Chapter 23: Shopping for Love

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"Hey Jenna!" I said, "When are you available this week?"

"I've got Wednesdays and Saturdays off, why?" She responded, "Do you need me? I can do most mornings, too."

"Let's do Saturday," I responded, "I'm in Oregon right now for a case but I should be back my then."

"Sounds good! Do I get to know what we're doing?" She asked.


"Yes! I've been meaning to get a couple new outfits. Sounds wonderful! See you then." Click. She hung up.

"Do I get to know what you're shopping for?" Spencer asked. Emily was also looking at me.

"It's just a shopping trip with my friend, calm down," I teased, "Don't worry, we won't do anything too raunchy."

"Okay, you two," Rossi chided from the front seat, "Focus on the case, please?"


I drove to Jenna's apartment on Saturday and she was waiting outside, in a more casual dress and converse.

"Alright, where are we going first?" She asked.

I smiled, "Be patient, young padawan, it's a surprise."

"Fine," she slumped down in her chair, "How are you and Spencer, by the way?"

"Really good, he moved in about two months ago and we finally got all his books unpacked," I laughed, "Between cases and getting distracted easily it took a while."

"I remember when Elle and I moved in together, it's a process. Worth it, though!"

"Agreed." Waking up to Spencer every day was worth all of it.

I pulled into a shopping mall and parked.

Jenna looked around, "Well, this is upper-class."

I shrugged, "Just come on!"

She followed me as we passed the clothing shops, makeup outlets, and stopped at a...

"No. Fucking. Way." Jenna said. "Engagement rings?"

I couldn't contain my smile anymore, "I want to propose to Spencer, and I need your help picking a ring."

She giggled and pulled me into a hug, "Are you serious? You're going to pop the question?"

I nodded. "I've been thinking about it for a while, ever since he moved it and... we've talked about marriage and kids and all of it and I think we're ready." I broke out in a huge smile, "I'm planning on proposing to Spencer Reid!"

We walked inside and a sales associate greeted us. Jenna obviously didn't know what to expect, so she was dressed much more casually than most of their clientele, but she didn't seem fazed. "How can I help you two?"

"I want to propose to my boyfriend," I said, still shocking myself a little with the statement.

"Congratulations! What kind of ring are you looking for? And who's the lucky man?"

I'd already decided, "I'm looking for a round-cut ring mounted with four double tip prongs, a double twist mounting, and side stones of alternating red and blue sapphires, a scroll side carving, and set in yellow or rose gold." I rattled off, then held up a picture, "This is Dr. Spencer Reid."

Both Jenna and the associate were surprised.

"Oh! Well, okay, you're one of the easier ones then. He's very handsome, by the way. All you need to give me is carat weight and decide on the color. Unfortunately, we don't have any red and blue sapphire alternating rings here, but I can order one for you." The associate responded, "Or we have rings to that specification with only blue sapphires if you want to see those."

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