I sit up rubbing my eyes tiredly and I check the time 11:25 I look besides me to see that Colby isn't there so I get up and head to the guest room to see if he's in there. I open the door seeing that he isn't in there I sigh deeply and head downstairs hoping he's down there. I grab a granola bar and eat it going to the couch plopping into it with a sigh as Colby isn't here and I turn on the tv.
I hear the door open and I furrow my brows and grab my phone checking the time 12:15 I furrow my brows confused since Colby wouldn't be home right now "hey baby" I hear Colby say and then kiss my head I gasp and look up he smiles and pecks my lips and I smile "shouldn't you be at school?" I ask as he walks around the couch he sighs and sits next to me "baby, I thought about what you said all night and you were correct, about everything so, in the morning Jake picked me up and dropped me off at my parents place and I talked to my mom and I dropped out and then I got the car back since they finished fixing it and the insurance covered it" I smile and hug him "thank you" I say he hums and rubs my back "by the way I did want to drop out but I tried already and my mom got mad so I didn't know what she would do this time so that's why I didn't" I nod and sit in his lap and he picks my up and turns off the tv I giggle and nuzzle my head in his neck and he goes up to our room. He gets in bed keeping me in his lap and I look up at him "what are we doing?" I ask "I'm going to sleep since someone decided to not sleep with me last night knowing I can't really sleep without them" I giggle and peck his lips "I'm sorry" I say he hums "it's alright" I nod and crawl out of his lap and lay down and he lays down after and puts his head on my chest pulling me closer by the waist I kiss his head and turn on netflix. Colby groans and nuzzles his head in my chest I giggle and scratch his head knowing that's what he wants and he smiles pulling me closer "I love you babyy" he slurs tiredly I giggle and kiss his head "I love you too Colbs" he looks up and kisses me I smile and peck his lips and he puts his head back down on my chest and I continue playing with his hair and he soon drifts off to sleep and I decide to go back to sleep as well.-
"Baby" I hear Colby say and I open my eyes he smiles and kisses my forehead "c'mon get dressed" I hum and sit up "why?" I ask rubbing my eyes "I don't have work so I thought we could go to the store and get things for our babygirl" I smile and get up and go to the closet and change into sweats and a hoodie. I put on my shoes and Colby pulls me off the bed and pecks my lips I smile and we head downstairs. He grabs his keys and we go out to the car and buckle in and he pulls out and drives to the store.
Soon we get to the store and he parks and we get out of the car "I'm excited!" I squeak as Colby grabs my hand he squeezes my hand "me too baby" he says softly I smile and we walk inside and he lets go of my hand and grabs a cart. We get to the baby section "I don't know what we need" Colby whispers looking at everything I giggle "I'm serious" he whispers again "why are you whispering?" I whisper he chuckles "I dunno, but I really don't know what we need to get" "um clothes, pacifiers, toys, food, bottles, crib, car seat, stroller, diapers and more things" I say and he looks around "how about these?" he asks grabbing a package of pacifiers I nod with a small smile he hums and puts it in the cart and I grab a box of diapers and put it in the cart and baby wipes "is this one good?" he asks pointing at a stroller "yep" he nods and grabs the box putting it in the cart we grab some more things.
"now clothes" I say as we finish putting some toys in he hums and we go to them "baby please" he says grabbing a koala onesie "please" he begs I giggle "yes Colbs" he cheers and puts it in the cart and we put a couple more outfits in. "ok I think that's enough, we can order the crib and some more toys and clothes" Colby says I nod "sounds good" I say and we start walking back to the front. He stops abruptly "Colbs? what wrong?" I ask confused he ignores me and grabs stuff off the shelf "Colbs we're not getting anymore" I say "baby just these please" he says showing me the things and it's a small koala stuffed animal and a koala pacifier "Colbs," I giggle "put it back" "can we get it please!" he begs in a little kid voice I shake my head "baby please" I sigh "alright" he puts them in the car and hugs me tight but not too tight "thank you" I hum and look at him pecking his lips "my feet hurt" I whine and he pulls away from the hug "let's go now then" I nod and we go to the front and pay for the things.
We get everything into the car and we get in the car and buckle he starts the car and pulls out and drives back home putting his hand on my thigh. We finally get home and Colby parks the car "c'mon" I whine "we can lay down after we get the things up to the room" I sigh and get out of the car my feet aching in pain with each step. Minutes later we get everything into the baby's room and I sit on the floor with my back against the wall. Colby comes in and sits next to me wrapping his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder "let's look for the crib and stuff" he says opening his laptop that he brought in with him I hum and we look at cribs and plan out how we want to set up the room.
We finish and he stands up and holds his hands out for me I take them and he pulls me up "I'll order some food" he says closing the door behind him as we walk out I nod and we go into our room and I take off my shoes and pants and I sit in bed my back against the headboard closing my eyes "I ordered chipotle-" "Colbs I-" I cut him off but he cuts me off "as I was saying I ordered chipotle for myself and chick-fil-a for you" I smile "ok, thank you" he nods "you ok?" he asks when I sigh and I look over at him and he's taking off his shoes "yeah just tired" he hums and takes off his hoodie and shirt. He lays on his side proping himself up with his elbow at the foot of the bed facing me and I look at him confused but he starts massaging my foot and I smile "I can't believe she's gonna be in our lives soon" he says softly I hum "I know it went by fast" I say and he hums "I can't wait" he says massaging the other foot I nod rubbing my baby bump and we talk more. Soon the doorbell rings "foods here" he says and gets up leaving the room I grab the remote and turn on a show on netflix. He comes back and sits besides me and hands me my food "thank you" he hums and kisses my temple and we eat watching netflix.I get up grabbing my trash "oh baby I'll throw it away" he says getting up "ok thank you" he takes my garbage along with his "of course" he pecks my lips before going downstairs and I go into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush and soon Colby comes in and also brushes his teeth. I finish first and I get in bed getting under the covers waiting for Colby. He takes off his pants before getting in besides me pulling me close and kissing my forehead "goodnight baby" I smile and snuggle into him "g'night Colbs" I mumble and he rubs my back and I slowly drift off to sleep.