Chapter 47: The Next Generation

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"Hey, Spencer?" I called from the bedroom.

He rushed in, "What's wrong? What do you need?"

"I just need you to zip me up, it's not an emergency," I laughed, turning around so he could access the zipper.

"Oh, right, yeah," he chuckled and quickly zipped me up, resting his hands on my hips, "You look beautiful."

I turned and kissed him, "Thank you, darling. We really should get going."

"Are you sure we can't get out of it?" He whined, kissing me again.

"Spencer, it's a dinner at Hotch's house, it's not that big of a deal." I sighed, turning around, "Besides, Henry's going to be there, he'd love to see you."

He smiled, "Okay, you can't play that card, it's not fair."

"It's totally fair! You get to hang out with Henry and Jack, you don't have to be an adult." I kissed him, "My adorable baby."

He blushed, "Fine, let's go."

I took his hand and grabbed my purse, kissing him one more time before we walked out the door. I drove with one hand on his thigh, it was a short drive to Aaron's house. I parked and took Spencer's hand as we walked to the door. I knocked. We heard hushed voices, footsteps, and the door opened, revealing Jack's beaming face.

"Hey, Jack!" I smiled and knelt down to high-five him, "How are you, buddy?"

"I'm good!" He high fived me, then waved excitedly to Spencer, "Hi!"

"'Sup, Jack?" Spencer grinned.

"Hey, you two," Aaron walked to the door, "How are you?"

"Good, thanks for having us over," I stood and gave him a hug.

"Of course!" He gave Spencer a hug, too, then welcomed us in, "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Just water for us," I said, "Thanks."

Hotch nodded, pouring us glasses of water, "Everyone else should be arriving soon, make yourself comfortable."

"Reid, can I show you what I'm making?" Jack was practically jumping with excitement.

Spencer glanced up at me, and I just smiled and nodded.

"Sure, buddy, lead the way!" He said, walking off with Jack.

I smiled at Hotch, who nodded with a knowing smile.

"How are you, Aaron?" I asked.

He sighed, leaning against the counter, "About as well as can be expected. The case load is shitty."

"You know you can always send any cases to me, I'm happy to do a little extra work if it means you can relax." I reminded him, "Don't stress yourself out unnecessarily."

"I'll try," Hotch smiled gratefully.

The doorbell rang again and Hotch stood, opening the door to reveal JJ, Will, and Henry. I smiled and waved as they walked in.

"Hey, how are you?" JJ asked, giving me a hug.

"Good, you?" I asked.

"Pretty good," she smiled. "Henry, why don't you go find Jack?"

Henry nodded and ran further into the house to seek out Jack and Spencer.

"Hi, Will!" I waved, "How are you?"

"I'm alright, good to let Henry be someone else's problem for a night," he said, words drawling. "By the way, I heard you're expecting, congrats."

I unconsciously ran one hand over my torso. I wasn't even showing yet. "Yeah, it's kind of scary, but it's happening."

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