It's been almost a full month since me and Colby have been together and our friends still don't know about us and still make jokes about us being together. We both don't mind if they know now but we still haven't told them since we both like it being a secret.
Right now I'm home alone and it's a Friday night and I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling as music blasts through my speaker. Honestly this week hasn't been the best don't really know why but it just is and right now I get a wave a sadness hit me and now crying because well I'm listening to sad music. I sigh and wipe my face only to have more fall and Charger comes and jumps on my bed and I smile slightly and pet him the fact that my door was closed and he still got in going unnoticed by me untill my music gets paused and I look up seeing Colby and you can tell he's just gotten out of the shower looking exhausted because he just came back from practice "baby are you ok?" He asks concerned I hum and sit up and he sighs and sits down pulling me in his lap "then why are you crying?" He asks wiping my tears and I just shrug and he frowns and getting more worried "what happened? Are you ok? Please tell me you know you can talk to me" I giggle softly "I know Colbs and I promise I'm ok" he nods slowly still not completely convinced "I promise, and if something is wrong I'd tell you" he smiles and kisses me softly pulling me in a hug after "I love you baby" "I love you too" he tightens his grip and I smile and nuzzle my head in his neck and he rocks slightly. My eyes get heavy so I close my eyes and Colby rubs my back and he lays down pulling the blankets over us "goodnight baby" he says softly kissing my head and I hum in response and fall asleep.-
"Ready?" Devyn asks as I get down the stairs "yep" "guys c'mon!" Corey yells "we're coming!" I yell back with a slight giggle and we leave getting in separate cars me getting in Colby's and he smiles starting the car and he pulls out putting his hand on my thigh and I smile putting my hand on top of his and he turns his interlocking our fingers and we talk. My phone starts to ring "who is it?" I shrug and grab my phone "it's Devyn" I say and answer it and Colby turns down the music "ok so since Colby is the only one with a fake ID you guys get the drinks and the food" she says and Colby chuckles "ok sounds good" "and make sure to be there before Jake gets there" "ok what's the address?" Colby asks "oh I'll send it to you" "alright" he says turning into the grocery store "well we'll see you then" I say "ok bye" She says and hangs up and we get out of the car and Colby comes over and grabs my hand and I smile.
Colby let's go of my hand and grabs a cart and we head inside going to the alcohol section first and he grabs a couple boxes of white claws and bottles of different kinds of drinks "have enough?" I ask with a giggle as he grabs three more boxes of white claw even though there's like five in the cart already "now I do" I giggle shaking my head "ok what next?" He asks pushing the cart "um snacks I guess" I say looking at what Tara told us to get."Ok that should be it" Colby says putting a bag of chips in the cart "yep" he nods and we go to the check out. We get close to the line and my phone starts ringing and I answer it seeing it Tara "what?" I ask "get a cake Jake won't stop complaining about it" I giggle a bit "ok what kind?" "Doesn't matter he'll eat any kind" "ok anything else?" "nope that's all" "alright bye" I say and hang up "we gotta get a cake" "course" he says with a chuckle and we turn going over to where the cakes are. "which one?" I ask "I dunno about you but this one looks good" he says grabbing a cake and I giggle lightly "then let's get it" he cheers quietly putting it in the cart "c'mon!" He says excitedly and he pushes the cart fast getting on the bar at the bottom "shitshitshit" he says getting off as the front starts to lift off the ground and it slams back down all the bottles clanking together falling over and I giggle "how about we don't do that" I say as I get up to him and he chuckles nodding and we head up to the front.
"ID?" the dude asks and Colby takes it out giving it to him and he looks at it for awhile and me and Colby share a look "you are aware that this is fake, right?" He asks giving it back "heh.. you sure?" Colby asks nervously he nods and starts doing something on the touch screen thingy "um what's happening?" I ask the guy chuckles "I know it's fake but I'll let you have it cause I know the party going to be fun as hell" he says as he hands Colby the receipt and we laugh "thanks man" Colby says and he nods "have a great night!" He calls as we walk away "you too!" We call back and we get to the car loading the bags in the trunk getting in the car after "what just happened?" Colby asks with a laugh "I dunno" I laugh he shakes his head starting the car driving off. "oh baby can you put the address in maps please?" he asks handing me his phone and I take it putting the address in putting his phone on the phone holder thing and he smiles taking my hand and he drives to
the place.-
Idk if I mentioned it but the party is for Jake's birthday