Chapter 15: Not Your Princess

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A week later, I was moving around and could get dressed by myself. Reid had stayed with me for a few days but had been called away on a case. Hotch let me work remotely but wanted Spencer there. I was able to work in my pajamas, and had an alarm set for changing my bandages. Part of me wanted to go back to work as soon as possible, but every time I brought it up, Spencer reminded me that there wasn't much I could do there while they were still out on the case anyway, and walking too much made me out of breath, so he was probably right.

Jenna swung by every so often, bringing me snacks or just checking up, clearly feeling a little guilty for making Spencer's ass bright red immediately before a case, but I reassured her it wasn't his fault (and we had laughed about it since).

After closing the case, Spencer decided to drive directly home to me, instead of stopping at the office first. I ordered take out that arrived right before him, spreading it out on the table at he arrived.

He walked in the door and I tried to rush over to him but groaned and ended up collapsing onto the couch.

"Hey, Spencer!" I said weakly.

"Dammit, (Y/N)," he muttered, rushing over to me.

I waved him off, "I'm okay, really, just moved a little fast."

He pulled up my shirt, double checking the bandages, then sighing in relief when he saw I was okay.

"Seriously, I'm okay," I said, leaning down to kiss him, "Relax, Spence."

He kissed me back, "I love you."

"Love you too." I slowly got up and walked to the table, "Hungry?"

He nodded and helped me over to the table, eagerly digging into the food. It still hurt if I ate too much, but Spencer made sure I ate enough, rattling off statistics about calorie intake and healing.

When we finished, I stood up to clear the table, but Spencer practically shoved me back down. "You got dinner set up and you're still healing. I can throw away a couple containers and put the leftovers in the fridge. Take a break."

"I'm not a delicate princess, Spencer." I reminded him, "I've had injuries before. I can handle myself."

"I swear I will chain you to the bed and do all your housework for you if you keep refusing." He threatened.

I laughed and winked at him, "You'd have to get me to sit still first."

"You may not be a delicate princess, but I'm not weak." He walked over, bending down to kiss me, and I saw the collar dangle down from underneath his shirt.

I grabbed it and pulled him close, "I'm sure you're not." He gasped and I smirked, kissing him on the cheek. "That's what I thought."

He flushed, biting his lip, and I released him. I stood up and began walking to the bedroom, pulling off my clothes and dropping them in the laundry basket, then went into the bathroom, slowly removing the bandages from my wound and hissing as some of the fibers of the gauze caught. I threw the old bandage away and prepped a new one, not taping it down as much so the wound could 'breathe' while I was asleep.

Spencer had given me an old sweater of his to wear, and I pulled it on, buttoning it. He'd been considerate enough to give me one I didn't have to pull over my head, which made it much easier to wear, even if the pain was flaring. I walked back into the bedroom, seeing Spencer half-naked, changing. I leaned against the doorway, admiring the view.

"I missed that ass," I teased.

He turned around suddenly, putting his hands in front of his penis as if to hide it.

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