I wake up to my alarm going off and I whine nuzzling my head in Colby's chest in hopes of falling back asleep and I huff getting annoyed and I grab my phone and turn off the alarm and sit up making Colby groan turning around and I shake my head with a small smile and I get out of bed and go to the bathroom.
I leave the bathroom and go to my closet and I change putting on one of Colbys hoodies. I go to Colby and I shake him gently "Colby wake up" he groans "get up" he groans and sits up stretching and I grab my phone and go on it. Colby sits at the edge of the bed and pulls me in between his legs wrapping his arms around my waist putting his head on my stomach and I giggle softly and I scratch his head gently and he tightens his grip
"I love you baby" I smile blushing a slightly "I love you too Colby" he pulls me in his lap so I was now straddling him and we just hold each
There's a knock on the door and then it opens "sa- aww" my mom coos and I whine slightly and Colby chuckles and takes his head out from my neck rubbing my back lightly "well you guys should get ready before your late for the bus" she says "ok" I say and I get off Colby's lap and she stands there looking at us with a soft smile "you wanna tell her?" Colby whispers with a slight chuckle "no let her figure it out" I whisper back he nods with a chuckle "you can leave now" I say to my mom with a small giggle "ok... Are you guys dating?" She asks hopeful and we laugh a little "yeah" I say and Colby nods and she smiles and leaves closing the door and she squeals making us laugh. Colby gets up going to his bag grabbing his clothes and going in the bathroom to change.We go downstairs and I go in the kitchen "oh mom?" I say as I see her in here "yes?" "don't tell anyone about us dating" she nods "I'm serious" I say knowing she'll tell someone "ok ok" she laughs "thanks" she nods and grabs her keys "I'm going to work" I nod and I go in the fridge and grab a water bottle "ready baby?" I nod and he grabs my hand interlocking our fingers and we start walking to the bus stop.
We approach the last turn until the stop comes into view and Colby goes to let go of my hand but I hold it tighter and he chuckles "you gotta let go baby" I sigh and let go "aw baby" he coos and kisses my head "shut up" I mumble hitting his arm playfully and he laughs and he grabs my arm stopping me from walking and I look at him questionably and he puts his hands on my hips pulling me close and I giggle softly wrapping my arms around his neck and he smiles kissing me passionately and I smile in it kissing back. We pull away and I smile at him and he smiles back and pecks my lips once more and we pull away and continue walking joking around."SOLBY!!" Jake yelled as we got closer and we laughed a bit "date already!" Corey yelled as we got up to them "yes your already dating just make it official!" Xepher yells and I start to blush as they keep saying other things "aww Sam's blushing!" Jake yells "shut up" I mumble "ow!" He yells as I hit his arm and I giggle a little. The bus comes and we get on and I sit in the seat and Jake pushes Colby down next to me and he chuckles shaking his head. Colby grabs my hand interlocks our fingers and I smile holding it back.
We get to school and we get off the bus and we walk behind the others talking. We get to the rest of the group and we keep talking "solby!!" They all yell and we laugh looking at them "are you dating now!?" Devyn asks "no" "your literally wearing his hoodie" she groans "and?" Colby says "and your flirting with each other" Tara says "no we weren't" I say and they all groan making us laugh because we were flirting with each other "whatever but you will be dating soon and if not I'm suing" Devyn says and everyone agrees.-
It's now lunch and I walk there with Colby and we hold hands since none of our friends are with us. We get our food and walk to the table and they all are looking at us "what?" I ask and they look at me like I'm stupid I shrug and sit down "are you sure your not dating?" Kat asks "yeah" we say at the same time "are you sure?" Devyn asks "yep" I say taking a bite of my food and we talk about other things.
Right now Colby is telling a funny story from when he is little and I'm staring at him not paying attention to what he's saying. Soon he looks over at me and smiles glancing at my lips and then we make eye contact "SAM!" I jump getting taken out of my trance "w-what?" I stutter looking away from him "take a picture it'll last longer" Jake says and I whine covering my face with my hands putting my head on the table and they start laughing "dude we were calling your name for a minute" Jake says and they laugh again "you like what you see baby?" Colby whispers in my ear "stoop" I whine and he chuckles "sorry baby" he whispers and kisses under my ear sending chills down my spine "seriously just date already" Jake says after they calmed down and stoped laughing "yeah you both know you like each other so just date" Devyn says I sigh getting annoyed as they keep listing off reasons on why we should date. "and-" Tara starts but Colby cuts her off "and I'm dating Chloe and we love each other" I sigh and get up grabbing my tray.
"Are you ok baby?" Colby asks and I turn around after I finish throwing away my food "yeah.." I sigh "I'm sorry" he says and hugs me and I hug him back "I didn't mean it baby I promise I only said it so they could stop" I nod "don't say it again I don't like it" I say looking at him "I won't I promise" he says and pecks my lips and I smile which makes him smile "let's go back" I nod and he pecks my lips once more and we go back to the others. We sit down and we join their conversation and Colby grabs my hand underneath the table and I smile and squeeze his hand gently and he squeezes mine back harder.-
"Bye baby" Colby says hugging me and I hug him back "are you coming over after?" I ask as we pull away "no I can't" I frown "I'm sorry" "it's ok" his phone goes off and he looks at it "oh I have to go now" he says putting his phone away and I nod. He cups my cheek caressing it and he leans in to kiss me but "Sammy!" Devyn yells as she turns the corner and Colby pulls away quickly and I sigh "bye baby, see you tomorrow" he says picking up his football bag "bye Colby" he smiles and walks off "Sammy!" Devyn yells again as her and Tara run up to me "yeah?" I ask as I start walking and they follow "can we come over!?" Tara asks "yeah sure" they squeal and walk out of the school. We get in Devyn's car and she drives to my house.
We get there and we go inside and we go up to my room and watch netflix for most of the night.