Chapter 32: Honeymoon Pt. 1

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Spencer absolutely refused to tell us where we were going. He'd bought silicone earplugs and gave me sunglasses that completely blacked out my vision for the entire trip (I was allowed to watch stuff on my phone, but had to use noise-cancelling headphones), so I was completely clueless on where we were going. Two years ago, I never would have agreed to any of this, even for a honeymoon, but Spencer was so excited I couldn't say no. We touched down, got our bags, and Spencer led me out of the building, helping me into a car of some kind, and took out the silicone ear plugs.

"I hope you know this seriously feels like a kidnapping." I said, "And not the sexy kind."

"I promise it's worth it," he said, "Just wait a couple more minutes."

I sighed and leaned back in my seat. When we stopped, I waited for Spencer to get everything out of the car, then he took my hand and guided me.

"Close your eyes." He told me. I did and I felt him take the glasses off, "Okay, you can open them."

I opened my eyes and gasped. We were standing in front of a mansion of a house, built into a hill. It was at least 6 floors and looked like a spaceship.

"Holy shit." I said, looking around. We were at the top of a hill, towering over a city.

"Welcome to Grenada, Spain," Spencer said, "And our honeymoon home for the next two weeks."

"Can we go inside?" I asked. "This is amazing."

He nodded and lead me past the car to a door, pulling out keys and unlocking the door. It opened into a room with- a pool table, a ping pong table, and a foosball table? I walked in, looking around, opening the doors to see a computer room, a small home theater, and a pool with a hot tub.

"This is the first floor?" I asked, "I could live here and be happy!"

"You'll want to explore the entire house, trust me," he smiled, leading me to the elevator.

"We're staying at a house with an elevator." I said in shock. "This is amazing."

"There are stairs, but this is much more fun," Spencer smiled as the door closed, moving up to the second floor, "Let's explore."

The second floor had two separate sitting rooms, a large dining room, a kitchen, and a TV room with a bunch of couches facing the TV. I looked out the windows (most of them were sliding doors that lead to a balcony) and gasped.

"There's a pool." I had no idea what to say. "There's a second pool on the balcony."

Spencer was grinning, "What can I say, Rossi has a lot of money. And he's happy to let us use his home away from home away from... however many homes he has."

We rushed up to the third floor, which had 6 bedrooms, then travelled up to the fourth, which was occupied by a jacuzzi, massive walk-in shower, and private gym (indoors and outdoors). The fifth floor was the master bedroom (a California king with an en-suite), the sixth floor was a bar and sitting room, and there was access to the roof. We went up and I looked around.

"The car we drove here in comes with the villa, and there's a private chef who can cook anything we want. If we don't want to drive, there's a chauffeur, and they'll book reservations wherever we want in the city." Spencer told me, "It's a little bit absurd."

"How much does this cost?" I asked, almost not wanting to know the answer.

"Rossi's letting us stay for two weeks for free." He grinned, "All I had to pay for was flights and whatever we go to while we're here."

"Consider me impressed," I said, admiring the view. "This is amazing."

"Let's go get our bags," he said, guiding me back into the house and leading me into the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, he pushed me against the wall, kissing me passionately. He didn't pull away until the elevator stopped at the first floor, when he just walked out as if nothing happened.

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