Chapter 41: New Rules

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"Don't forget we have drinks tonight, Spence," I called down the hall as I poured my coffee.

"Yes, ma'am," he answered, "I know."

I leaned back against the counter and smiled as he walked out, wearing only a bathrobe. He smiled gratefully at me as he picked up his coffee.

"What's that look for?"

I raised my eyebrows, "What look?"

"You get this mischievous look when you're plotting something, normally involving playtime," he told me, "So do I get to know what you're thinking about?"

I shrugged, "Just the fact that we haven't been out with the team since I collared you."

"They've seen it before," he countered, "We're not subtle."

"It's different when there's alcohol flowing," I answered, "Just, remember that if either of us starts going into too much detail that safewords can always be used, okay?"

He nodded, "Of course."

I thought for a second, then smiled, leaning over the counter, "I've got a question."

"I have an answer."

"Is there any member of the team you haven't thought about fucking?" I asked, laughing at his shocked expression.

He thought for a second, counting them off on his fingers, "JJ: yes, Morgan: yes, Emily: yes, you: absolutely, Hotch: yes, Garcia: a few times, she's really just a good friend though, Rossi is the only no."

"More of a father figure than a daddy figure?"

He almost choked on his coffee, "No! I mean, yeah, no, just- no thank you. I don't feel the need to think about Rossi in bed."

I laughed at his expression, "You're adorable."

He chose to flip me off rather than dignifying what I said with a response. "What about you?"

"Everyone," I answered immediately, "I probably wouldn't do it with Rossi, but I've definitely thought about it."

He rolled his eyes, "You're just horny as hell."

I shrugged, "You're not wrong." I kissed Spencer, then took another sip of coffee.

"I'm assuming you're picking my outfit for tonight?" Spencer asked.

I nodded, "You know it."

It had become common for us: I picked most of Spencer's outfits, especially when we were going out. I never (well, rarely) put him in something too revealing, but it just helped our dynamic. I'd sometimes let him choose my underwear, if he was being good, but that was it.


We walked into the bar; Spencer's hand entwined with mine. I spotted the team (except for Rossi, of course) immediately, waved to them, and led Spencer over to their spot at the bar.

"How are you?" Garcia stood up and gave me a hug.

Morgan passed Spencer a drink as we sat. "Hey, lovebirds."

I rolled my eyes and slumped back in my chair, motioning the bartender over and ordering. We talked for a while, my hand resting on Spencer's leg the entire time. It was a casual movement: not something anyone would comment on, but Spencer knew it was my way of reminding him he's mine.

"Alright, I'm bored," Emily said. She was several drinks in, and quite a bit tipsy. "Let's dance."

I smiled at Spencer, stood up, and walked to the dance floor, mostly staying with the other girls. Spencer was eventually dragged to the floor by Morgan, and, of course, girls started approaching him. I pretended not to notice. Spencer was awkward as hell, he always was, and knowing I was there only made it worse. When a girl started grinding up against him, I moved back to the bar, getting another drink and just watching. Hotch, having decided the dance floor was too sweaty, was sitting next to me.

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