"Sammy" I hum my eyes still closed "Sammy get up" I huff and open my eyes "what?" I mumble looking up at Devyn "well.. your mom she came home while me and Tara were getting breakfast and well she's mad.." I groan "she wants to talk to you" "can't it wait?" I mumble "she said if you don't go down there she's coming up here and if she sees you she won't be too happy" I was about to ask why but then Colby tightened his grip on me making me remember he's here and I sigh "m'kay I'll be down" I say tiredly she nods and leaves closing the door. I move Colby's arm from around me and I go to sit up back he puts his arm back around me "don't" he mumbles "I have to" I say trying to move his arm again "stop" he mumbles putting his leg over me holding me tight "Colby I have to" he groans and let's me go turning around I sigh and sit up stretching and get up and go to my closet and shut the door and change then go downstairs.
I get down there and go to the kitchen where I hear talking "you don't have to go up there" I hear Devyn say "I don't care I'm go-" my mom starts but stops when I walk into the room "what's up?" I ask grabbing a water "what took you so long?" My mom asks "changing" I say simply and lean against the counter looking at her and she rolls her eyes "ok.. what did you want?" I ask again "what did I tell you about having friends over?" she raises her voice my face drops because I forgot about that "they came over themselves" "why didn't you tell them to leave?" I shrug "forgot" she huffs "you also went to Starbucks I told you don't go anywhere" she says nodding her head to the garbage "I was thirsty" "we have things here" I shake my head and opened the fridge it being pretty much empty "looks like we don't" I shrug "could've drank water" "there isn't anymore, have the last one" I say holding up the bottle closing the fridge "fine you can go grocery shopping" "sorry I'm not allowed to go anywhere" she groans rubbing her face I shrug "your rules" I say and head up the stairs.I get to my room and close the door and I look up and they are all in here "why does she always have to yell?" Tara asks I shrug "how is he still asleep?" I ask as I get to the bed "don't know" I shake my head and sit down "Samuel!" My mom yells I huff and get up and go back downstairs "what?" I say as I get to the kitchen "your still grounded but you can go places but no friends" I groan "also your going grocery shopping" "nooo" "you heard me!" She yells getting mad again I sigh "I don't even have a car" "your friends can drive you" "but you just said no friends!" I yell frustrated "I don't care you heard me!" I rub my face sighing deeply "alright fine, give me the card" I say calmly holding out my hand "nope your paying" I look at her like she's stupid "I don't have money!" "Don't yell at me!" "But I don't have money! how do you expect me to pay!?" "Find a way Samuel!" She yells grabbing her purse "when I come back there better be food" "where are you going?" "Work" "course what else is new" I mumble going up the stairs "Samuel!" "What!" I yell turning on the stairs looking at her "don't back talk me! and when your done your friends leave!" I scoff and continue up the stairs "Samuel!" "I know I heard you!" I yell completely over her. I get to my room and do go to my closet and put on my shoes muttering things I get out of the closet and I grab my phone and go to the door "Sammy where you going?" "I'm sure you heard" I say still mad and I go downstairs and I hear footsteps following me "Sammy wait!" Devyn calls I sigh and turn around and Tara's behind her and Colby comes down shortly after "I'll drive" Tara says "ok" I say and the door opens and my mom walks in and she spots me and she looks over seeing the others "I said no friends!" I groan "I know they're driving me!" She gives me a glare and grabs her jacket and slams the door shut I shake my head and go to her room.
"Sammy what are you doing?" Tara asks as I look in the side table in my mom's room I don't answer her and keep shuffling through things. I soon find the money she keeps in here for emergencies and I take it and shut the drawer "Sammy she's gonna be even more mad if you used that" Devyn says "I can care less right now" I say putting it in my pocket and I leave the room and go outside to Tara's car and get in the back waiting for them. They come out and come to the car and get in and Tara starts the car and pulls out. We get to the store and we get out and I grab a cart and we go in.-
We get back to my house and unload the groceries and put them away and I put the left over money back in her drawer "Sammy we have to get going" Devyn says I nod "ok bye" I say going up the stairs following Colby "bye" they say in unison and I finish going up the stairs going in my room. Colby turns around and hugs me wrapping his arms around my waist tightly and I hug him back putting my head in his neck "I'm sorry she shouldn't be yelling at you" "it's not your fault" I sigh pulling away from the hug and he puts his hands on my hips massaging them gently and I blush a bit "let's lay down" I nod and he walks to the bed I take off my shoes and get in bed and grab the remote and turn on a movie and I lay down after and he wraps his arms around me pulling me close and I nuzzle my head in his chest and he gently scratches my back.
