Chapter 31: The Wedding

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I kept my eyes as the makeup artist finished and took off the apron covering my dress.

"You look amazing," Jenna said, helping me stand up and turn around, "Okay, you can open your eyes."

I did, slowly taking in the view. The dress flared out beautifully, highlighting my waist, the bodice fit perfectly, and my makeup was basic and simple, bringing out the color of my eyes and highlighting my cheekbones.

"One more thing!" Penelope reached around my shoulders and put on my necklace: A simple gold chain with a mobius strip pendant – one of Spencer's presents to me. "Perfect."

I reached up and brushed my fingers over the necklace, smiling. It hung right between my collarbones and looked amazing. All the girls crowded around me, and I smiled, loving having all of them around me.

"You ready?" JJ asked.

"As I'll ever be." I couldn't stop smiling, "I'm about to marry Spencer Reid!"

"Who could've guessed," Emily teased, "Our pipe cleaner is getting married."

We all laughed at that.

"Five minutes!" Jenna said, "Five minutes until places."

I took a deep breath, looked in the mirror, and nodded. Jenna was already holding the small tiara, and I bent down a little so she could place it.

"Got your vows?" She asked. I nodded, holding up the piece of paper, then motioning to my bodice, where I'd stored and extra one. "I've got the third copy, just in case."

"And everything else is ready?" I double-checked.

"Your day will be perfect," she assured me, helping me off the small platform, "I promise."

We heard a knock on the door and Jenna walked over, barely cracking it. We heard soft voices and she walked back in, passing me a slip of paper. I opened it to find a small note, clearly written by Spencer.

My Dear,
In only a few minutes, I am going to watch you walk down the aisle and promise myself to you, to have and to hold, and I have no qualms. This is the surest I have been about anything.
We've seen each other through the best and worst parts of our lives, dealt with pain and joy and love and loss, and having you by my side has made me that much stronger.
I love you.

I almost started crying. Of course, he'd write something so kind and heartfelt it would make me cry before we even got married.

"Are you ready?" Jenna asked, and I nodded.

"Let's do this!" Penelope said, and we walked out of the makeshift dressing room.

The museum really was an amazing place to have the wedding, and they'd even rearranged the space, so we weren't overshadowed by a giant wooly mammoth fossil. The song played for everyone to take their seats, silence fell, and the wedding march started.

I'd chosen not to have anyone 'give me away' - that just felt weird – so when it was my turn, I took a deep breath, pushed back my shoulders, and started walking. I heard the rustle of everyone standing up and vaguely registered remarks about my dress, but I didn't care. I wasn't wearing this for them, I was wearing it for one person: Spencer Reid. I kept my eyes locked on him as I walked. I saw his eyes travel up and down my body, taking in the dress, and he began tearing up.

You're beautiful. He mouthed.

I reached the dais and took one more breath before walking up the steps. I handed my bouquet to Jenna and turned to face Spencer.

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