Colby moves a lot and I whine and cuddle closer to him and he wraps his arms around me pulling me close and I put a leg over him and tighten my grip on him nuzzling my head in his chest and I hear people coo but I don't think anything of it being tired. "where's Jake?" I hear Colby say but I don't bother listening to anything else. He tries sitting up but I hold him tighter and he laughs a bit and stops moving holding me close. I hear something hit the wall waking me up and I whine slightly nuzzling my head in his chest "Ja-" "SOLBY!!" I hear Jake yell and I groan and let go of Colby and turn around pulling the covers over my head curling in a ball and I hear people groan in annoyance "JAKE YOU WOKE HIM UP!" I hear Tara yell mad "shut up!" I yell annoyed still tired "great now he's gonna be grumpy all day" Devyn mutters "I will if you don't shut the fuck up" "nice going Jake" Corey says and they start arguing I groan and I get up and push past then and leave the room and go to a guest room and get in bed snuggling in the covers and I fall back asleep.
I wake up fully and I sit up with a stretch and I stumble out of bed still tired and I walk downstairs. I trip on nothing and fall down the stairs I groan and just lay there "Sammy are you ok!?" I hear Devyn call from the living room I don't say anything and get up with a slight wince and I walk to the kitchen and lean on the counter putting my elbows on it holding my head. I rub my face and I stand up straight and I go to the living room and slump on the couch next to Colby "Sammy what happened?" Tara asks "fell down the stairs" I mumble and everyone laughs and I huff shaking my head. I lay down with my feet hanging over the arm rest and I lay my head in Colby's lap and he looks at me and smiles and runs his fingers through my hair scratching my head gently and I smile leaning against his hand my eyes fluttering closed and he laughs "shush" I giggle he chuckles and continues scratching my head. He stops and I open my eyes and pout he smiles and pokes my nose and I smile a little and turn my head looking at the tv. Colby grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers and I blush a little and hold his hand back and he rubs my hand with his thumb and he talks to Corey and Jake.
I hear Devyn and Tara whispering and I hear my name and I look over and they are talking about me and Colby and I shake my head softly and I look up looking at Colby and scan his face. "Sammm" Jake says teasingly and I look over "what?" He smirks "your staring" I feel a blush creep on my face and I avoid eye contact with everyone looking at the tv "Solby! Solby! Solby!" Everyone chants "shut up!" Me and Colby say at the same time "c'mon just kiss!" Jake yells annoyed Colby pulls me up and sits me in his lap and I keep my head down and he cups my cheeks lifting my head up and he looks at my lips leaning in closing his eyes and I close my eyes but he never kisses me so I open my eyes and he stopped right before our lips brushed together "you thought" he says softly his breath hitting my lips making me blush more "fuck you" I say back pushing his shoulder "damn it guys!" Jake yells Colby chuckles and cups my cheeks again bringing me forward and kisses my forehead "woo! Close enough!" Jake cheers and I giggle blushing a little and crawl off Colby's lap "Sammy?" Devyn says questionably and I look over "yeah?" "Why aren't you freaking out?" Tara asks I shrug "he's done it before" I say and their jaws drop and I giggle a little and watch tv.
"bye guys!" Me and Colby call as they leave as the door closes I look at Colby and glare at him "hey don't be mad at me you did it first" I huff and look at the tv crossing my arms and he pulls me in his side "I'm sorry cutie" I smile a bit "how about.." he starts and I furrow my brows and look up at him "we never do that again?" I giggle and nod "good" he says "I'm hungry" he laughs and pulls me in his lap and stands up and I wrap around him and giggle a bit and he smiles and goes to the kitchen. He puts me on the counter and stands in between my legs "what do you want?" I shrug "pizza rolls?" He suggests "sure" he nods and goes to the freezer.
He takes me off the counter and I go to the living room and he follows with the plate of pizza rolls. I sit down on the couch and turn on a movie and he sits next to me and we watch the movie and eat. I get up grabbing the now empty plate and go to the kitchen and put it in the sink and I grab a water. I go back to the living room and and Colby is now laying down "Colbyyy" I whine he smiles and opens his arms "c'mere" I giggle and lay infront of him and he wraps his arms around me pulling me close I smile.