•time skip a couple months
I wake up and sit up stretching I look over to Colby and he's still sleeping "Colbs" I shake him gently "hm?" he hums "get up" he hums and turns around "in a bit" he mumbles "I worked late" he adds I hum and kiss his cheek "get up soon, ok?" "m'kay" I get up and change into black ripped skinny jeans and a white cropped top and quietly leave the room going to Ava's room. I turn on the light and go to her crib and shes sitting up playing with her koala "hi Ava" I say and she looks up and babbles I smile and pick her up kissing her head and set her on the floor while I grab a change of clothes and a diaper. I sit on the floor infront of her and I undress her putting on her new diaper and then change her into a white long sleeve and pink sweats "all done" I say poking stomach making her giggle I smile and pick her up and leave the room. I get to the kitchen to see Colby already making her food, all dressed Ava squeals once she spots him and I giggle "hey babygirl" he says taking her "morning baby" he pecks my lips I smile "morning" I say and he goes to the microwave as it beeps "could you make her formula?" I hum and grab one of her bottles and grab the formula and make it "oh Ava" Colby chuckles and I look over to see that she stuck her hand in the oatmeal grabbing a handful of it shoving her hand in her mouth "no-" Colby says then stopping with a sigh as she stuck her other hand in it "I'll take her to her chair" I giggle he nods and I take her and go to the dining room and put her in her highchair and put on her bib "here baby" he gives me the milk and the oatmeal "is eggs, bacon, and toast good for breakfast?" he asks "yeah, that's fine" I look at him he smiles and pecks my lips "she's making a mess" he says before walking away and I look over to see that she knocked over the bowl of oatmeal grabbing handfuls of it "oh Ava" I giggle she looks at me with her hands in her mouth and giggles I smile and take her hands out and wipe her face off along with her hands then scrapping the oatmeal back in the bowl with the spoon and feed her.
Colby sits down on the other side of Ava and puts my plate infront of me "thank you" he hums and grabs Ava's bottle and puts it in her mouth and she drinks it and we talk and eat. Soon we finish eating and I take off her bib and wipe her face "I'll clean up" I say he hums and picks her up and pecks my lips before going into the living room and I pick up our dishes and go into the kitchen and clean them. I wipe down the table and the tray on the highchair before going into the living room as well. I sit on the couch and cuddle into Colby and he wraps his arms around me "what do you wanna do today?" he asks taking his eyes off of Ava as she plays on the floor I look up at him "I dunno, but we need to go grocery shopping" he chuckles "alright we'll do that" I hum and we watch tv for a bit while Ava plays. After a bit Ava crawls over to us and uses the couch to help her stand up and she falls back onto her butt and we laugh a little and Colby picks her up and sits her in between us and she babbles looking at the tv I smile and kiss her head and look back at the tv "dada" my eyes go wide and I look at Colby and he has the same express "she said- oh my god" I say still in shock Colby grabs her and puts her in his lap "say it again" he says but she just babbles again "Ava say dada" I say "dadas" she says clearly then starts babbling again I gasp and hug Colby tight "dadas" she says again and clapping her hands I look up at Colby with tears in my eyes he smiles also having tears in his eyes and he cups my cheek and pulls me in a kiss. We pull away and smile at each other and then look at Ava and she's zoned into the tv "I'm gonna change her then we can leave, yeah?" he says I nod and kiss his cheek and then he gets up and brings her upstairs. Colby comes back down and Ava's now dressed in a white short sleeve shirt and overalls and a headband with a bow to match.Colby starts the car after I buckle in Ava and got in myself and he pulls out of the driveway and grabs my hand interlocking our fingers.
We get to the store and we get out of the car and I get Ava out carrying her and then I grab the diaper bag just in case and we walk inside. Colby grabs a car and I put the bag in it and Ava in the front putting her feet through and we go inside Colby pushing the cart "Colby!" we look over "oh hey Jade" he says "I'm surprised your actually working" he says and she laughs I smile a little and I put food in the cart while they talk. Ava starts crying and I look over and her pacifier is in the ground I pick it up and wipe it on my shirt and put it back in her mouth "oh, who's this?" Jade asks poking her nose making her giggle "Ava" Colby says 'jade come to the front please' someone announces on the speakers "ok, bye guys!" she says walking away and we start shopping.
Ava whines kicking her feet starting to cry her pacifier falling out of her mouth "ok, ok quite babygirl" Colby says taking her out "shhh" he says rubbing her back "maybe put her down?" I say he nods and puts her down infront of him holding her hands so she stays standing and she stops crying and takes a step and Colby takes one too I giggle and continue putting food in the cart as they do that. "C'mon Colbs" he nods and picks up Ava put she whines he sighs and puts her down fully and she crawls over to me I giggle and pick her up and she doesn't whine "ok I see how it is" Colby says pushing the cart I giggle and kiss the side of Ava's head and we finish shopping.
We get back to the car and I buckle Ava in her car seat and help Colby put the groceries away. We get in the car and buckle in and he starts the car "wanna get ice cream?" he asks grabbing my hand "yeah" he hums and drives to an ice cream shop. Soon we get there and we go inside and we order what we want and sit at a table putting Ava in a highchair. We get our ice cream me having cookies and cream, Colby having mint and we got Ava a small container of vanilla we thank the worker and she walks away and Colby puts some ice cream on the spoon and feeds it to Ava and she swallows it and stays still not knowing if she likes it yet I giggle and Colby gives her some more and she squeals happily "she likes it" I giggle he hums and we talk and eat our ice cream "dada!" she squeals reaching for her ice cream we laugh and Colby gives her some more.-
We get home and we go inside and go to the living room and I put Ava down on the floor and she plays with her toys and then I go to the kitchen and help put away the food. We finish putting it away and I grab Ava and head upstairs Colby behind me. I go into her room and Colby goes into ours and I change her diaper and put her in a onesie then I go to my room. I give Colby Ava and change into a hoodie after I get into bed and cuddle into Colby and we watch tv Ava laying on top of Colby.
"Baby I'm gonna put her in her crib" Colby whispers I hum and he gets up and leaves the room. He soon comes back in and gets back in bed and I cuddle into him and he pulls me close "I love you baby" he kisses my head "I love you too Colbs" I look up and peck his lips and cuddle back into him and we soon fall asleep.-
next chapter is gonna be a
year time skip