"Sammy!!!" Tara yells as I walk up to them I giggle "hi!" I smile "sooo can we all hang out this weekend!?" Devyn asks excitedly "yess!!" Kat, Xepher and Shea say at the same time "yeah sure" I say "ok cool because we're going to your house" she says and I look at her not saying anything "you ok Sam?" Kat asks "um yeah b-but we can't go to my house" "Sammy yes we are!" "Bu-" "no! We're going!" I huff and walk away and go to my first class.
"Sammy?" Tara says sitting next to me but I ignore her "Sammy I tried telling her no I knew you wouldn't let us go cause of your room but she wouldn't listen" she explained I nodded "but you can trust them they won't tell anyone plus they also have a feeling your gay they asked me and Devyn we said no but they believe you are but you can trust them I promise" "I don't know Tara" "Sammy trust me" "why I barley know them" "Sammy you can they won't tell" "bu-" "Sammy Kat's lesbian and dev is pan they won't judge you at all and Xepher and Shea won't either they'll support you cause they support them" I nod "but I wear girl clothes it's different" "Sammy it's ok that you do and it's ok that your room isn't how a boys room should be it's how you are but they won't say anything" I nod "ok fine" I sigh "yay!" She cheers and I giggled a bit and then class starts.
"Oh Sammy we're sitting with the guys!" Tara says pulling me to the cafeteria and I giggle as she does "Tara stop pulling me!" I giggle but she doesn't listen and pulls me all the way to the table. "Oh he agreed!" Corey cheered seeing me "to what?" I ask "to sit with us!" "More liked dragged" I say with a small giggle "oh Sam!" I look behind me and see Jake and the brunette I still don't know the name of "hi" I smile as they get to the table and the brunette sits "ok sit there" Jake says and pushes me down in a seat and I giggle "geez always forcing me" I giggle and turn in the seat which is next to the brunette and everyone else sits down and I see the brunette glare at Jake which he laughs at I'm confused by this but I shrug it off. We're all talking, eating, and joking around and I feel someone looking at me so I look over and the brunette is looking at me with a smile and I blush slightly and look away and ignore him staring at me and continue to talk. "Get away!" A girl yells and I get pulled off the seat and I hit the ground with a squeak "Sammy!" Tara yelled getting up and helping me off the ground "Vanessa what the hell!" Jake yelled I rub the back of my head hissing in pain "Sammy are you ok?" Tara asks concerned "y-yeah just hit my head" I bring my hand down and there's blood on it I go wide eyed and touch my head again feeling the blood "your bleeding!" Devyn said "I see that!" I snapped "I-im sorry" I said feeling bad for yelling "it's ok Sammy" I nodded "I-im gonna p-" I fell to the ground limp
"Get away!" I snap out of my trance of staring at Sam and before I could figure out what's happening Sam gets pulled off the seat and thrown to the floor "Vanessa what the hell!" Jake yelled "Sammy!" Tara ran to him "what the fuck Nessa!" I yelled mad "why the fuck did you do that!!" Jake yelled angry "he was flirting with you!" She defended "he was talking to me!!" Jake yelled back "he was sitting too close?" She questioned "go away Vanessa!" I yelled voice low laced with anger "I-im so-sorry don't be ma-" "your bleeding!" Devyn yelled "I see that!" Sam snapped apologizing right away "vanessa go!" "B-but i-i-" "I-im gonna p-" Sam fell limp to the floor with a thud "go!" I yelled and pushed her back and she ran out of the cafeteria in tears and I scoffed rolling my eyes "Sammy!??" Devyn yelled frantically on her knees next to Sam while while Tara was holding something up to his head stopping the blood both having tears run down their faces "guys take him to the nurse" Griffin said "w-we can't carry h-him" I sighed "I'll do it" I said and walked to them and they moved and I picked him up bridal style and they followed me to the nurse.
"Hi- oh dear what happened!" The nurse said frantically "uh he got thrown to the ground and hit his head badly and he passed out" I said "oh dear follow me please" I nodded and we followed her into a room "lay him there please" she pointed to a table bed thing and I laid him their with a frown then the nurse came and started to treat the back of his head and I went to Devyn and Tara "will he be ok Colby?" Tara asked "he'll be fine" they nodded. "Ok could one of you guys stay here and watch him until he wakes up?" The nurse asked coming up to us "Colby can you?" Devyn asked "i- sure" I sighed "thank you" I nodded "ok you'll be excused from any classes you miss" she informed leaving the room "why don't you guys get back to lunch" I say they nod and we say bye and then they leave closing the door.
I sigh and sit at the chair and I look at Sam and sigh sadly and pull out my phone.
The door opens and I look at it removing my eyes from Sam and see Jake "is he doing ok?" "He hadn't woken up yet" he sighs "alright" I nod and he leaves.