"Bye Sammy we'll see you Monday!" Devyn called as they go to the door going home to get ready for the party "bye guys! Have fun!" I called back from the steps.
"Hey mom?" I say as I walk in the living room "yes?" She looks up at me "could you get me Starbucks please?" I ask hopeful she laughs a bit "yeah I have to pick something up anyway" she explains standing up "yay! Thank you!" "Of course" she says and leaves the living room ruffling my hair I giggled and I leave the living room as well "I'll be back" she says grabbing her keys "ok bye!" I call and go up the stairs and I hear the door close as I get to the top. I go to my closet and change my clothes even though I'm not going anywhere I still change along with putting on shoes.
About five minutes later I hear the front door open "Sam!" I smile and I stand up and go downstairs and see my mom in the kitchen and I see my Starbucks on the counter and I smile and hop off the last step "thanks mom!" I smile and grab it "of course" she smiles "well I have to go out for work now" "oh ok" "oh and you have a friend here" I furrow my brows and she nods her head pointing and I look over and see Colby there and I squeak in surprise "how long were you there!?" He chuckles "the whole time" I furrow my brows not remembering him being there "well I'll go now, bye" my mom says "ok bye!" I say and she leaves and I drink my Starbucks "why are you here anyway?" "Well I'm not going to the party and you aren't either so I wanted to hang out" I nod and then the doorbell rings and I groan and go get it.I open the door and my eyes go wide "w-w-why are y-you h-here" I stutter seeing my father "well I am moving somewhere that doesn't allow animals so I was wondering if you'd like to have him back?" I look down and see my dog that he took with him after leaving I gasp "p-please!?" He chuckles "here" he hands me the leash and a box of dog toys "th-thank y-you!" He nods and leaves and I shut the door and put the box of dog toys down and unclip the leash and pick him up smiling brightly "aww" Colby cood as I walked in the kitchen and he pet behind his ear "what's his name?" "Charger" I put him down and he jumped at my leg I giggled and I made him hyper and started chasing him giggling while I do and squealing at times when he'd turn around and try to bite me
I watched in awe as Sam played with his dog, smiling brightly while giggling and squealing. He ran back into the kitchen out of breath giggling slightly "ah!" He squealed as charger ran up to him and tried biting his hand I laughed and he sat on the floor with his tongue sticking out. Sam left and then came back with a box and he pulled out two dog bowls and he filled one up with water and put it on the ground and filled the other with food putting it next to it. He then sat on the counter and drank his drink and I smiled a bit admiring him and how adorable he is "so what do you wanna do?" I shrugged "wanna go to your room?" "no!" He squeaked I chuckled knowing why he said that "why not?" "Hm, dirty" he shrugged "that's ok" he huffed "no we're not going up there" "why not?" I asked again "cause it's dirty!" "I don't care you can clean it" he squinted at me and I smiled at how cute he is "no" "yes" "no" "fine I'll go myself" I said turning around walking towards the stairs "no!" He squealed and I heard him jump off the counter but I kept walking "stop!" He grabbed my wrist and I turned "c'mon" "nooo" he whined "Sam, c'mon" he sat on the floor criss cross crossing his arms "make me" "ok" I picked him up throwing him over my shoulder "no! Put me down!!" "Colby!! Stop!" He yelled as I started going up the stairs "Colby please!" I put him down once we I got to the top "we're not going in there!" He huffed crossing his arms "which one is it?" I asked "th- I'm not telling you!" He stopped himself I shook my head with a smile "you pointed at it" I smiled and went to the door "nooo" he whined and ran in front of me blocking the door "Sam how bad can it be?" He looked at the ground and shrugged "Sam its not dirty" I stated he sighed "fine it's not" "I know that" "I don't want you in there" I sigh "Sam, the only reason it really could be that I can think of is more on the feminine side and I don't care if it is and to be honest feminine things suit you, it's cute" he blushed as I said that nodding slowly "f-fine" he stuttered and I smiled and he reaches his hand back and opened the door facing away from it and I smiled seeing the familiar room.