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"Sammy!" Devyn yells shaking me awake I groan and turn over "Sammy get up!" I huff and rub my eyes "whaatttt" I groan "get dressed!" I sit up and stretch and she hands me the outfit Shea and Xepher chose "nooo I'm not wearing this" "yes you are!" I groan "I'll wear feminine clothes but not this" "fine what are you gonna choose" "just black ripped high waisted jeans and a large hoodie" "no! Your wearing this it's pretty much the same" "fiiiiinneee" I groan "yay!" I take the outfit from her and get up and go to the bathroom connected to my room and change.

I walk out and Devyn isn't in here anymore and I put on classic vans and I look at myself in the mirror and I smile slightly and I zip up the sweater halfway "eeeee!!!!" I jump and turn around seeing Devyn with a big smile and I giggle and grab my phone and backpack "is everyone else ready?" I ask "Kat's still doing makeup and the others are in there waiting" I nod and we go in the room Kat's in. "Look at Sammy!" Devyn squeals as she walks in I giggle and walk in after and they look at me and smile they all squeal and I roll my eyes and we talk while Kat finishes her makeup.

Kat finishes and we all go downstairs "ah right in time breakfast is done" my mom says as she hears us coming down "look at Sammy!" Devyn squeals and my mom turns and looks at me and smiles "finally you wear something like that" I huff "whatever" I grab a plate and sit at the table.
We all finish eating and we put our dishes in the sink "bye mom!" I call as we start walking out the door "bye Sam!" She calls back and I shut the door and we walk to the bus stop.

"Nononono I can't go" I say as we get closer to the bus stop "Sam stop worrying you'll be fine!" Shea says "nope nope nope I'm going back home" I say and turn around "Sammy!" Tara grabs my arm and pulls me back "nooooo" I whine as we turn the last corner and the bus stop is now in view and Jake, Corey, and Colby are there already "nononono" "Sam! You'll be fine!" Kat yells and I whine and put the hood up pulling the strings hiding my face as we get to the bus stop "Jakey!" Tara yells and let's go of my hand and I put my head down "where's Sam?" Jake asks "Sammy.." Tara trails off and my hood gets taken down and I squeak and put the hood back up only for it to be taken off again and I sighed and looked down fiddling with the sweater paws "Sam it's ok we won't judge you for being yourself" Jake said I nodded slowly and then I heard the bus coming and I looked up seeing it turn the corner and I sighed.

We got on the bus and I held my head low with my hood up and then we got to the back and sat down and I sat down in my normal seat and Corey went to sit next to me but Jake pulled him in his seat and sat next to him "Jake what was that for!" Corey yelled and he slapped him in the back of the head "ja-" "shut up!" He yelled "ohhhh" Corey said as he realised something then Colby sat next to me and smiled I blushed and looked out the window feeling nervous around him. A girl got on and she looked straight at Colby and looked at me and glared I furrowed my brows and shifted in her gaze "ignore her" Colby said to me "o-ok" I stuttered "Sammy you ok?" Devyn asked hearing my stutter "y-yeah" I trailed off "Sammy" she trailed off and I grabbed my phone and went in the group chat with her and Tara


Sammyy: I think I might like Colby

Devyn✨: cute!!!!

Tara 😍: wait what!?

Sammyy: don't tell anyone please

Devyn✨: I won't

Tara 😍: promise I won't

Sammyy: thank you

I put my phone down after turning it off and close my eyes taking a deep breath and I open them and I look over at Colby and he's staring at me and I look away with a blush creeping on my face. "Jake!" Colby yelled and I jumped and looked over at him and he's rubbing the back of his head "listen to me!" Jake yelled I giggled and shook my head with a small smile

The Boy Next Door {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now