "let's do boy names first" he says "ok what name do you like?" I ask "how about Cole since it's my real name" I smile and type it and hit enter putting Noah after "I like it" he says softly and kissing my shoulder I smile "Asher" he says I smile and put them down "Grayson?" I ask he hums and I put it down. We then look at the website after we couldn't think of anymore and we end up with about 10 options "girls now" Colby says I hum "Lily" he says after I smile lightly and put it down "how about Ava and Bella?" "of course, but do Isabella but Bella for short, two in one" I giggle and put them on the list "Paige?" he says after "course" I say putting it on the list and as I do the doorbell goes off "food!" I squeak getting off his lap and I hear him laugh as I run out of the room. I thank the guy and I shut the door and ran back upstairs back into my room seeing that Colby moved to the bed I smile and shut the door and I sit next to him and we eat as we look for more names on the website.
"Done" I say as I finish putting in the last name and he moves the laptop on the side table and as he does I sit in his lap he smiles and puts his hands on my hips and he leans in and kisses me softly. He pulls away and I put my head in his neck "I love you baby" he says moving his arms to be around my waist "I love you too Colbs" he lays his head on mine and we stay in a comfortable silence. "Colbs?" I say softly looking up at him "yeah?" he says back "well uh.." I stutter he cups my cheek caressing it gently "you don't need to be nervous baby" he says softly I nod and I play with the hem of his shirt "hey.." he grabs my hands and I look up at him "what's wrong baby?" he asks worry washing over his face "well.. it's kind of early but, what if we moved in together, like buy a house" he smiles making me smile "baby I'd love to, but we don't have money to buy everything thing for the house or the house itself" I nod "I know, like in the future before the baby is older" "of course, our parents probably wouldn't want to wake up to crying since they work" I nod with a small smile knowing he'd want to live with me "I know we don't have money but can we look at houses and things to get like furniture?" "why not" I smile and crawl off his lap and cuddle into his side and he grabs my laptop and hands it to me then grabs his from his backpack "can I do the bedroom pleaseee" I beg and he chuckles "sure, I'll do the living room" I smile wide "we should look for the house first baby" I nod and put my laptop to the side and look at his.

I sigh as there wasn't any good options and we've been looking for about 30 minutes I gasp "that one!" I point to a grey house "oh wait it's perfect, it has 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms one being in the master bedroom and only about 3 hours away" he says as he looks at the information on it I smile wide and look up at him and he smiles back and kisses my forehead "but what if it's already bought by someone before we move" I say with a pout "let's hope not" I nod and I look back at the laptop and I go through the pictures untill I get to the master bedroom I hum as I grab my laptop and Colby chuckles and he also starts looking for things for the living room both of us showing each other seeing if we both like it. After a couple hours we finish looking for things and add things on a wishlist so we remember what they are. "Colbs" I whine "what baby?" he asks worriedly "look it's too much were not gonna move in ages!" I whine showing him my phone as I added up all the prices of the stuff he chuckles "baby we haven't even looked for things for the baby so it's gonna be more" he says and I frown "and then the bills too" he adds I sigh looking in my lap "baby" he sighs moving our laptops and pulling me in his lap "why does moving have to be so hard?" I huff he laughs "it'll be ok baby, don't stress about it right now" he says pulling me into a hug I nod and he rubs my back "I'm gonna be a horrible dad" I mumble in his chest "no your not your gonna be an amazing one baby" I sigh shaking my head "how about you take a bath to relax, get your mind off of things" I shrug "you don't have a choice" he says standing up and putting me on the bed "I'm gonna start it" I sigh and nod and he goes into the bathroom. I grab my phone hearing it ding and it's from Devyn and Tara


Tara 😍: can we hang out tomorrow after school

Devyn✨: yesss

Sammyy: what are we gonna do

Tara 😍: mall then Sam's house?

Devyn✨: please we haven't in so long

Sammyy: idk maybe

Devyn✨: ok let us know

I turn off my phone and put it down on the table and I get up and go to the bathroom and he turns off the water he turns and smiles at me grabbing my hand pulling me in as I was just in the doorway "look it's purple!" he yells pointing to the bath I giggle and hug him "thank you" "of course, why don't you get in I'll bring in your clothes" I nod and pull away from the hug "can you come in with me?" I ask as he kisses my forehead "are you sure" I nod "please" he nods "alright, I'll be in, in a second" I smile "thank you" I say again pecking his lips he nods and leaves the bathroom and I strip out of my clothes and get in the bath sitting down.
Colby comes in shortly after and he sets our clothes down on the sink counter and hands up our towels "here pick a song" he says handing me his phone I nod and grab his phone going on spotify. He gets in on the other side and I play a song and put the phone on the ground next to the bath then I move so I'm in between his legs my back facing him "woahh it feels so wierd!" Colby says as he picks up the bath bomb he put in before hand I giggle "you've never used one before, have you?" I ask he chuckles and puts it back in the water "that obvious?" "a little" he laughs lightly and wraps his arms around me and I lean into him and we talk softly as we listen to the music.
We get out of the bath and dry ourselves and he changes into joggers but I have my towel wrapped around my lower half looking at my baby bump in the mirror. Colby comes behind me and wraps his arms around me "it's getting bigger" he says as he looks in the mirror I nod with a soft smile. He kisses my shoulder and unwraps his arms from me "get dressed" I nod and he kisses my cheek before leaving the bathroom. I get changed into his hoodie he put on the counter and I leave the bathroom after draining the water from the bath. I crawl in bed next to him and cuddle into his side "I'm tired now" I say giggling tiredly after "yeah, me too" he says wrapping his arms around me I smile and snuggle into him and we fall into a comfortable silence. He kisses my head and pulls me closer "goodnight baby" "goodnight Colbs" I nuzzle my head in his chest and we both drift off to sleep.


Please choose which name you like better these are the common suggested ones and ones I liked along with some I thought of myself.

Boy names: Cole, Noah, Asher, Grayson

Girl names: Lily, Ava, Isabella/Bella, Paige

Also sorry if I didn't choose a name you suggested, I wanted it to be fair for everyone and cause I can't choose myself.
Have a good rest of your day
or night! :)

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