Chapter 54: Grandson of Sam

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The kids got a cold.

So Spencer and I got a cold.

So the four of us ended up feeling awful at home for two weeks.

Forget torture, just put anyone you want to confess in charge of two sick kids and a sick husband. I'd confess anything on the spot just to get out.

Of course, the kids recovered before us, meaning while we felt awful, they were full of energy. We tried to remotely assist with the case the team was on, but between being sick and the kids, we basically did nothing. Garcia dropped by after work every day with soup, which was our only respite from the leftovers and microwave meals Spencer and I made, since we didn't have the energy for anything else.

When we were finally back to our old selves, I began working on arrangements for babysitting so I could be on cases again. The kids were only 8 months old – younger than I would've preferred if I had a different job – but the team needed me.

On my first day back, I walked in to find Garcia holding a box of cupcakes and everyone waiting to celebrate. I smiled and hugged everyone, grabbed a cupcake, and started walking to the breakroom when Hotch pulled me into his office.

"What's wrong?" I asked through a mouthful of icing.

"I just want to make sure you're really ready for this. Hayley-" his voice caught for a second, "Hayley and Jack and a hard time with me going on cases so much, I don't want Tobias and Maeve to feel neglected. Just tell me that you've really thought this through."

I nodded, "Jenna takes care of them during the day and Elle takes them at night, plus we have four different backups. We're going to see how it goes, but that's working for now."

"That's good," Hotch agreed, "Is Garcia one of your backups?"

"She insisted," I laughed.

"And how are you and Reid doing?" He asked.

I smiled just thinking about my husband. "The cold was awful, but we're doing okay."

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Are you propositioning me, Agent Hotchner?" I teased.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Forget I asked."

I laughed as I walked out of the office and to the briefing room, taking my spot next to Spencer, my hand in his.

"Today on Penelope needs therapy because people are disgusting, a Son of Sam copycat." Garcia began.

We all groaned.

".44 Bulldog revolver, women with dark hair, and the last crime scene had a letter similar to the one David Berkowitz left, including taunting the police." Garcia clicked through victim and crime scene photos, "We're looking at an abbreviated but similar timeline, and killings in about the same place."

"I've pulled all the files we have on the Son of Sam," Hotch said from the back of the room, "I want everyone to review the profile, but this new killer is not beholden to it. Keep an open mind."

We all nodded.

"Wheels up in 30."


"So, the original Son of Sam claimed there was a demonic dog telling him to kill people," I said, flipping through the file, "Do we search for people with big dogs next door?"

"I said we're just using Son of Sam as a basic guide, we're not using it as template," Hotch reminded me.

"It's somewhere to start."

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