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"Sam wake up" I groan and open my eyes "hey dinners done" I nod "ok I'll be down in a second" she nods with a smile and leaves. I sit up and stretch and then I notice that Colby isn't here anymore and I frown and grab my phone and text him

Sam: where'd you go :(

Colby🧀❤️: I'm sorry cutie something came up I had to leave

Sam: oh ok 😔

Colby🧀❤️: aw don't be sad

Sam: I have to go

I send the text and put my phone down and go downstairs to go eat dinner. I sit at the table with my plate across from my mom "hey are you ok? it seems like you've been crying" "oh yeah I'm ok" "ok tell me if anything's wrong, ok?" "Ok" I smile she smiles back and we eat.
I finish eating and I clean my plate and fork and put them in the drying rack "goodnight Sam" my mom called "night!" I called halfway up the stairs. I get back to my room and grab my phone

Colby🧀❤️: oh ok

Sam: I'm back!

Colby🧀❤️: what did you do

Sam: I went to eat dinner

Colby🧀❤️: oh ok, why do you look sad

I furrow my brows at that text and then I look up to see the curtains open again I giggle and I sit at the edge of the bed and I see Colby in his window and I shake my head with a small smile a giggle slipping past my lips

Sam: and you said you weren't a stalker

Colby🧀❤️: I'm not!

Sam: looking through my window is a bit stalker-ish

Colby🧀❤️: ok maybe a little, but I don't do it in a creepy way!

Sam: yeah ok

Colby🧀❤️: whatever at least I'm not staring at you like you are to me

I looked down at the text and I blush right away since I was staring at him through the window when he was typing

Colby🧀❤️: cutie :)

Colby🧀❤️: your blushing!

Sam: no I'm not!

I get up and I go to the closet and close it and change into grey shirts and grey shirt for bed since it's hot in my room I change and I walk out of the closet and close the door and go in the bathroom and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and I stop getting a notification


Devyn✨: do you guys wanna hang out sometime we haven't hung out in a while

Tara 😍: just us three

Devyn✨: yeah!

Sammyy: yes! When??

Devyn✨: this week ok?

Tara 😍: works for me

Sammyy: me too!

Devyn✨: yay! Goodnight guys!

Tara 😍: goodnight

Sammyy: goodnight

There's a scratch at my door and then I hear it creek open and I look over and charger runs in I giggle and I bend down and pick him up and I walk to the door closing it leaving a crack and then going to the bed and putting him on it and before I could sit my phone goes off again

The Boy Next Door {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now