After awhile my phone starts ringing but I ignore it "you gonna get it?" "no" I mumble and cuddle closer to him he chuckles and tightens his grip. My phone dings so I reach over and grab it and check the messageMom: I'll be home soon
I sigh and put my phone down and cuddle into Colby again "who was it?"
"My mom's gonna be home soon" I mumble "then I should get going" "nooo" I hold him tighter and he coos "stoopp" I whine hiding my face in his chest "cutie" I whine "stop it" "ok cutie" I huff and let go of him turning around "no cutie come back" "no go home" "cutie..." He trails off sadly but I don't say anything and he sighs and his arms wrap around me and I turn around and cuddle into him and he holds me tight and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and we just stay like this not talking. "I should go now" he says quietly after a bit I sigh and let go of him and he lets go of me and stands up and puts on his shoes "bye cutie" "bye Colby" he leaves closing my door and I sigh and I get up and change into a hoodie and get back in bed and lay down."Samuel!" My mom yells after I hear the door close I sigh and get up and go downstairs. "Yeah?" "Eat" she says and leaves the kitchen I sigh and sit down on the stool and open the pizza box and eat a slice. "Samuel!!" She yells angry stomping in the kitchen "w-what?" I ask scared "you used my emergency money!" "I-im sorry" she comes up to me and raises her hand and slaps me and my eyes fill up with tears and I hold my face looking at her and her face is now full of regret "I'm so sorry" she says taking a step to me but I get up and run upstairs and shut my door and slide down it bursting into tears since instead of seeing my mom I seen my dad I pull my knees to my chest crying in them.
There's a knock on the door "S-sam please let me in" I get up and lock the door and go to my bed and get under the covers curling in a ball crying. My phone goes off but I ignore it but it goes off again so I pick it up and check it still cryingColby🧀❤️: why are you crying?
Colby🧀❤️: what happened??
I don't answer and put my phone down pulling my knees to my chest crying more and my phone goes off more times and soon starts ringing I pick it up "Sam, Sam what happened??" Colby asks worried I let out a sob "sh-she-she-" I let out another sob "take your time, deep breaths" I take a deep breath "sh-she h-hi-hit m-e" I choke out he doesn't say anything but I hear movement from him and soon hear the sound of keys and a door open and close "I'm coming over" he finally speaks "o-ok" I hear his car start and I get up and unlock my door and get back in my bed curling in a ball again "I'll be there soon" "o-k" then he hung up and I put my phone on the table hugging my knees crying.
There's a dip in the bed and I look up and see Colby and I cling onto him and he pulls me in his lap and I dig my head in his neck and he wraps his arms around me rubbing my back whispering calming things. I calm down and he pulls away and cups my cheeks wiping the tears and he caresses the cheek that she slapped "there's a handprint" he says frowning I sigh and put my head on his chest wrapping my arms around his torso and he rubs my back. I put my chin on his chest looking at him and his head is against the wall looking at the wall infront if him. He looks down at me and he smiles and cups my cheek again caressing it and I smile a little. I pull away and he looks at me "what are you doing?" I get off the bed "I have to use the bathroom" I say walking to it he nods and I go in and close the door and I look at myself in the mirror and sigh seeing a bright red handprint on my cheek still I turn on the water and I splash my face with it. I dry my face and leave the bathroom turning off the light. I look at Colby and he's laying on his back on his phone I go to him and lay in between his legs putting my head on his chest and he laughs slightly and runs his fingers through my hair I smile and close my eyes "goodnight cutie" "goodnight" I mumble, he keeps playing with my hair and I soon fall asleep.