Chapter 25: The Risks

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"Are you sure about this?" he asked, "You don't have to come."

"She's your mother, Spence," I said, "I want to meet her."

He fidgeted with his bag, "She's... not normal."

"She's in a mental ward. Thanks." I looked at him. "I want to meet your mother."

He nodded and led me in, greeting the clerk cheerfully and checking us in.

"She's upstairs, as normal," the woman said, and Spencer led me up.

He greeted a few doctors and nurses on the way, and we ended up in front of a set of double doors. He took a breath and pushed it open, and I followed. He led me to a corner by a window, where a woman sat, staring out it.

"Mom?" He said.

She looked up and smiled, "Spencer! Why are you here?"

"We had a case, remember? I wrote you about it." He said, kneeling next to her chair.

She nodded, then noticed me, "Who's this? You look familiar."

"This is (Y/N), my fiancée," he said, "I sent you pictures."

"You're that wonderful girl he gushes about!" she said, "Come here! I want to see the ring he chose."

I walked forward, offering my hand.

"Oh, Spencer," she said, "It's beautiful. You're beautiful, darling."

"Thank you, ma'am," I smiled.

"Spencer said you proposed to him first?" She asked.

I laughed, "Yes, ma'am, we actually planned to propose at the same time, I just beat him to it."

"Don't call me ma'am, it makes me feel old," she grumbled, "Well, show me your ring, Spencer!"

He held out his hand.

"You have good taste in men and rings," She praised me.

Spencer and I took seats next to her and started talking. She was a little spacey but seemed to know a lot about me and the team as a whole. I knew Spencer wrote to his mother, but not this much. I mostly just looked at him, he was a little unfocused, eyes glazing over as he rubbed his arm.

"You have to fly me out for the wedding," She said, interrupting my thoughts, "I haven't seen Spencer in anything but a sweater for years!"

I laughed, "He's not wearing a sweater to the wedding."

Spencer made an exaggerated pout, making us both laugh.

We hadn't talked about the wedding too much yet, but she was excited, giving us advice on everything from food to flowers and venue.

Eventually, we had to leave to catch the plane.

"I'll write again soon, mom," Spencer said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Good." She said, then turned to me, "Keep him in line for me, and don't forget that invitation!"

I nodded, "I'll make sure to personally address it."

Spencer took my hand as we walked out, "She really likes you."

"What's not to like?" I asked.

He dropped his voice, "So, are you going to keep me in line?"

Once we were out of the room, I reached up, looping one finger around his collar to kiss him, "Always. And don't you forget it."


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