Chapter 6: Bagels

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Apparently, it was Spencer's turn to wake up first, because I woke up to an empty bed and sounds coming from his kitchen. I stretched out, mentally both cursing and thanking myself for forgetting a change of clothes and decided to raid Spencer's closet. I found an old hoodie and shorts he'd probably worn once and pulled them on, then walked slowly to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Reid perked up as I walked in, setting out breakfast dishes. Two paper bags sat on the table.

"I can't cook, but I can drive and get some pretty decent bagels. They don't compare to New York's, but that's because of the water quality, which actually comes from the mountains, and-"

"I love bagels." I interrupted. "I don't really care where they're from as long as they're cooked properly."

He smiled and nodded, motioning for me to sit down. He opened the other bag, pulling out cream cheese (three different kinds), smoked salmon, sliced tomatoes, and butter.

"I didn't know what kind you liked so I got a baker's dozen variety, I figure I can bring in the extras to work tomorrow, and I didn't know about toppings so I kind of got everything? Not everything everything, but a good variety, I think. Oh! And coffee!"

He rushed over to the counter, setting a pot down on the table, "I finished the first pot, but I brewed this for you."

I smiled and began digging in, finding and everything bagel at the top of the bag, already cut, and began loading it with toppings. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to bribe me or something."

He shook his head, curly hair flopping. "I just feel a lot more relaxed than I have in a long time. I never thought not having control would be so... freeing."

I nodded, biting into my bagel and humming happily. I hadn't had a proper bagel in a while, mostly just baked ones from shops on the way to the office or crime scenes, but this was much better. "I'm glad you think so. That's why a lot of CEOs and 'top dogs' are submissive; it's a way of giving up control safely."

He nodded, pouring me a cup of coffee before pouring one for himself. "Thank you."

I looked up, cocking my head.

"I never thought I'd find someone who I trusted enough to even be able to explore this with. I've been thinking about it for a while but... How do you explain to someone you've never met before that you have a massive traumatic history and the worst work schedule ever?"

"Slowly." I said, swallowing my bite, "You don't always jump into these things, Spence. Munches and parties can be a good way to slowly introduce yourself to people and the scene. No one should ever force you into anything, they'll respect you because you deserve to be respected. We have standards, y'know."

"I guess, it's just nice to not have to recount all that, I guess. Don't need to relive it." He shrugged, a little more somber now.

"I get it. Our line of work is weird and complicated and not many people know what it's like. Having someone who understands is important."

I ate in silence for a few seconds, and Reid scrolled through his phone, then perked up. "I have a lecture today! I'm attending a seminar on the patterns of blood spatters at crime scenes and what that indicates about the nature and force of an injury, it's supposed to be really interesting." He grinned, excited.

Of course, Reid would be the one taking seminars on weekends about crime scenes.

"Don't let me hold you up, pretty boy." I smiled, "I'll drive you over to mine and you can get your car, if you want. Whatever works for you."

"Yes, please. I'm so sorry, I should've warned you."

I shook my head, "No worries. Don't stress about it. Just bring in these bagels tomorrow and we'll call it even.

He nodded, "Deal!"

I licked off my fingers and got my stuff together, getting a few things from the shopping bags but leaving the rest there. When I came out of the bathroom with my clothes, heels back on, Spencer was standing by the door. The kid always looked like a puppy, I swear.

We walked out and he locked the door carefully behind him, reciting statistics about home break-ins, and discussing the merits of different apartment and home safety systems all the way home. When we got to my house, I pulled into the driveway and turned to him.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I left the aloe on your bedside, use it as often as you need, and I think there's a bigger tube in one of the bags. Use it generously, trust me." I advised.

He nodded, "I'll text you, I guess. See you tomorrow?"

I smiled and pulled him into a hug, kissing the sensitive spot behind his ear. "Be good, slut."

With that, I locked my car and walked inside my house, leaving him on the driveway processing what I'd said before driving off. I dropped my purse on the counter and was about to take off Reid's clothes, but I shrugged and left them on. Realizing I hadn't checked either phone all morning, I pulled out my regular phone and scrolled idly through it. A couple case files from Hotch, basically 'look these over and tell them they're being blind' type cases, Garcia sending me some cute new dresses, and not much else.

My other phone only had three messages.

One from Jenna, and two from Reid.

Message from: Stripper Chick ;)
Your new play partner is cute. PLEASE hmu if he's ever interested.
Also, I know what you got from the back room. Be careful.

I sighed.

Message to: Stripper Chick ;)
I know what I'm getting myself into, and it doesn't lock. He just needs the focus.
And if he's ever interested, I will. It's been too long.

Then from Reid:

Message from: Boy in the Reeds
This is your fault.

Message from: Boy in the Reeds
One attachment.

I tapped on it and it took a second to download, but it was worth it. Reid, posing in front of the mirror, ass red with bright handprints. I was asleep in the background, so he'd clearly taken that while I was still awake. I laughed.

Message to: Boy in the Reeds
Sorry not sorry

Just as I sent that, my other phone pinged.

Message from: Garcia
Need help picking clothes for a date. Come over?

Message to: Garcia
I've got nothing better to do. OMW

I grabbed my purse and left, slipping both phones back into my purse without thinking and leaving.

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