Chapter 50: The Second Party

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Two weeks later, we finally managed to unload the kids on Garcia and take a break. Well, she was taking care of them in the living room and we were in the bedroom. That was the most we were willing to be away from them. I laid down with Spencer curled around me.

"Hey, Spence?" I asked.

He hummed in response.

"I know we considered the names but..." I took a deep breath, "Are you sure you're okay with them?"

"I think they're perfect." He said firmly. "I fell in love with Maeve and now I have a chance to protect her and keep her safe, and Tobias saved my life. He didn't deserve what happened to him, and I think it's a beautiful way to honor his memory. I wasn't sure at first, but honestly I can't think of any names I'd prefer for either of them."

I nodded, "Okay, I just wanted to make sure."

"Why, are you having doubts about their names?" He sounded concerned.

I sighed, considering my answer for a second, turning to face him. "I never really thought about what names I'd want for kids before this, but... I know how you felt about Maeve. Every time you talk about her you have stars in your eyes."

He blushed, "You know I'm in love with you."

"I know, and I'm not jealous, but you still have feelings for her, and I don't blame you." I assured him, "I think it's a beautiful name. Y'know, it means intoxicating in Irish Gaelic."

"Well, more accurately, 'she who intoxicates', but... yeah," Spencer trailed off.

"Having children and having you is intoxicating in the best of ways," I smiled and kissed him. "And Tobias saved you. I wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for him. He tried to protect you in his own messed up way, but he did save your life."

Spencer seemed to be searching for the right words to say. I continued.

"You didn't choose those names. I looked at our children and decided there were no better names for them than two people that led my husband to be the person he is and allowed him to survive." I kissed him. "I love you, Spencer Reid."

"I love you too," He whispered and pulled me close.

"One more thing," I muttered into his shoulder.

"Anything." He said. "What's up?"

"Can we please have sex again soon?" I groaned. "I'm so fucking horny and it's been way too long."

He laughed, "Two more weeks until penetration, to avoid complications. You know that."

"But can we use vibrators? Or can you eat me out?" I asked.

"Not while Garcia's in the house with our kids," he smiled, "You can't keep quiet."

"Maybe she's into it." I shrugged.

"Maybe later."

I grumbled and turned back around, pulling Spencer's arms around me. "Fine, can I just get some sleep for now?"

"Of course, my princess." He kissed me cheek and pulled me close.


Whoever said having kids was a blessing hasn't had kids.

I mean, they are a blessing, I'm not denying it, but more like... when a genie takes your wish and twists it to make it awful and you sort of regret it. That kind of blessing.

I was constantly exhausted, and so was Spencer; we took shifts, power naps, and I almost fell asleep in the shower several times. Every single shirt I owned has a spit-up mark at some point or another. There was something beautiful in that time, that made up for all the bad, though.

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