I get out of bed and go to my closet and change after I go in the bathroom and fix my hair and brush my teeth. I grab my backpack and phone and head downstairs and grab a water and leave and walk to the bus stop. "Sammy!!" Tara and Devyn squealed running up to me as I get to the bus stop excited to see me since I haven't been to school and they weren't allowed to come over. "Hi guys" I smile hugging them back we pull away as we hear the bus coming. We get on and go to the back and sit down and talk with everyone.
We get to school and go up to the group "Sam! We missed you!" Kat yells hugging me I laugh a little and hug her back and we pull away and we all talk. The bell rings and we separate going to class.-
It's now lunch and I get food and go to the table and there's a girl with blonde hair and green eyes in the spot I normally sit "oh Sam this is my girlfriend Chloe" Colby says "oh... hi" I say and sit down in a different spot and the girls give me a sad look but I ignore it and pull out my phone and go on it not eating losing my appetite. "Sam?" I look up at Colby "yeah?" "You ok?" I nod "you sure?" "Yes" I say looking back at my phone "Sam.." "I said I'm fine" I snap and stand up grabbing my tray and walking away dumping it.
I get back to the table and they all are looking at me I roll my eyes and sit down going on my phone not saying anything. "Sam.. what's wrong?" Griffin asks I sigh and shake my head "n-nothing" "Sam you can tell us" Corey says I turn off my phone and stand up and leave ignoring there calls for me to come back.
I get to my class sitting in the back I sigh pulling out my phone and just wait for it to start.-
It's the end of the day and I open my locker and put the needed things in my backpack. "Sam?" I look up and Colby's there and he looks sad I sigh "I'm sorry for snapping at you I didn't mean to" I say he nods "can you... Can you tell me why?" He asks hesitantly I shake my head softly "I rather not" I say walking away and he follows me "I'll give you a ride home" he says "no it's ok" I shake my head "hi Colby" Chloe says coming up to us grabbing his hand "hey" he says and kisses her head "can you give me a ride home?" She asks "yeah" she smiles "I'll go" I say and turn around "wait Sam!" Colby calls I sigh and turn around Chloe now in the car "yeah?" "Can I come over?" I shake my head and he frowns "why not?" He pouts I smile a bit with a small giggle making him smile "Devyn and Tara are coming over" he frowns again "fine" he comes over and hugs me and I hug him back "I'll see you later" he says pulling away I nod "bye" I wave walking away "bye!" He waves getting in his car and I quickly get to the bus.
It gets to my stop and I get off and walk to my house by myself since I lied about Devyn and Tara coming over. I get to my door and I take a deep breath and open it and go inside and I see my mom and I sigh since she's clearly drunk "hiii Sammm" she slurs "hi" I mumble and I go upstairs not wanting to deal with her. I get in my room and I sit at my desk and pull out my homework and do it.
I finish it and I put my things away and as I finish my phone goes off I grab it and sit on my bed and look at it seeing its from Colby so I click on itColby🧀❤️: hey :)
Sam ❤️: hi
Colby🧀❤️: can I come now
Sam ❤️: no
Colby🧀❤️: please 🥺
Sam ❤️: Devyn and Tara are still here
Colby🧀❤️: no they're not you lied they never came.
Sam ❤️: I'm sorry..
Colby🧀❤️: why
Sam ❤️: my mom doesn't want anyone to come over
Colby🧀❤️: why didn't you just tell me that