Chapter 44: Announcement

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Life progressed as normal (or as normal as life was working for the FBI) until October, when we all began preparing for Halloween. Spencer and I decided to hold a party at our house and began decorating in earnest. Spencer wanted to start decorating in September, but I stopped him, at least until October.

The outside of the house was covered in cobwebs and other decorations, with skeletons and inflatable dragons in the from yard (I insisted). Any time we walked towards the porch, the hanging witch cackled, which made us jump on several late nights.

The day before Halloween, Spencer and I went out to get last-minute party supplies. When I reached for the alcohol, though, Spencer caught my hand.

I looked at him, "What are you doing?"

"I, uh," he stopped for a second, "I need to go get something, I'll be right back."

I nodded and looked at him, confused, just getting the alcohol and moving on to the next item on my list. I saw Spencer as I was checking out, already waiting.

"Okay, what's going on?" I asked as we loaded the bags into the car, "You just ran off."

He bit his lip and asked me to sit down.

"When, uh," he hesitated, "When was your last period?"

I blinked, "Almost a month ago? I don't know, I'm due soon."

He pulled out what was in the bag, "I- I think you should use this."

I blinked and looked down at the package. "You're kidding."

"I'm fairly sure your last cycle was five weeks ago, and you've been being weird about food recently." He looked down for a second, "It's just a hunch, but..."

"That's why you were weird about the alcohol?"

He nodded.

"Oh, okay," I had no idea now to react. "I guess I'll take it when we get home."


I waited as the test developed, pacing back and forth across the bathroom.

There's no way Spencer knows I'm pregnant before I do.

"I'm sorry," he muttered from his spot on the bed, "I shouldn't have said anything."

I shook my head, "Don't worry, I'm honestly just... I thought I'd notice I guess."

"It's probably nothing." He shrugged.

"But it might not be."

I looked at my watch and walked over to the test, looking back and forth between the package and the test.

"Hey, Spence?"


We were lucky that no cases came up on Halloween and I spent the entire day prepping food and drinks, letting Spencer be in charge of the dry ice in the punch bowl. When I was sure everything was ready (and there were multiple candy bowls by the door), I led Spencer back to the bedroom.

"Close your eyes," I told him, "You don't get to see the outfit until I say so."

He obeyed and I walked to the closet, pulling down the boxes containing our outfits. I spread them out on the bed before guiding Spencer to stand in front of them.

"Can I open them now?" He asked.

I nodded, then remembered he couldn't see me, "Go ahead."

He opened his eyes and immediately broke down laughing. I'd found the skimpiest police officer costume possible: booty shorts, a crop top, and knee-high boots. I had a matching outfit with a short skirt, a shirt that tucked into it, garters, and handcuffs.

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