I wake up seeing that I'm on the couch and the others around the living room either sleeping or just on their phone. I sit up making Colby groan and pull me back "stay" he mumbles putting his head in my neck "Colbs let go" I say trying to get his arm off of me "babyy" he groans holding me tighter "Colby let go" he huffs and moves his arms and I get up quickly and run to the bathroom hunching over the toilet throwing up. I flush the toilet and sit against the wall "woah, Sammy you ok?" Devyn asks coming in "I-" I stop and quickly get back to the toilet throwing up again "oh" she says "Colby!" She calls from the door and then comes over and rubs my back "wha- oh baby" he says and then Devyn leaves and Colby comes over to me and sits next to me and he rubs my back as I rest my forehead on my arm "c'mere baby" he says softly pulling me into his side and I wrap my arms around him stuffing my face in his chest and he flushes the toilet and pulls me in his lap rubbing my back and I move my head to his neck and he lays his head on mine. He stands up and puts me on the counter and he fills a cup with water and hands it to me and I drink some swishing it around my mouth and spiting it out after. He takes me off the counter and sets me down and I hug him, he hugs back and kisses my head and starts rubbing my back "let's go back" he says softly I nod and we pull away and go back to the living room.
He sits down and I sit next to him curling into his side and he wraps his arm around me and kisses my head "Sammy you ok?" Tara asks "yeah" I mumble nuzzling my head in Colby's chest "are you sick, why did you throw up?" Kat asks I sigh and look up at Colby and he looks down at me "can we?" he asks excitedly and I smile slightly since he's been wanting to tell them ever since she found out "I guess so" I say and his smile disappears "no baby, if your not ready we don't have to" he says making me sigh and he cups my cheek and caresses it looking in my eyes "you guys ok?" Shea asks "I dunno" I say to Colby ignoring Shea "baby" he sighs softly "I'm sorry" I say and he pulls me into a hug "it's ok baby, I can wait" I nod nuzzling my head in his chest "what just happened?" Brennen asks confused "nothing" Colby says rubbing my back "let's go to Ihop!" Jake says standing up and we laugh a bit and we go separate ways to change.
Me and Colby get to his room and into his closet "I'm sorry" I say quietly as I grab my bag looking in it "Sam" Colby says stern I frown and look up at him "w-what" I stutter tears brimming my eyes he sighs and opens his arms and I drop my bag and go to him collapsing in his arms and he holds me securely "baby, baby please don't cry" he says pulling away and cupping my cheeks and wiping the tears "I-im sorry" I say letting a tear slip and he wipes it "no, you have nothing to be sorry for, if your not ready I'll wait as long as you need" I nod and hug him nuzzling my head in his chest and he rubs my back "I just- I don't-" I groan frustratedly pulling away from Colby "it's ok baby, I get it, your not ready" I groan "I am ready!" I yell he furrows his brows I groan and slide down the closet door putting my head in my knees bursting into tears "oh baby" he sits down infront of me pulling me into his lap and I nuzzle my head in his neck and cry "shhh baby it's ok" he whispers in my ear soothingly as he rubs my back rocking back and forth.
I calm down and I hold him tighter nuzzling my head further in his neck "baby look at me" he says softly and I pull away slowly looking down and he lifts my chin and kisses me softly wiping my tears once he pulls away "I'll wait ok" he says calmly "no I'm-" I groan rubbing my face "hey, baby talk to me" he says softly and I sigh "I want to tell them, I'm ready to it's just.. what if they don't accept it? or leave" I say not sure how to put it he nods "they won't leave us" he says "but what if they do" he sighs "if they do they can fuck off" I giggle a little and he smiles "but seriously if they do leave, we'll still have each other so as long as you don't leave me I'll be ok" I smile and hug him and he hugs back "I love you baby" "I love you too Colbs" I pull away and kiss him and he kisses back "let's get dressed now" he says after I nod and we stand up and change. I leave the closet and Colby smiles at me with a slight chuckle seeing as I put on his shirt I smile and peck his lips and we head downstairs.